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Chapter 15 Study Guide 15.1 Know what a theory is and how scientists use it to describe a broad range of observations. Know who Darwin was, the voyage he took and what he did. 15.2 Know who Hutton, Lyell, Malthus, Lamarck, Darwin, and Wallace are and what they contributed to the theory of evolution. 15.3 Why did Darwin publish the Origin of Species? Know what artificial selection is. Know what the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is including terms such as survival of the fittest, fitness, adaptations, struggle for existence, variation, natural selection, descent with modification and common descent. Know and be able to explain the five lines of evidence that support evolution. DARWIN’S THEORY OF EVOLUTION (SUMMARY) 1. Variation exists 2. Some variations are better than others 3. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive 4. Organisms compete for limited resources. 5. Species today are modified forms of ancient species. 6. All life on earth is related. REVIEW THE GREEN PRACTICE TEST……………..