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Identify the conclusions drawn by Hutton
& Lyell about Earth’s history
Describe Lamarck’s hypothesis of
Describe Malthus’s view of population
Explain the role of inherited variation in
artificial selection.
• 1800’s –most thought the Earth
was only a few thousand years old
• Geologists Hutton and Lyell
proved processes that shaped
Earth are the same processes that
exist today
• Hutton proposed “deep time” idea
• Lyell proposed uniformitarianism,
laws of nature constant over time
• Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
• French Naturalist
• 1st to say species change
• Formed two hypotheses:
1. Organisms can change by selective
use and disuse of body parts
2. Individuals
could pass
acquired traits
to offspring,
causing change
of species over
- Inheritance of
He was wrong.(Evolution does
NOT have a predetermined
path= random)
• Thomas Malthus
• 1798 essay
• said birth rate in humans
exceeds death rate --leads to
Eggs from a
Horseshoe Crab
• read by Darwin and helped
form mechanism of evolution
Ex: Organisms may lay an over abundance of
eggs knowing that only a few may survive to
• selective breeding of plants
or animals for a desired trait
• ex: farmers select traits in
crops and livestock
•ex: Darwin breed pigeons at
his own home