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ExNoRa’s incredible
‘Climate Change Changers’
ExNoRa International
30-D Engineer Sampath Garden
Ph. No.: 098400 34900
044 24757070, 43556585
[email protected]
Our Planet is presently facing two Major setbacks
The Climate Change is adversely affecting every living being on the
surface of our Planet.
The prevailing market scenario is adversely curtailing the job opportunities
of the educated unemployed youth of the country.
ExNoRa International has a single answer for this twin fold problem through its novel initiative,
‘Climate Change Changers’ SCHEME
Helping people to mitigate the most serious Global Problem - Global Warming!
1. Combat Climate Change through-‘Climate Change Changers’
Reduce Carbon Foot-print of citizens Individually & Collectively to the
required levels. To develop individuals recruited as ‘CCC’ into
Environmental Catalysts and Climate Guardians who will tirelessly
campaign among the people of the area allotted to them on saving our
Planet from peril and motivate them to ACT! They will spread the
fragrance of the beautiful message of , ‘Voluntary Sacrifice’, to mitigate Climate Change .CCC will
introduce to the people the Home ExNoRa concept
( & guide them to “Do Domestically” to fight
Global warming in their respective home. They carry forth Social
Mobilisation which will be converted as Social Capital.
Helping people to solve their local problems
2.Realising Clean & Green surroundings through ‘Climate Change
People will collectively keep their streets and neighbourhood
spotlessly clean and lushly green through the efforts of
"Climate Change Changers" who will act as Change Makers.
In the ancient times, whenever the monsoons failed,
the farmers used to starve. The Kings used to
undertake public works like digging ponds and laying
roads by farmers and pay them wages from the
exchequer, to save them from starvation. The people
got food and the country got public amenities. Today
we have no kings. But the Corporates who do great
Community Service under their
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
are requested to fill this vacuum and render the service of
supporting the "Climate Change Changers" who are on the
most sacred mission of saving our Planet and will be a real
Climate Guardians. The support can be part of the Corporates
CSR as well as
Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER)
a new terminology coined by ExNoRa. The youth as
"Climate Change Changers" will earn their livelihood
and people will get a Safer World.
Employees’ Individual Social Responsibility
Citizen Individual Social Responsibility
Yes individuals join as a group of 10 to 20
share the monthly fellowship of a
“Climate Change Changers”
by each sharing the contribution . The
burden will be negligible. It will save the
burden of Mother Earth & of course the
youth employed as “CCC”
The mission is to employ thousands of
young unemployed graduates as
ExNoRa’s ‘Climate Change Changers’
1. The ‘Climate Change Changers’
will act as Climate Guardians and will propagate
“Voluntary Sacrifice” as well as MITIGATION of
the problems caused by Climate Change.
2. They will guide and train people to transform
their area Clean & Green.
3.The ‘Climate Change Changers’
will also solve another problem, their
“Within 10 years the planet will become uninhabitable” Mr. Al Gore in 2007
“The advent of changes in global climate signals that we are now living beyond
the Earth's capacity to absorb a major waste product" -Anthony McMichael
“We are about a couple of decades away from being ecologically and
economically bankrupt because of global warming” Sam Erickson
“As you get more global warming, you should see an increase in the extremes of
the hydrological cycle- droughts and floods and heavy precipitation”
James E. Hansen, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies
“We should be treating, I think, the whole issue of climate change and global
warming with a far greater degree of priority than I think is happening now”
Prince Charles
“All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man,
increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly
putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is
real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly
new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster” Barack Obama
“Absent the rapid mobilization of climate advocates at every level -- and the
pooling of all their energy, creativity, and resources into a coordinated, noholds-barred campaign -- we will soon be crossing the threshold into climate
hell”. Ross Gelbspan
•Melting of Glaciers & Ice Mountains as a natural cause of the
drastic increase in the atmospheric temperature will become the
reason for colossal flooding of land. Flooding, Inundation &
erosion of coastal area will be there due to the rise in the sea levels.
