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Download Learning Task – Darwinian Evolution
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Name: _______________ Date: _______________ Period: _______________ Learning Task – Darwinian Evolution In order to satisfactorily complete this unit, devise a way that will help you gain knowledge and understanding about the following: Vocabulary evolution theory artificial selection common descent struggle for existence fossil natural selection adaptation natural variation vestigal organ homologous structure fitness survival of the fittest Objectives Describe the pattern Darwin observed amongst organisms of the Galapagos Islands. State how Hutton & Lyell described geologic change. Identify how Lamarck thought species evolve. Describe Malthus’s theory of population growth. Explain how natural variation is related to species fitness. Describe evidence Darwin used to present his theory of evolution. State Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. My plan to meet the objectives above is ________________________________________________________________ My goal is to earn a rubric score of ________. 1 – I remember learning it, but not very well 2 – I sort of understand it, especially with help 3 – I understand it 4 – I can explain it to someone else so well they would understand it