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1. Mental health therapies that involve prescribed drugs or other procedures that act directly on
a patient's nervous system are
a. cognitive therapies
b. behavioral therapies
c. psychotherapies
d. exposure therapies
e. biomedical therapies
2. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are the ____ of inappropriate behaviors, and negative
symptoms are the ____ of appropriate behaviors.
a. reduction; absence
b. presence; absence
c. presence; presence
d. absence; absence
e. decrease; increase
3. Dr. Byrne is a clinical psychologist who often uses operant conditioning techniques to treat
her clients. She also encourages them to modify their thought patterns, and on occasion she
interprets their transference behaviors. Dr. Byrne's therapeutic approach would best be
described as
a. client-centered
b. meta-analytic
c. psychoanalytic
d. behavioral
e. eclectic
4. Free association involves the
a. expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier relationships.
b. therapeutic interpretation of a client's unconscious conflicts.
c. repeated association of a relaxed state with anxiety-arousing stimuli.
d. uncensored reporting of any thoughts that come to mind.
e. replacement of a negative response to a harmless stimulus with a positive response.
5. Lynn has begun to buy small gifts for her therapist, and she feels extremely jealous of the time
he spends with his other patients. To a psychoanalyst, this is most indicative of
a. the placebo effect
b. unconditional positive regard
c. transference
d. therapeutic touch
e. free association
6. Freud is to ________ as Rogers is to ________.
a. psychoanalysis; counterconditioning
b. free association; active listening
c. dream analysis; systematic desensitization
d. active listening; empathy
e. unconditional positive regard; transference
7. Humanistic therapists are most likely to
a. encourage clients to carefully observe the consequences of their maladaptive behaviors.
b. focus special attention on clients' positive and negative feelings toward their therapists.
c. emphasize the importance of self-awareness for psychological adjustment.
d. use a wide variety of psychological theories and therapeutic methods.
e. help clients identify a hierarchy of anxiety-arousing experiences.
8. An important feature of client-centered therapy is
a. interpretation
b. systematic desensitization
c. transference
d. free association
e. active listening
9. Of the following individuals, who is most likely to benefit from therapeutic drugs that block
receptor sites for dopamine?
a. Amir, who complains about feeling tense and fearful most of the time but doesn't know
b. Matthew, who feels hopeless and lethargic after losing his job
c. Betsy, who hears imaginary voices telling her she will soon be killed
d. Marcella, who is so obsessed with fear of a heart attack that she frequently counts her
heartbeats aloud
e. John Carl, who feels he has to wash his hands three times every hour
10. SSRIs are prescribed to
a. reduce involuntary muscle movements.
b. reduce hallucinations and paranoia.
c. elevate arousal and mood.
d. decrease the availability of norepinephrine.
e. decrease the availability of serotonin.
11. Lithium is often an effective ________ drug.
a. antipsychotic
b. antianxiety
c. antidepressant
d. mood-stabilizing
e. dual-action
12. Donna danced into a party and immediately became the center of attention. With sweeping
gestures of her arms and dramatic displays of emotion, she boasted about her career as a
performer in a traveling circus group. During a private conversation, a friend inquired about the
rumors that she was having some difficulties in her marriage. In an outburst of anger, she
denied any problems and claimed that her marriage was “as wonderful and charming as ever.”
Donna suffers from
a. avoidant personality disorder
b. histrionic personality disorder
c. antisocial personality disorder
d. borderline personality disorder
e. dissociative identity disorder
13. Which of the following treatments is most likely to be used only with severely depressed
a. psychoanalysis
b. drug therapy
c. systematic desensitization
d. electroconvulsive therapy
e. stress inoculation training
14. According to the medical model, psychological disorders are
a. sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and cured.
b. maladaptive responses to a troubling environment.
c. purely imaginary symptoms of distress.
d. learned habits that need to be extinguished.
e. unhealthy patterns of cognition.
