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Future prospective of Global warming on Invertebrates and vertebrates. A Review.
Shashi Jaswant
Department of zoology, Christ Church College Kanpur.
AbstractIncreased concentration of the gases like corbon di oxide, methane and clorofloro carbon
increase the earth temperature because they absorb radiation and re-emit it towards earth surface.
Incerased temperature causes various ecological alterations in our ecosystem which affect the
survival of invertebrate and vertebrates by spreading the disease and other physiological
changes. All the serious consequences of global warming also affect the biodiversity of
invertebrate and vertebrate which may create the ecological imbalance.
Keywords- Corbon di oxide, Tempreature, radiation, biodiversity, ecological imbalance.
Introduction –
Future warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the
globe(soloman,2007).The effects of an increase in global temperature include a rise in sea levels
and a change in the amount and pattern of precipitation, as well a probable expansion of
subtropical deserts(Lu et .al ,2007). Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and scientists
are more than 90% certain that it is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse
gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation (IPCC,
2007). There is now a critical need to test the consequences of ocean acidification on
ecologically and commercially important benthic invertebrates at climate-relevant CO2 levels
under warming conditions (Wang, 2014).
Global warming and InvertebratesBenthic marine invertebrates live in a multistressor world where stressor levels are, and will
continue to be, exacerbated by global warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and
these changes are causing the oceans to warm, decrease in pH, become hypercapnic, and to
become less saturated in carbonate minerals (Byrne and Przeslawski ,2013). The different
components of climate change (e.g. temperature, hydrology and atmospheric composition) not
only affect multiple levels of biological organization, but they may also interact with the many
other stressors to which fresh waters are exposed (Woodward et al., 2010). Invertebrates affect
many ecosystem services and are also highly responsive to climate change. However, there is
still a basic lack of understanding of the direct and indirect paths by which invertebrates
influence ecosystem services, as well as how climate change will affect those ecosystem services
by altering invertebrate populations (Prather et al., 2013). The existence of a causal link between
positive thermal anomalies and observed invertebrate mass mortalities in the Mediterranean Sea,
invoking focused mitigation initiatives in sensitive areas (Rivetti et al., 2014). The effect of the
temperature rise and the climate change will surely alter epidemiological aspects of some
infectious diseases, it is extremely important for veterinarians and public health that some
diseases have altered in their epidemiological aspects and distribution ( Wieliczko, and
Staroniewicz , 2010.). Climate change (global warming) may also be contributing to the increase
in previously rare protozoan infections now being seen in temperate regions (Curry , 2004).
Coral bleaching and other diseases of corals have increased dramatically during the last few
decades. As outbreaks of these diseases are highly correlated with increased sea-water
temperature, one of the consequences of global warming will probably be mass destruction of
coral reefs (Rosenberg and Ben-Haim, 2002). Coral reefs across the world have been seriously
degraded and have a bleak future in response to predicted global warming and ocean
acidification (Bell et al., 2013). Climate change and ocean acidification, fuelled by the release of
anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, impact the physico-chemical dynamics of the
ocean (Fillinger, 2013). Lower seawater pH may increase boring rates of C. celata in shellfish,
with potentially severe implications for wild and farmed shellfish populations (Duckworth and
Peterson, 2012).
Global warming and VertebratesMeynecke (2004) studied effects of global climate change on geographic distributions of
vertebrates in North Queensland. He suggest that even species with currently wide climatic
ranges may become vulnerable. Species distribution area decreased by more than 50% on
average. Analyses of Deutsch et al.(2008) revealed that, in absence of ameliorating factors
such as migration and adaptation, the greatest extinction risks from global warming may be in
the tropics, where biological diversity is also greatest. Declines of some amphibian populations
have been correlated with climate events and indirect effect of climate change has also been
observed on the initiation of breeding activities of some amphibian (Carey and Alexander, 2003).
Among vertebrates, In fishes, Shoji et al. (2011) reported that Changes in growth rates, shifts in
the spawning season, and shifts in the spawning area (latitude) are expected after an increase in
sea temperature resulting from global warming. Analyses of McCain (2010) points out that
stronger temperature effect for reptiles over birds, bats and terrestrial small mammals. This may
suggest that reptiles will also respond to increasing temperatures and aridity differently than
birds and mammals. Burns et al,(2003) points out that global climate change, brought about by
rising levels of greenhouse gases, threatens to alter the geographic distribution of many habitats
and their component species. Current empirical and theoretical ecological results suggest that
many species could be at risk from global warming, during the recent ice ages surprisingly few
species became extinct ( Botkin et al. 2007). Global warming will increase the prevalence of
fungal diseases in mammals (Garcia-Solache and Casadevall, 2010).
ConclusionGases emited from industry and other resources, altered the natural gaseous concentration of the
environment. Corbon emission is the main causative agent of global warming. To save our
ecological integrity and biodiversity by adverse effect of global warming, it is necessary to
reduce the corbon emission on global level.
ReferencesSolomon et al., Technical Summary, Section TS.5.3: Regional-Scale Projections, in IPCC AR4
WG1 2007.
Lu, Jian; Vechhi, Gabriel A.; Reichler, Thomas (2007). "Expansion of the Hadley cell under
Bibcode:2007GeoRL..3406805L. doi:10.1029/2006GL028443.
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