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What is a theory?
 A widely accepted explanatory idea that is broad in scope and
supported by a large body of evidence.
What is evolution?
 History of defining evolution:
 About 2,500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Anaximander
 promoted the idea that life arose in water and that simpler forms of life
preceded more complex ones.
 The Greek philosopher Aristotle
 generally held that species are fixed, or permanent, and do not evolve.
 Judeo-Christian culture
 fortified this idea with a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis, holding
that all species were individually designed by a divine creator.
 The idea that all living species are static in form and inhabit an Earth
that is most about 6,000 years old dominated the intellectual and
cultural climate of the Western world for centuries.
What is evolution?
 History of defining evolution:
 Carl Linneaus (18th century)–
 The father of taxonomy.
 Used binomial nomenclature, came up with the
hierarchical classification theme, used visible characteristics to
classify plants and animals.
 Thomas Malthus (18th – 19th century):
 Attempedto justify the conditions of the poor by stating that
poverty and starvation were merely a consequence of
What is evolution?
 History of defining evolution:
 Lamarck (18th – 19th century) –
 First to publish a reasoned theory of evolution: A) the idea of use and
disuse B) inheritance of acquired characteristics
 Lyell (19th century) –
 natural processes form geological formations over a long period of time,
erosion and other forces that shape rocks are very slow processes that take
millions of years, so the earth must be older than previously believed.
 Wallace (19th – 20th century):
 theory of evolution by natural selection almost identical to Darwin’s
 Darwin (19th-modern times)
 Developed the currently accepted theory of evolution by natural selection
What is evolution?
 History of evolution (continued):
 In the early 1800s, French naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck suggested that the
best explanation for this relationship of fossils to current organisms is that life
 Today, we remember Lamarck mainly for his erroneous view of how species
 He proposed that by using or not using its body parts, an individual may develop
certain traits that it passes on to its offspring.
 Larmarck’s idea is known as the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
 He suggested, for instance, that the ancestors of the giraffe had lengthened their
necks by stretching higher and higher into the trees to reach leaves.
 Although his ideas were incorrect, he helped to set the stage for Darwin by
strongly advocating evolution and by proposing that species evolve as a result of
interactions with their environment.
What is evolution?
Charles Darwin
What is evolution?
 Charles Darwin:
 Born in 1809, the same year that Lamarck published some of his ideas on evolution.
 In December 1831, at the age of 22, Darwin began a round-the-world sea voyage
that profoundly influenced his thinking and eventually the thinking of the entire
He accompanied the captain of the HMS Beagle, a surveying ship, on a mission to
chart poorly known stretches of the South American coastline.
Darwin actually spent most of his time onshore, collecting thousands of specimens
of fossils and living plants and animals.
He noted the unique adaptations of these South American organisms in places as
different as the Brazilian jungle, the grasslands of the pampas, and the frigid
He asked himself why fossils of the South American continent were more similar to
modern South American species than to fossils of other continents.
What is evolution?
 Charles Darwin (continued):
 Other questions arose from Darwin’s visit to the Galapagos Islands.
 Darwin observed that these islands had many unique organisms,
most of which were similar to, but different from, the plants and
animals of the nearest mainland.
 Even the individual islands had some species that differed from those
on other islands.
 Referring to the islands and their unique inhabitants, he later wrote,
“Both in space and time, we seem to be brought somewhat near to
that great fact—that mystery of mysteries—the first appearance of
new beings on the earth.”
What is evolution?
 Charles Darwin (continued):
 While on the voyage, Darwin read and was strongly influenced by the
recently published Principles of Geology, by Scottish geologist
Charles Lyell.
 Lyell’s work led Darwin to realize that natural forces gradually
change Earth’s surface and that these forces are still operating in
modern times.
 Darwin had collected fossils of marine snails in the Andes. Having
read Lyell’s book and witnessed an earthquake that raised part of the
coastline of Chile almost a meter, he came to believe that slow,
natural processes such as the growth of mountains as a result of
earthquakes, could account for the presence of marine snails on
What is evolution?
 Charles Darwin (continued):
 Upon Darwin’s return to Great Britain after his voyage, his experiences and reading
had led him to doubt seriously that Earth and living organisms were unchangeable
and had been specially created only a few thousand years earlier.
 He analyzed his collections, discussed them with colleagues, continued to read, and
maintained extensive journals of his observations, studies, and thoughts.
 By the early 1840s, he had composed a long essay describing the major features of
his theory of evolution. He realized that his ideas would cause a social furor,
however, and he delayed publishing his essay.
 In the mid 1850s, Wallace conceived a theory almost identical to Darwin’s. He
asked Darwin to evaluate the manuscript he had written about his theory to see
if it merited publication.
 In 1858, two of Darwin’s colleagues presented Wallace’s paper and excerpts of
Darwin’s earlier essay together to the scientific community.
What is evolution?
 Charles Darwin (continued):
 He published his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859.
 He presented the world with an avalanche of evidence and a strong, logical argument
for evolution. He also described his theory of natural selection, an explanation of
how evolution occurs.
