Karma - Hinduism Today
... and enjoyment of life. Karma as a Cosmic Building Block To the rishi seers, karma appeared with such fundamental force and substantive reality that they perceived it as one of the thirty-six primary evolutes of form, called tattvas, which range from Parashakti, pure consciousness, to prithivi tattva ...
... and enjoyment of life. Karma as a Cosmic Building Block To the rishi seers, karma appeared with such fundamental force and substantive reality that they perceived it as one of the thirty-six primary evolutes of form, called tattvas, which range from Parashakti, pure consciousness, to prithivi tattva ...
From: prabhu To: cyriljohn@vsnl
... To learn about Yoga, at first I avoided classes and went to a local bookstore. I wasn’t ready to squeeze into Yoga pants. The first paperback I purchased, chosen almost at random, was full of helpful photos of postures along with explanations and commentary. It explained what Yoga “yokes” or “binds” ...
... To learn about Yoga, at first I avoided classes and went to a local bookstore. I wasn’t ready to squeeze into Yoga pants. The first paperback I purchased, chosen almost at random, was full of helpful photos of postures along with explanations and commentary. It explained what Yoga “yokes” or “binds” ...
the yoga boom: a call for christian discernment part 1: yoga in its
... “not painful” thoughts as well. This entire process of prakriti manifesting as the world and then returning to its unmanifest state was believed to recur on an eternal, cyclical basis, and it later, within a pantheistic philosophical system, became known as “the Days and Nights of Brahman.” Indeed, ...
... “not painful” thoughts as well. This entire process of prakriti manifesting as the world and then returning to its unmanifest state was believed to recur on an eternal, cyclical basis, and it later, within a pantheistic philosophical system, became known as “the Days and Nights of Brahman.” Indeed, ...
memorandum - Hindu American Foundation
... Page 152, “The Vedas”: current text, “The oldest of the Vedas, the Rigveda, was probably written before 1000 BC.” Replace with, “The oldest of the Vedas, the Rigveda, was redacted in the form it is known to this day by 1500 BC.” ...
... Page 152, “The Vedas”: current text, “The oldest of the Vedas, the Rigveda, was probably written before 1000 BC.” Replace with, “The oldest of the Vedas, the Rigveda, was redacted in the form it is known to this day by 1500 BC.” ...
Veblen and Darwinism
... Any evolutionary science . . . is a close-knit body of theory. It is a theory of a process, of an unfolding sequence . . . of cumulative causation. The great deserts of the evolutionist leaders . . . lie . . . in their having shown how this colorless impersonal sequence of cause and effect can be ma ...
... Any evolutionary science . . . is a close-knit body of theory. It is a theory of a process, of an unfolding sequence . . . of cumulative causation. The great deserts of the evolutionist leaders . . . lie . . . in their having shown how this colorless impersonal sequence of cause and effect can be ma ...
Haeckel: legacy of fraud to popularise evolution
... been written, I should probably never have completed it. Almost all the conclusions at which I have arrived I find confirmed by this naturalist, whose knowledge on many points is much fuller than mine.’ The dogmatic demagogue of the continental Europe ...
... been written, I should probably never have completed it. Almost all the conclusions at which I have arrived I find confirmed by this naturalist, whose knowledge on many points is much fuller than mine.’ The dogmatic demagogue of the continental Europe ...
Lakshmi - www.BahaiStudies.net
... that even the king of gods, Devendra, gained wealth, when he was cursed by the famous sage Dhurvasa for disrespecting the garland offered to him. Mahalakshmi is said to exist in several other forms. The most famous amongst them are Sridevi, Bhoodevi, and Neeladevi. The famous Vaishnavite saint Aanda ...
... that even the king of gods, Devendra, gained wealth, when he was cursed by the famous sage Dhurvasa for disrespecting the garland offered to him. Mahalakshmi is said to exist in several other forms. The most famous amongst them are Sridevi, Bhoodevi, and Neeladevi. The famous Vaishnavite saint Aanda ...
Yoga‟s Spiritual Roots
... everlasting peace, abundance and Eternal Truth seekers (sages, rishis, yogis) according to archeologists‟ findings. Yoga appears to be part of this lifestyle, however was discovered only 6000 years ago. Many claim that Yoga is primordial. It has existed whenever and wherever human beings in their se ...
... everlasting peace, abundance and Eternal Truth seekers (sages, rishis, yogis) according to archeologists‟ findings. Yoga appears to be part of this lifestyle, however was discovered only 6000 years ago. Many claim that Yoga is primordial. It has existed whenever and wherever human beings in their se ...
Peirce`s evolutionary pragmatic idealism - Deep Blue
... so that cognition takes place entirely in consciousness. This question is not easy to understand, because Peirce does not state the philosophical position he is criticizing, nor is it easy to recognize the position from his criticisms of it. He is criticizing the epistemology of Kant's Critique of P ...