The coastal areas may even cease to exist. Even when the sea water
recede, the land and water will become unusable as they will become
saline. It will affect coastal agriculture, fisheries, and aquaculture,
fresh water sources and human Settlements (Atmosphere Warming)
•Cyclones and hurricanes are becoming more furious, stronger,
violent , virulent and volatile than before due to getting charged by
seas which have become warmer and is expected to take heavy toll
of life and property of people. (Wind Warming due to Sea Warming)
•Heat Waves will destroy human, animal, sea and plant life. Heat
waves will cause heat related epidemics (Wind Warming). Due to soil
warming the Ground Water level will go down.
•Frequent Forest Fires due to excess heat will lead to destruction of
certain species, loss of green cover and smoke pollution
• Drought will be yet another consequence of the increase in
temperature. There will be steep fall in agricultural and sea food
production due to Global Warming (Soil Warming & Sea Warming).
Tropical Forests and Grass Lands will disappear. Barren lands will
increase steeply.
• Death of Rivers is another expected serious consequence. The
availability of water in the rivers will decrease. The rivers which depend
on for water from Ice Mountains will die.
• Desertification will be continuous. While sizable land will be engulfed
by sea water, there will also be a loss of usable land due to
desertification. Deserts will grow due to excess heat produced by
Global Warming. (Soil Warming). This will also be a cause for loss of
cultivable land.
• Hunger due to reduction in Agricultural and Sea Food Production will
be unavoidable.
• Violence and crimes will be the order of the day due to hunger and
• Civil Wars will break out between a new tribe, Environmental Refugees
and the local inhabitants.
Global Warming includes
•Atmosphere Warming
•Soil Warming
•Sea Warming
• Wind Warming
Drastic increase in
temperature speeding up the
melting of ice caps, glaciers &
ice mountains
which in turn will lead to
increase in sea level
which will eventually result in
coastal areas submerging.
Tropical Forests & Grass Lands will disappear Cereals yields will
decline, Ground water level will go down and heat will increase
steeply leading to spreading of heat related diseases
• Environmental Catastrophes have become the order
of the day . You saw under “Do you know?” that the
Planet’s future hangs in balance. Among other
problems the most serious threat is Global Warming.
There is a very urgent need on the part of the
Nations of the world to cut down carbon emissions .
The rulers are not likely do that. In a way they are
justified. There is unemployment everywhere.
Economies are sagging.
The only answer for the Nations is to increase the
industrial activity to overcome economic problems.
Governments are political and most of them are
democratically elected Governments. They have to
take care of their citizens and their welfare . In such
a “never before bad situation”, issues related
to Environment take the back seat.
Then how to Cut Carbon Emissions ?
Industries are great and indeed contribute for
the welfare of the following as they
accountable to them.
The above categories of people demand.
But as Nature has no voice to demand, the
contribution to Mother Earth is often forgotten
Parent’s unconditional love for their children: Parents out
of love and affection for their children carry out unlimited
sacrifice. The 6 'P's that parents give or teach their child
from the day a child is born are as follows:
1st ‘P’ - Physical well being of the child (Health)
2nd‘P - Prayer (Fear in God – teach them how to pray?)
3rd ‘P’ - Pleasing manners (Etiquette / discipline)
4th ‘P’ - Pupilage (Education)
5th ‘P’ - Possessions (Wealth)
6th ‘P’ - Position (Post / occupation / employment)
But without the 7th 'P', providing the 6 'P's are of no
consequence. What is the 7th ‘P”?
7th 'P': Planet that is environmentally safe for the children to
It starts from a simple ACT of PLANTING trees to PROTECT the PLANET
(Environment). 99% of the parents don't do the 7th 'P' i.e. Protecting
Environment by saving energy, practising CONSERVATION, and even a
simple act like planting trees. Most of the parents do not involve themselves
in Planet Saving. The first 6 'P's are the individual responsibilities in which
most of the parents without doubt do their best and even excel.
