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Dichotomous Keys
Characteristics of Keys
• “Numbered” on left
• Each number has an “a” and ‘b” associated with it
• Each “a” and “b” statement for one number are
opposing statements about some observable
characteristic of the organisms (usually not
• “Go to” directions or the identified “species name” to
the rignt
• There are always one fewer numbers on the left than
there are species to identify
General Organism
1. Number of Cells
Unicellular or Multicellular
2. Whether they have a cell nucleus
Prokaryotes – without nucleus
Eukaryote – with a nucleus
3. Manner of acquiring energy
Autotroph – self feeder
Heterotroph – feed off others
4. Whether cell walls are present or not
5 Kingdom Dichotomous Key
A. Organism is composed of one cell (unicellular)
Go to 2
B. Organism is composed of more than one cell (multicellular)
Go to 3
5 Kingdom Dichotomous Key
A. Organism is composed of one cell (unicellular)
Go to 2
B. Organism is composed of more than one cell (multicellular)
Go to 3
A. Organism has a cell lacking a nucleus (prokaryote)
K. Monera
B. Organism has a cell with a nucleus (eukaryote)
K. Protista
5 Kingdom Dichotomous Key
A. Organism is composed of one cell (unicellular)
Go to 2
B. Organism is composed of more than one cell (multicellular)
Go to 3
A. Organism has a cell lacking a nucleus (prokaryote)
K. Monera
B. Organism has a cell with a nucleus (eukaryote)
K. Protista
A. Organism produces it own food (autotroph)
K. Plantae
B. Organism has to acquire it food (heterotroph)
Go to 4
5 Kingdom Dichotomous Key
A. Organism is composed of one cell (unicellular)
Go to 2
B. Organism is composed of more than one cell (multicellular)
Go to 3
A. Organism has a cell lacking a nucleus (prokaryote)
K. Monera
B. Organism has a cell with a nucleus (eukaryote)
K. Protista
A. Organism produces it own food (autotroph)
K. Plantae
B. Organism has to acquire it food (heterotroph)
Go to 4
A. Organism’s cells are surrounded by cell walls
K. Fungi
B. Organism’s cells are not surrounded by cell walls
K. Animalia