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Name: __________________
Review: Evolution
LS 1: Summarize Theories of Evolution
1. a. Who developed the Theory of Acquired Characteristics?
b. What was the basic idea behind this theory?
2. Give an example of why the Theory of Acquired Characteristics is incorrect.
3. a. Where did Charles Darwin do most of his research?
b. What was the name of the book he wrote?
c. What was the name of the ship which he traveled aboard?
4. Thoroughly explain the theory of natural selection.
For questions 5-8, fill in the blanks of the 4 statements of natural selection:
5. Organisms produce________________________________________________.
6._____________________ exist within populations.
7. There is competition for _______________________________________.
8. __________________ selects organisms with _______________________.
9. Why is Lamarck’s theory not believed today?
10. Why is Darwin’s theory still believed today? What support is there?
11. Using a stick bug as your example. Explain how both Lamarck and Darwin would justify how
a stick but came to look the way it does.
LS 2: Explain the Process of Natural Selection
1. Explain the theory of Natural Selection using the “VISTA” acronym.
In the video (Voyage to the Galapagos), Alan Alda
visited 4 different types of organisms that live in the
Galapagos Islands. Explain how Darwin’s finches help
to support the theory of natural selection ~ USE
LS3: Use Evidence to Support Common Ancestry
1. Name and describe the 5 types of fossils involved in showing evidence for
2. Explain how fossils are used to show evidence for evolution.
3. Describe and provide an example of each type of structure that is used as
evidence of evolution.
4. Explain how the number of differences in the DNA between two organisms
identifies organisms that are closely related?
Match each of the following terms with the best description.
____ 5. functionless structures that were once functional in ancestors A. DNA similarities
____6. tailbone in humans and eyes in blind cave-dwelling fish
B. homologous
____7. human and gorilla hemoglobin differ by one amino acid
C. vestigial structures
____8. features that serve identical functions but have different
D. analogous structures
E. embryological
____9. early development of most vertebrates look the same
____10. # of differences is proportional to length of time since
2 species shared common ancestor
____11. wings of hummingbird and wings of a humming moth are examples
____12. forelimbs of eagle, horse, bat, crocodile, and human are examples
____13. structures that have different functions but similar structures