Unfortunately the 7th 'P' happens to be a collective responsibility of
people. The parents think that SOMEBODY else will take care of the 7th 'P'.
The unfortunate situation is that the SOMEBODY also thinks the same way.
But the truth is that the SOMEBODY is NOBODY. Just the first 6 'P's will not
help children to survive in the absence of 7th 'P' which represents Protecting
Environment. The children when they grow will indeed need clean WATER
and AIR without which they cannot exist. Every parent and citizen should
take a pledge, “All Good Things Begin With Me” and ACT so. Saving the
Planet is the collective responsibility of the people and they should go all out
to do it. There come the different kinds of Voluntary Sacrifice listed here. The
parents can join and play an active role at least in doing a few of the
Voluntary Sacrifices, that too partially if not completely. The children on their
part should insist that the Parents provide the 7th ‘P’ first.
For centuries now, many nations have trained
young leaders to help, assure their national military
security. The many threats posed by global climate
change make it mandatory that we begin to train
our best young leaders to help assure our global
climate security. That is the goal of ExNoRa which
has brought a clean revolution in our Country.
ExNoRa intends to do this on a vast scale, each
year training hundreds of thousands of talented
men and women from all nations to empower the
ExNoRa has proved itself in the exercise of involving people
and enlisting their participation for the past two decades. Now
the organisation is doing its best to set a trend for emulation,
a model that will model .
The Methodology: How will "Climate Change
Changers” act as Climate Guardians ?
ExNoRa is a conglomeration of service
organisations with more than 20 Associates & 200
Satellite Organisations, each specialising in a
particular sphere of environmental / social service
activity for e.g. Civic ExNoRa , Digital Literacy
ExNoRa, Water ExNoRa, Green Cross ExNoRa ,
Home ExNoRa, Safety ExNoRa, IT ExNoRa, etc.
All these satellite Organisations have leaders and
members and websites.
ExNoRa "Climate Change Changers" will essentially
be a bridge between people and these Knowledge
Organisations .
A discarded place with an abandoned toilet with shrubs,weeds & thorns,
misused as an open toilet got changed by the local ExNoRa, through
"Climate Change Changers" , VIZAG.
ExNoRa People’s Toilet & (see left) Zero Waste center
Vizag, Andhra Pradesh ExNoRa
Godown Street Before work by "Climate Change Changers" , Parama
People Called “Godown” street as “Go Down” Street .
ExNoRa motivated the shop keepers & it became the “God
Own” street. It is no more a just “Go down” Street or “Go
Down” street but it is now “God Own” street. Attitude &
Action that matter .
The Main Service Task of
"Climate Change Changer"
• To promote & spread
ExNoRa’s Voluntary
• See
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “LEISURE”. Make your home
& street clean & enviro-friendly: &
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “COMMUNALISM” to
collectively fight the common enemies of humankind:
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “EXTRAVAGANZA” to
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “MEAT” Switch over to
vegetarianism & fight Global Warming:
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “SOLO TRANSPORT” &
observe “Transport Simplicity” & Safe Roads:
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “BRIBE” & work to end
"Pollution Corruption" & “Corruption Pollution”:
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “OIL COMSUMPTION” as Oil
Price will sky rocket due to Peak Oil:
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “HEART” to serve the poor &
needy - “6H”
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “IDENTITY” & Collaborate.
Form service organisations' coalition
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “EGO”. Be part of a WORLD of
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “TIME” .Volunteer & Steer the
Do Voluntary Sacrifice “DISBELIEF”, Pray: & if you are an atheist, tap brain power to influence the Collective
Prevent -Plastic Pollution Prevention P3 by M3
Our present CRUSADE against, Global Warming,
Our most successful “Cool the Globe Campaign”
ExNoRa for Trees:
Ngo Guardian tp protect the NGOs
ExNoRa Environmental Education and Research Institute “Make your home clean, green, envirofriendly & a paradise”
Make TEMPLES clean, green & enviro-friendly
Make churches Enviro-friendly
ExNoRa for Universities
For preservation & maintenance of water bodies
Use IT Medium, for propagation of the above messages
Digital Literacy ExNoRa:
Clean Beach ExNoRa:
Herbal ExNoRa:
Mosquito Musketeers:
Bamboo ExNoRa:
Solkar- ExNoRa Association :
The Methodology No. 2.