... so that cognition takes place entirely in consciousness. This question is not easy to understand, because Peirce does not state the philosophical position he is criticizing, nor is it easy to recognize the position from his criticisms of it. He is criticizing the epistemology of Kant's Critique of P ...
... Observations on Zanclus cornutus were performed by LORENZ in his big reef tank in Altenberg (Northwest of Vienna) on 760 days, mainly in the afternoons, from April 1976 to September 1980. LORENZ’s manuscript covers April 1976 to August 1977. The 1978 experimental introductions of new fish were repor ...
... Observations on Zanclus cornutus were performed by LORENZ in his big reef tank in Altenberg (Northwest of Vienna) on 760 days, mainly in the afternoons, from April 1976 to September 1980. LORENZ’s manuscript covers April 1976 to August 1977. The 1978 experimental introductions of new fish were repor ...
Summary Study of Bhagavad-gita As It Is
... who bluntly refused. When the Pandavas reduced their demands to a mere 5 villages, Duryodhana swore that he would not give them as much land as the space on the tip of a needle. Arjuna and his brothers prepared for war to restore the rightful monarchy, as was their duty. Yudhisthira was the eldest o ...
... who bluntly refused. When the Pandavas reduced their demands to a mere 5 villages, Duryodhana swore that he would not give them as much land as the space on the tip of a needle. Arjuna and his brothers prepared for war to restore the rightful monarchy, as was their duty. Yudhisthira was the eldest o ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS - rnarayanaswami.net
... The quest to learn about ourselves and the world we live in is ever present – from the people of the earliest days, those that lived in the stone age, to the modern day persons of highly evolved intellectuals. Surely, the same quest will extend far into the future: who we are, what is the Universe o ...
... The quest to learn about ourselves and the world we live in is ever present – from the people of the earliest days, those that lived in the stone age, to the modern day persons of highly evolved intellectuals. Surely, the same quest will extend far into the future: who we are, what is the Universe o ...
ורהה - www.BahaiStudies.net
... faints, sinking a little in the primordial ocean. Vishnu again acquires the form of Varaha and rescues her, reinstating her in her original position above the waters.[11] Some scriptures state that Bhudevi gives birth to Varaha’s Since Hiranyaksha had not included the boar in the list son, an asura ...
... faints, sinking a little in the primordial ocean. Vishnu again acquires the form of Varaha and rescues her, reinstating her in her original position above the waters.[11] Some scriptures state that Bhudevi gives birth to Varaha’s Since Hiranyaksha had not included the boar in the list son, an asura ...
Session 4 – Yoga and TM
... means “Eight step in Sanskrit”) By doing the eight steps, a person can “stop the world and get off” This is described in the Sanskrit phrase “Cittevritta-Mrodha” (The stoppage of the mental and physical) The first steps of Yoga are called Hatha Yoga (which are physical disciplines to prepare yoursel ...
... means “Eight step in Sanskrit”) By doing the eight steps, a person can “stop the world and get off” This is described in the Sanskrit phrase “Cittevritta-Mrodha” (The stoppage of the mental and physical) The first steps of Yoga are called Hatha Yoga (which are physical disciplines to prepare yoursel ...
... approximation to the actual process of biological evolution, Chaitin points to the second one. Scenarios a) and c) are rejected, but for different reasons. The first one does not convey evolutionary processes well enough, since creating a descendant with a higher fitness would last too long and would n ...
... approximation to the actual process of biological evolution, Chaitin points to the second one. Scenarios a) and c) are rejected, but for different reasons. The first one does not convey evolutionary processes well enough, since creating a descendant with a higher fitness would last too long and would n ...
discernment: the message of the bhagavad-gita
... for the war that is the central event of the Mahabharata is 1302 BCE, but most historians assign it a later date. The best scholarly evidence indicates that the earliest layers of the epic were composed between 2500 and 3000 years ago. The oldest preserved parts of the text are not thought to be app ...
... for the war that is the central event of the Mahabharata is 1302 BCE, but most historians assign it a later date. The best scholarly evidence indicates that the earliest layers of the epic were composed between 2500 and 3000 years ago. The oldest preserved parts of the text are not thought to be app ...
Bully for Brontosaurus - A Website About Stephen Jay Gould`s
... Gould usually tries to avoid the use of analogies between biological evolution and cultural or technological evolution, he begins. The latter proceed by mechanisms that are essentially Lamarckian (“inheritance of acquired characters”), accounting for their much greater rate of change, while the form ...
... Gould usually tries to avoid the use of analogies between biological evolution and cultural or technological evolution, he begins. The latter proceed by mechanisms that are essentially Lamarckian (“inheritance of acquired characters”), accounting for their much greater rate of change, while the form ...
