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Heredity and Genetics
What is Heredity?
Heredity is the passing on of traits or characteristics
from one generation to the next.
It is the reason why offspring look like their parents.
It also explains why cats always give birth to kittens and
never puppies.
The process of heredity occurs among all
living things including animals, plants,
bacteria, protists and fungi.
What is Genetics?
The study of heredity is called genetics,
and scientists that study heredity are
called geneticists.
What are Traits?
Through heredity, living things inherit traits from
their parents.
 Traits are physical characteristics.
 You resemble your parents because you inherited
your hair and skin color, nose shape, height, and
other traits from them.
What are Acquired Traits
Living things can also acquire
Acquired traits cannot be
passed on genetically from
parents to offspring.
Acquired traits include
things like calluses on
fingers, larger muscles from
exercise, scars, pierced
ears, missing teeth, the
ability to read, or use tools
to build a house.
How do you Inherit Traits?
Cells are the basic
unit of structure
and function of all
living things.
 Tiny structures
inside each cell
called genes carry
traits, like hair
color, from one
generation to the
What are Chromosomes?
Genes are made of
a chemical called
 Genes are strung
together to form
long chains of DNA
in structures called
What are Genes?
Genes are like
blueprints for building
a house, except that
they carry the plans
for building cells,
tissues, organs, and
 They have the
instructions for
making us the way
we are.
Differences in genes cause individuals to
have different inherited traits such as eye
color, hair color or blood types.
How do Genes Work?
A gene gives the
possibility for the
development of a trait,
depending on how the
gene interacts with other
genes, and how the
environment interacts
with the gene.
For example, a person
may have a genetic
tendency toward being
overweight, but the
person's actual weight
will depend on
environmental factors like
the amount and kinds of
food the person eats and
how much exercise the
person gets.