15. One of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia is
a. an expressionless face
b. loud and meaningless talking
c. inappropriate laughter
d. uncontrollable outbursts of rage
e. feelings of supreme importance and paranoia
16. Gladys is extremely sensitive to criticism and has a consistent, pervasive pattern of social
inhibition and feelings of social inadequacy. She prefers to stay at home and read books rather
than be around other people. Gladys is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage ín
any new activities because they may prove embarrassing. She may be diagnosed with
a. major unipolar depression
b. generalized anxiety disorder
c. avoidant personality disorder
d. somatization disorder
e. dissociative fugue
17. Dr. McIntosh emphasizes that depression often involves the interactive influences of selffocused rumination, rejection from others, and low serotonin and norepinephrine levels. Dr.
McIntosh’s emphasis best illustrates
a. the medical model
b. the learning perspective
c. linkage analysis
d. a biopsychosocial approach
e. psychoanalytic theory
18. Symptoms of withdrawal following the disappearance of hallucinations and delusions are
most indicative of ____ schizophrenia.
a. catatonic
b. disorganized
c. residual
d. paranoid
e. somatoform
19. After Rishi learned that Mrs. Min suffered from schizophrenia, he mistakenly concluded that
her tendencies to laugh easily and smile frequently were symptoms of her disorder. This best
a. unreliability of the DSM-IV
b. shortcomings of the medical model
c. biasing power of diagnostic labels
d. dangers of the biopsychosocial approach
e. impact of expectations on another’s behavior
20. Alexis is socially withdrawn and has few close friends. This behavior is most likely to be
diagnosed as a symptom of psychological disorder if it is
a. also noticeable in other members of her family
b. preventing her from functioning effectively
c. not caused by a biological disorder
d. difficult for her to change
e. she refuses to be treated
21. Luke has many symptoms of schizophrenia but they are not sufficiently formed or specific
enough to be classified as a certain subtype. Luke probably suffers from
a. bipolar disorder
b. dysthymia
c. somatization disorder
d. catatonic schizophrenia
e. undifferentiated schizophrenia
22. Candace suffers from schizophrenia and does not express any emotional reactions to the
world around her. This is known as
a. catatonia
b. flat (blunted) affect
c. mania
d. compulsion
e. delusion
23. A middle-aged woman did not return from a shopping trip one day and was not found until
the police located her in another city three months later. Formerly a small business owner, she
was working as a server in a restaurant using a different name. She had rented an apartment
and was engaged to be married. This behavior is an example of
a. bipolar disorder
b. somatization
c. disorganized schizophrenia
d. histrionic personality
e. dissociative fugue
24. It seems as though your friend Tamara is always suffering from a physical ailment. One
month she was suffering from migraines, the next month it was severe stomach cramps, and the
following month it was arthritic pain. While her symptoms are real, doctors have found no
physiological reason for them. It is possible that Tamara has
a. conversion disorder
b. dependent personality
c. borderline personality
d. somatization disorder
e. dissociative identity disorder
25. Those with an avoidant personality disorder are most likely to display
a. a lack of guilt feelings
b. a grandiose sense of self-importance
c. hypersensitivity to rejection
d. a chronically depressed mood
e. shallow, attention-getting behaviors
26. At the thought of being in a place from which escape might be difficult, such as an athletic
stadium or shopping mall, Simon experiences a sudden increase in heart rate, breathing, and
trembling. Simon most likely suffers from
a. antisocial personality
b. paranoid schizophrenia
c. posttraumatic stress disorder
d. agoraphobia
e. hypochondriasis
27. Oliver brushes his teeth 18 times a day. Each time, he uses exactly 83 strokes up and 83
strokes down. After he eats, he must brush twice with two different brands of toothpaste. Oliver
suffers from
a. panic disorder
b. obsessive compulsive disorder
c. borderline personality
d. bipolar disorder
e. depersonalization disorder
28. In which type of disorder is a person's speech likely to be so full of unrelated words and
phrases that it could be characterized as a “word salad”?
a. panic disorder
b. obsessive-compulsive disorder
c. schizophrenia
d. dissociative disorder
e. somatoform
29. A lack of conscience is most characteristic of those who have a(n) ________ disorder.
a. dissociative
b. antisocial personality
c. dysthymic
d. generalized anxiety
e. obsessive-compulsive
30. The belief that predispositions to mental illness may occur if environmental stressors are
present illustrates the
a. medical model
b. DSM classification
c. humanistic approach
d. diathesis-stress model
e. psychotherapeutic perspective