Shiva - the Ascetic God
... named Rudra - the lord of songs, sacrifices, nourishment, the healer of diseases and the provider of property. The Vishnu Purana (religious Hindu text) describes the origin of Lord Shiva. It says that Brahma was initially unsuccessful in his attempts of creation. He meditated for a child, after whic ...
... named Rudra - the lord of songs, sacrifices, nourishment, the healer of diseases and the provider of property. The Vishnu Purana (religious Hindu text) describes the origin of Lord Shiva. It says that Brahma was initially unsuccessful in his attempts of creation. He meditated for a child, after whic ...
Sacred Symbols - Himalayan Academy
... and attests to wedded love. A sign with a truck silhouette on an angled line warns drivers of steep grades ahead. The red cross signifies aid in crises. Golden arches tell vegans to beware. The best known symbols are simple numerals: 0 through 9, which originated in India in the ancient Brahmi scrip ...
... and attests to wedded love. A sign with a truck silhouette on an angled line warns drivers of steep grades ahead. The red cross signifies aid in crises. Golden arches tell vegans to beware. The best known symbols are simple numerals: 0 through 9, which originated in India in the ancient Brahmi scrip ...
Sacred Symbols - Hinduism Today
... and attests to wedded love. A sign with a truck silhouette on an angled line warns drivers of steep grades ahead. The red cross signifies aid in crises. Golden arches tell vegans to beware. The best known symbols are simple numerals: 0 through 9, which originated in India in the ancient Brahmi scrip ...
... and attests to wedded love. A sign with a truck silhouette on an angled line warns drivers of steep grades ahead. The red cross signifies aid in crises. Golden arches tell vegans to beware. The best known symbols are simple numerals: 0 through 9, which originated in India in the ancient Brahmi scrip ...
Ganesha - Hinduism Today
... hardly relevant to devotees. To them Ganesha is a real, benign presence, not an abstraction. He is the Lord of Beginnings. No work can succeed that does not start with a prayer of appeal of help to this kindly Deity. Whether or not Ganesha was a sectarian God in the past, he is almost universally wo ...
... hardly relevant to devotees. To them Ganesha is a real, benign presence, not an abstraction. He is the Lord of Beginnings. No work can succeed that does not start with a prayer of appeal of help to this kindly Deity. Whether or not Ganesha was a sectarian God in the past, he is almost universally wo ...
Evolution of Ethics in the Island of Doctor Moreau and Heart of
... of Doctor Moreau and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, published in 1896 and 1899 respectively. Wells’s and Conrad’s novellas navigate the territory of being human that had been recharted by evolution earlier in the century. Evolution is popularly conceived to be synonymous with Charles Darwin, yet ...
... of Doctor Moreau and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, published in 1896 and 1899 respectively. Wells’s and Conrad’s novellas navigate the territory of being human that had been recharted by evolution earlier in the century. Evolution is popularly conceived to be synonymous with Charles Darwin, yet ...
Margulis L - Jason G. Goldman
... that end, most of her professional career has been spent documenting cases of symbiogenesis in the natural world, and fighting against the prevailing view that random mutation and competition for resources are the central drivers of biological novelty and thus evolutionary change. Margulis’s work on ...
... that end, most of her professional career has been spent documenting cases of symbiogenesis in the natural world, and fighting against the prevailing view that random mutation and competition for resources are the central drivers of biological novelty and thus evolutionary change. Margulis’s work on ...
Hen`s Teeth and Horse`s Toes
... which is the more relevant to this essay, is that the Designer’s goodness can also be proven by observing his Creation: the world is beautiful, and nature is in balance. But if God is benevolent and the Creation displays His goodness, then why is the animal world full of pain, suffering, and apparen ...
... which is the more relevant to this essay, is that the Designer’s goodness can also be proven by observing his Creation: the world is beautiful, and nature is in balance. But if God is benevolent and the Creation displays His goodness, then why is the animal world full of pain, suffering, and apparen ...
מוקהלינגה ﻣوﺧﺎﻟﯾﻧﺟﺎ - www.BahaiStudies.net
... scribed in the Agamas and the Tantras.[1] These sculp- Shiva are carved generally from the ear onwards, emergtured lingas fall under the classification of manusha- ing from the linga.[10] linga (“man-made lingas”), the other category being Swayambhu or naturally occurring lingas.[1] A manushalinga ha ...
... scribed in the Agamas and the Tantras.[1] These sculp- Shiva are carved generally from the ear onwards, emergtured lingas fall under the classification of manusha- ing from the linga.[10] linga (“man-made lingas”), the other category being Swayambhu or naturally occurring lingas.[1] A manushalinga ha ...