The whole process is achieved through an effective coalitions with
all environmental / community service organisations under the
name SCSC (Service Clubs Synergy Coalition) Through SCSC, the
"Climate Change Changers" get the help of all the Service Clubs
to the people
"Climate Change Changers" ensures effective coordination of the services
rendered by all the service organisations (e.g. Rotary , Lions , Round Table
, ExNoRa , Jaycees, Indian Red Cross) and make the same available in the
place he has been posted to serve.
•This system will also reduce duplication of work by Service Clubs and will
facilitate a planned action among and between the various Service Clubs
Service Clubs Synergy Coalition
8 Stigma
affecting the villages and
8 Sigma
Village Rejuvenation
Slum Stimulus
The problem?
Why focus is on Villages & Slums ?
The people particularly the farmers / farm workers
desert their villages and migrate to cities. Result their
villages become barren and the cities become hell due
to mushrooming of SLUMS. They go to cities due to 8
essentials ( 8 Sigma) which they don’t get in their village
. If they get the 8 Essentials (8 Sigma) for village
rejuvenation , they will happily stay in their villages and
the village will flourish and cities won’t suffer. By one
ACTION we can help both Cities & Villages. Further the
people in villages & slums suffer. They need our help .
Employment (Including self-employment)
Education (upgrading the standard)
Energy (Better health facilities)
Environment (Physical , Natural & Social)
Enhancement (Individual Development )
Existence (Survival Certainties )
Ethics (Adherence of Human Rights & other RIGHTS )
Entertainment (Encouragement & recognition of Rural Folk
& Fine Arts )
Lack of quality Health
Inadequate Physical , Natural & Social Environment
No scope for Individual Development
Survival question due to poverty , threats by nature &
Violation of Human Rights & other RIGHTS
Village looks dull with very less entertainment
The villagers desert their villages & migrate to cities
due to absence of one or more of above 8 essentials
Employment- Leader Organisation : Rotary
Education- Leader Organisation : Round Table
Energy (Health)- Leader Organisation: Lions
Environment (Physical, Natural & Social): Leader Organisation: ExNoRa
Enhancement (Individual Development ) Leader Organisation : Jaycees
Existence (Survival ) Leader Organisation : Indian Red Cross
Ethics (Human Rights Protection & RTI ) Leader Organisation :5th Pillar
Entertainment (Rural Folk & Fine Arts ) Leader Organisation :Sangamam
Though there will be a Leader Organisation in each town , for achieving one of the 8
sigmas, the Leader Organisation can find place in the other groups too. Other NGOs too
should find their place in one or more categories of service – the 8 Essentials – the 8 Sigma
"Climate Change Changers" can be sponsored by individuals , charitable
organizations and Corporate by making monthly payment of Rs. 7,750/to ExNoRa International . Rs 750/- will be retained by ExNoRa and spent
towards Training and Capacity Building as well as managing and
administrating the "Climate Change Changers" Set-up besides
monitoring their work and doing follow up . Individuals also can join as a
group and collectively contribute & help.
The training program will be from issuing certificate to giving diploma
EDLEM (ExNoRa Diploma in Local Environmental Management ) to the
"Climate Change Changers". The inputs will be on Environment , the
problems and the solutions , soft skills focusing on Individual
Development. Rs. 750/ will be kept with ExNoRa for administrative
expenses incurred.
The OPTIONS Galore
The place to be served by a "Climate Change Changers" can be
chosen by you (e.g. Your home town, the neighbourhood / village
near your Office / Industry)
The area to be served can be chosen by you e.g. Clean
The "Climate Change Changers" (Candidate) may be of your
choice. The candidate recommended by you will be fully trained by
ExNoRa before deputation.