 In the first edition of his book, Darwin did not actually use the word evolved until
the very end, referring instead to descent with modification.
 This phrase summarized Darwin’s view of life: he perceived a unity among
species, with all organism related through descent from an ancestor that lived in
the remote past.
 As the descendants of that ancestor spread into various habitats over millions of
years, they accumulated diverse modifications, or adaptations, that
accommodated them to diverse ways of life.
 The history of life seemed to resemble a tree, with multiple branchings from a
common trunk to the tips of the twigs.
 At each fork of the evolutionary tree is an ancestor common to all lines of
descent branching from that fork.
 Species that are closely related share many characteristics because their lineage
of common descent extends to the smallest branches of the tree of life.
 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is based on several key observations and inferences:
 1. Overproduction of offspring
 Populations produce too many offspring, many must die.
 2. Struggle for existence
 Food, water, and other resources are limited; organisms compete with one another
for these resources
 3. Variation
 Individuals exhibit variation in a population and have a unique set of traits, and these
traits get passed on from one generation to the next.
 Some of these traits will improve their chance for survival while others are less
 4. Differential reproduction
 Within a varied population, individuals whose characteristics adapt them best to
their environment are most likely to survive and reproduce; these individuals thus
tend to leave more offspring than less fit individuals do.
 Reproduction is central to what Darwin saw as the basic mechanism of evolution,
the process he called natural selection.
 Means by which the environment filters variations, favoring some over others.
 Allows for a gradual change in characteristics of a population of organisms overtime
1. Overproduction of offspring
Populations produce too many
offspring, many must die
2. Struggle for existence
Food, water, and other resources are
limited; organisms compete with
one another for these resources
 3. Variation
 Individuals exhibit variation in a population
and have a unique set of traits, and these traits
get passed on from one generation to the
 Some of these traits will improve their chance
for survival while others are less favorable.
 4. Differential
 Within a varied population, individuals whose characteristics
adapt them best to their environment are most likely to
survive and reproduce; these individuals thus tend to leave
more offspring than less fit individuals do.
 Reproduction is central to what Darwin saw as the basic
mechanism of evolution, the process he called natural
 Means by which the environment filters variations, favoring
some over others.
 Allows for a gradual change in characteristics of a population
of organisms overtime
Artificial Selection
 Darwin found convincing evidence for his ideas in the results of
artificial selection, the selective breeding of domesticated
plants and animals.
 He saw that by selecting individuals with the desired traits as
breeding stock, humans were playing the role of the environment
and bringing about differential reproduction.
 They were, in fact, modifying species.
 Darwin reasoned that if so much change could be achieved in a
relatively short period of time by artificial selection, then over
hundreds or thousands of generations natural selection should be
able to modify species considerably.
 Such changes could account for the evolution of new species.
Evidence of Evolution
 Darwin developed his theory of descent with modification
mainly with evidence from the geographic distribution of
species, examples of artificial selection, and the fossil record.
His careful documentation convinced many of the scientists
of his day that organisms do indeed evolve.
1. Fossil record
2. Biogeography
3. Comparative anatomy
4. Comparative embryology
5. Molecular biology
Evidence of Evolution
 1. Fossil record
 The fossil record—the ordered array in
which fossils appear within layers of
sedimentary rock—provides some of the
strongest evidence of evolution.
 Younger strata are on top of older ones;
thus, the relative ages of fossils can be
determined by the layers in which they
are found.
Evidence of Evolution
Evidence of Evolution
 2. Biogeography
Darwin noted that Galapagos animals
resembled species of the South American
mainland more than they resembled
animals on similar but distant islands.
Evidence of Evolution
 3. Comparative Anatomy
 Homologous structures are features that often
have different functions but are structurally
similar because of common ancestry.
 For example, the same skeletal elements make
up the forelimbs of humans, cats, whales, and
bats, all of which are mammals. However, the
functions of these forelimbs differ.
Evidence of Evolution
Evidence of Evolution
 3. Comparative Anatomy (continued)
 Some of the most interesting homologous
structures are vestigial organs,
structures of marginal, if any, importance
to the organism.
 Appendix, tonsils, tailbone, wisdom teeth
Evidence of Evolution
 4. Comparative Embryology
 Comparison of the early stages of
 For example, pharyngeal pouches develop
into gills in fishes, but into parts of the ears
and throats in humans.
Evidence of Evolution
Evidence of Evolution
 5. Molecular Biology
 Recent advances in molecular biology have enabled biologists to read a molecular
history of evolution in the DNA sequences of organisms.
 If two species have genes with sequences that match closely, biologists conclude that
these sequences must have been inherited from a relatively recent common ancestor.
 In contrast, the greater the number of sequence differences between species, the less
likely they share a close common ancestor.
 Molecular comparisons between diverse organisms have allowed biologists to
develop hypotheses about the evolutionary divergence of major branches on the tree
of life.
 Studies of the amino acid sequences of similar (homologous) proteins in different
species have been a rich source of data about evolutionary relationships.
