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Abnormal Behavior
Behavior that is - M.A.U.D.
1. Maladaptive - Inability to reach goals - Adapt to life
- Disrupts social groups
2. Atypical - outside the range of “normal” human
behavior, which is defined by the culture or
3. Unjustifiable - Behaviors that aren't seen as
possible, believable, or supportable.
4. Disturbing - Disturbing others - depends on the
situation: mass killing is heroic during war but insane
during peacetime. Homicidal terrorists are called
freedom fighters by some and murderers by others,
depending on the perspective.
- 25% of people can be diagnosed w/ a condition at
least once during the year.
Histrionic Personality Disorder - Excessive emotionality and
attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and
inappropriately seductive behavior, usually beginning in early
adulthood. These individuals are lively, dramatic, vivacious,
enthusiastic, and flirtatious.
Panic Disorder - Anxiety that strikes suddenly wreaks havoc
and then disappears - a panic attack is a minutes long episode
that includes the belief that something terrible is going to
happen - Can cause heart palpitations, shortness of breath,
trembling or dizziness - 1 in 75 people has this disorder
Phobias - Anxiety is focused on a specific object
activity or situation - Irrational behavior that disturb
Clowns – Joeyphobia
Being Alone - MonophobiaNeedles - Belonphobia
Being Dirty - Automysophobia
Spiders - Arechnophia
Semen - Spermatophobia
Vomiting - Emetophobia
Homosexuals - Homophobia
Satan - Satanphobia
God - Theophobia
Alcohol - Potophobia
Work - Ergophobia
The Fear of peanut butter
sticking to the roof of your
mouth - Arachibutyrophobia
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Obsessed with
senseless or offensive thoughts that won't go away People may clean, hoard or order
- There is a fine line between normal and a
disorder - Washing ones hands is normal doing it
until the skin is raw is not
Mood Disorders
1. Depressive Disorder - Depression (lethargy,
feelings of worthlessness or loss of interest in
family, friends, and activities) lasts on an average for
two weeks w/out any notable cause
- #1 reason people seek mental health services
With or without therapy episodes of major depression
usually end and people temporarily or permanently
return to previous behavior patterns
2. Bipolar Disorder - Opposite emotional extremes
from manic episodes euphoric, hyperactive wildly
optimistic to depression
- Can lead to grandiose optimism, spending sprees
and/or unsafe sex
Schizophrenia - Literally means split mind - It means a split from reality - disorganized
thinking, disturbed perception and inappropriate
behaviors - 1% of people will develop this
Subtypes of Schizophrenia
1. Paranoid - Preoccupation with delusions or
2. Disorganized - Disorganized speech or behavior or
flat or inappropriate emotion
3. Catatonic - Immobility extreme negativism
and or parrot like repeating of another's speech or
4. Undifferentiated - Many and varied symptoms
5. Residual - Withdrawal, after hallucinations and
delusion have disappeared