The duration of sponsorship can be chosen by you with a
minimum of two years .
The sponsorship amount can be made available as one payment or
in monthly instalments.
The remittance made in favour of ExNoRa International Foundation
is entitled for 80 G exemption for contributors living in India. The
Foundation has FCRA clearance.
Types of "Climate Change Changers"
• "Climate Change Changers" Patrons: Those who
sponsor "Climate Change Changers".
• "Climate Change Changers" Joint Sponsors :
Those who collectively sponsor.
• Friend of "Climate Change Changers" : Those
who get sponsorship for ExNoRa "Climate Change
Changers" from others.
• Mentor of "Climate Change Changers" : Those
who mentor & guide.
• Guide of "Climate Change Changers" : Those
who work at ExNoRa International Head Quarters.
• Trainers of "Climate Change Changers" : Those
who provide Training to the "Climate Change
Changers" .
• ExNoRa "Climate Change Changers" Guides
at Head quarters , the Staff .
• Field ExNoRa "Climate Change Changers" ,
who work at Grass Root .
• ExNoRa "Climate Change Changers Cluster
Head” .
• Voluntary ExNoRa "Climate Change
Changers" those who are willing to render
honourary service without remuneration
particularly the Retired & the housewives .
Mrs. Lavanya M A (History)
Home state – Tamil Nadu
Mrs. Sathya BA (Economics)
Stenographer & Data Base Manager
Home state Karnataka
Ms. Gincy Susan Jose, MA, M.Phil. (Envtl. Econom
General Manager, Director
ExNoRa Environmental Research Institute - (EERI
Home state-Kerala
Mr. Narasinga Rao, B.A. (Psychology)
Coordinator, CORWA- ExNoRa
Home state – Andhra Pradesh
Mr. G. Appavu M.Sc., M.Ed.
President, Teachers ExNoRa
Home state- Tamil Nadu
Mr. Stalin.K.
President, LED ExNoRa
Home state – Tamil Nadu
R. S ridevi, B.Sc. (Plant Biology
PG Diploma in Bio-Tech)
Manager, Bamboo ExNoRa & Herbal ExNoRa
Home state - Tamil Nadu
Mr. Mathew Jose, B. Com.
Project Manager,
"Climate Change Changers"
Home state- Kerala
Ms. Supreetha, BBA
& PG Diploma in HR
HR Manager
Home State- Andhra Pradesh
Ms. Vasumathi M. Sc (Medical Sociology)
Director, EETI
ExNoRa Environmental Training Institute
Home State – Tamil Nadu
Ms. Jayanthi B.E.
Coordinator, EESO
ExNoRa Environmental Standard Organisation
Home State- Tamil Nadu
Mr. Mani B.E.
Web Designer
Home State- Tamil Nadu
Mr. Mohan B.E.
Web Designer
Home State – Tamil Nadu
Mr. Arunachalam B.E.
Coordinator, NGO Guardian
Home State – Tamil Nadu
Mr. Preetam Alex B.E., MBA
Events Coordinator
Mr. Jeeva , MCA
Graphic Designer
Home State – Tamil Nadu
• Launch of Digital Literacy ExNoRa inaugurated
by Dr M S Swaminathan
• 99999 Lights Out Campaign
• Launch of ExNoRa Environmental Standard
Organisation (EESO) with US Consul General
participating as the Chief Guest.