 By comparing the amino acid sequence of hemoglobin, the following hypothesis
was made about evolutionary relationships: Rhesus monkeys are much more closely
related to humans that are lampreys; mice, chickens, and frogs fall in between.
 This hypothesis agrees with conclusions from comparative anatomy and
embryology, along with fossil evidence.
Evidence of Evolution
 5. Molecular Biology (continued)
 There is also evidence showing that most (if not all) multicellular
eukaryotes have similar genes regulating their early development.
 The logical explanation is that these genes first arose in a common
 Darwin’s boldest hypothesis is that all life-forms are related.
 Molecular biology has provided strong evidence for it: All forms of life use
DNA and RNA, and the genetic code is essentially universal.
 This genetic language has been passed along through all the branches of
evolution ever since its beginnings in an early form of life.
Convergent Evolution, Divergent
Evolution, Coevolution
 Convergent evolution
 Unrelated species evolve similar traits independently of one
 The wing is a classic example of convergent evolution in action.
Flying insects, birds, and bats have all evolved the capacity of
flight independently. They have "converged" on this useful trait.
 This is called an analogous structure (structures that are similar
in function, different in structure, not from a recent common
Convergent Evolution, Divergent
Evolution, Coevolution
 Divergent evolution
 Species that come from a common ancestor that become more
and more dissimilar as they evolve.
 Example- Darwin’s finches
 leads to homologous structures (structures derived from a more
recent common ancestor; similar in structure but differ in
Convergent Evolution, Divergent
Evolution, Coevolution
 Coevolution
 Two species evolve simultaneously
 Example, a plant and animal that pollinates it
Natural Selection in Action
 Many cases of natural selection in nature have been documented.
 A classic example involves finches in the Galapagos Islands
over a period of 20 years.
 The research of scientists showed measurable changes in in beak size
in a population of ground finches.
 In dry years, when small seed are in short supply, birds must eat
more large seeds. Birds with larger, stronger beaks have a feeding
advantage and greater reproductive success, and the average beak
depth for the population increases.
 During wet years, smaller beaks are more efficient for eating the
now abundant small seeds, and the average beak depth decreases.
Natural Selection in Action
Natural Selection in Action
 Evolution in pesticide resistance in hundreds of insect species.
 Whenever a new type of pesticide is used to control agricultural
pests, a relatively small amount of poison dusted onto a crop may
kill 99% of the insects, but subsequent sprayings are less and less
 The few survivors of the first pesticide wave are insects with
genes that somehow enabled them to resist chemical attack. So,
the poison kills most members of the population, leaving the
resistant individuals to reproduce and pass the genes for pesticide
resistance to their offspring.
 The proportion of pesticide-resistant individuals increases in each
Natural Selection in Action
 Antibiotics Resistance
 In the same way that pesticides select for resistant insects,
antibiotics select for resistant bacteria.
 For nearly every antibiotic that has been developed, a resistant
strain of bacterium has appeared within a few decades.
 For example, some strains of the tuberculosis-causing bacterium
are now resistant to all three of the antibiotics commonly used
to treat the disease.
Genetic Variation- Where does it come
 Individual variation occurs in populations of all species that reproduce
 Fresh assortments of existing alleles arise every generation from
three random components of sexual recombination: crossing over,
independent assortment of homologous chromosomes, and random
 Mutation is the ultimate source of the genetic variation that serves as
raw material for evolution.
 Mutations are changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA that can
create new alleles.
 Most mutations occur in body cells and are lost when the individual
 Only mutations in cells that produce gametes can be passed to
offspring and potentially affect a population’s gene pool.
How Does Evolution Work?
 Populations (group of organisms that belong to the same
species) change over time and evolve, not individual
organisms (unlike Lamarck’s idea)
 Mutations (small changes in the nucleotide sequence of
DNA) result in new traits and increasing variation in the
 One mutation alone usually does not change the population,
however, beneficial mutations can change the population
How Does Evolution Work?
 Genetic drift – change in the allele frequency in a
population based on chance; tends to reduce genetic
 Founder effect – small group of organisms move away from
the main population and give rise to a new population
 Bottleneck effect – after a natural disaster, a small group of
organisms with different characteristics survive
How Does Evolution Work?
 Gene flow –
 movement of organisms from one population to another
 Natural selection – (this is already familiar)
 Nonrandom mating/ Sexual Selection –
 Choosing a mate!
 For example: males with the largest or most colorful
adornments are often most attractive to females.
 May pose some risks male birds with flashy colors may be more visible
to predators; but every time a female chooses a mate based on certain
appearance or behavior, she perpetuates the alleles that caused her to
make that choice and allows a male with a particular phenotype to
perpetuate his alleles.
How Does Evolution Work?
Modern Evolutionary Theory
 Several scientists improved on Darwin’s theory and this
improvement is still going on.
 Today we explain the reasons for evolution with mutations,
changes in DNA and sexual reproduction.
 Evolution is closely related to genetics.
 Genetic change that occurs in population or species over
generations is ultimately what provides the means to transform
life on Earth
 it is through heritable changes that we have Earth’s diversity of