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Name ___________________________________________ Date _____________ Period _____
Evolution Notes
Directions: Use your text and/or class notes to answer the following questions.
1. Define “evolution.”
2. The expression “evolutionary theory” refers to two different sets of ideas. What are these
two sets of ideas and how are they different?
3. With respect to evolution, what do biologists agree on and what do they disagree on?
4. What is the function of a “theory” in science? Is this how the term is used by your
average person on the street?
5. Identify at least two major observations/predictions made by evolution (understood as
descent with modification).
6. What assumptions did Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) make in developing his theory
of evolution through inheritance of acquired characteristics?
7. Identify at least two predictions made by Lamarck’s theory. (Predictions based on a
hypothesis/theory can be stated in an if . . . then format. Use this format in writing these
8. Were these predictions confirmed? Is Lamarck’s theory of evolution through inheritance
of acquired characteristics supported by the evidence?
9. What argument did Thomas Malthus make in his Essay on the Principle of Population,
10. What idea did Charles Darwin develop based on his reading of Malthus?
11. What assumption did Charles Lyell (1797-1875) make in his study of Geology?
12. What was Lyell’s theory called and to what theory was it offered as an alternative?
13. How did Lyell’s argument influence Darwin’s thoughts on evolution by natural
14. Summarize the process of natural selection.
15. How can you determine if two members of a population are also members of the same
16. Define “fitness.”
17. What is an “adaptation”?
18. Identify 3 types of adaptation and give an example of each.
19. Do individuals evolve?
20. What do we call the branch of biology that studies gene pools and their changes?
21. Complete the following table:
22. Identify three causes of variation among members of a species.
23. Explain the difference between an organism’s “genotype” and its “phenotype.”
24. Archaeopteryx is an intermediate fossil form that indicates birds probably evolved from
which major group of animals? Explain.
25. What are “homologous structures”? Give an example.
26. What are “analogous structures”? Give an example.
27. Explain what “vestigial structures” are. Give examples.
28. What does comparative embryology study? What can it contribute to our understanding
of evolution?
29. What does comparative genetics study? What can it contribute to our understanding of
30. Define “speciation.”
31. Explain how geographic isolation causes speciation.
32. Explain what “reproductive isolation” is and the role that it plays in the process of
33. What is “genetic drift?”
34. What is “adaptive radiation?” List the three conditions that must exist in order for
adaptive radiation to occur.
35. What is “convergent evolution?” Give examples.
36. Compare and contrast “gradualism” and “punctuated equilibrium.”