• Launch of Light a Home Solar ExNoRa by Mr
Farooq Abdullah , Union Minister
• Launch of Heart ExNoRa with Mr.M.K. Stalin,
Mr Anbhazagan, Mr.K.N.Nehru , AVM
Saravanan & Kamal Hassan participating as Chief
List of Events at Chennai
(99999 campaign)
August 27th,08-Launch of 99999 campaign
April 26th,09- Launch of 99999 campaign
May 27th,09- Biggest Newspaper Bag event
July 5th,09-Acceleration of 99999 Lights Out Campaign
July 25th,09- Kite flying
July 26th,-Pressmeet to release the events, poster
August 4th-Vriksha Raksha Bandan at Raj Bhawan with the
Governor participating as the chief Guest
August 5th Cycle rally wit Mayor, Vivek, Nalini Chidambaram ,
Swarnamalaya & many others participating
August 9thSand sculptors
August 22nd Traditional Tree parade with saplings
Pictures of 99999 Campaign
April 26th,09 Launch of 99999 Campaign
August 4thVriksha Raksha Bandan
August 5thCycle rally
August 9thSand sculptors
List of Events
August 23 -Roller skating
August 25th-Green Flag rally at Indian Bank Head Office with
S.Ve.Sekar, Director Vasanth,Carnatic Musician Sudha
ragunathan,Com.Venkatachalam,Dr.Chinni Krishnan,
Director.Balu Mahendra,Actor.Mounica,Nina Reddy,
Participating as a Chief Guest
August 27th-State level painting competition at Porur
August 29th-Human Plastic magnet
Sep 5th-Writing on the wall, press meet with Big F.M
Sep 8th-Pigeon Flying
Sep 9th-9 hours Drums by 12 year old kid at spencers plaza
Sep 9th-Students Chain wave
Sep 9th-Karapakkam Panchayat office
Sep 9th-Alandur Municipality
Sep 9th-Choolaimedu ExNoRa (Grand finale)
Sep 9th-Rippon Building
Pictures of 99999 Campaign
August 25thGreen Flag rally at AIBEAAugust 27th, Painting competition at Porur
Sep 9th 9 hours Drums by 12 year old kid at Spencer’s plaza
August 22ndTraditional Tree Sapling parade
Grand finale of 99999 campaign
Grand Finale of 99999 Campaign held at Rippon Building, on sep 9th,09
with the participation of stalwarts from various walks of life
Press News of the Grand
The Hindu, Sep 10th,09
The New Indian Express Sep 10th,09
Dhinakaran, Sep 10th,09
Different Places 99999
campaign took shape
• Pakistan – In one town by name Gujrat, more
than 17 lakh people switched off their lights
• Tamil Nadu – Huge Success (Covered all
sectors of people) at different districts like
• Kerala – Reached more than 3 lakh people
• Mumbai – Gained a Very large base of
• Delhi – Reached the maximum number of
people .
Supporters of 99999 campaign
Educational Partner- Velammal Educational
AIBEA – All India Bank Employee Association
Traders Association - Tha. Vellaiyan
Radio Partner – Big F.M
Television Partner – NDTV Hindu
Launch of EESO, June 30th,2009
EESO ExNoRa Environmental Standardisation Organisation was launched on June 30 th 2009,
at Anna University, in the presence of U.S Consul General Mr.Andrew T Simkin,
P Devanand, CEO, ExNoRa Environmental Certification Corporation.
Mr.M.B.Nirmal,Founder,EI, Ciaran Gillen, Managing Director, Biofuture Ltd.,
Launch of Light a home, Sep 7th,2009
"K 2 K Solar Lamp Distribution Programme" held on September 7th, 2009,
at Rani seethai Hall in the presence of Hon’ble Shri. Dr.Farooq Abdullah, Union Minister
for renewable energy.
Launch of Heart ExNoRa
Sep 27th, 2009
Heart ExNoRa Launch was held on Sep 27th,09 at Surgeons Association Centre,
in the presence of our Deputy Chief Minister Thiru M K Stalin.
Hon’ble Finance Minister K Anbazhagan,
Padma Shri Kamal Hassan, N Murali (the Hindu MD), Mr A V M Saravanan and
Thiru.S K M Mayilandantham
Achievements of 2009
• Lifebuoy Award - National Child Health award
- 2009 of Rs.51,000/- for exemplary work in
promoting physical environment.
• Give Life Marathon Award - ExNoRa
International has received Rs.10,000/- for best
Environmental message award.
Future Projects
• Launch of 5-10’s Campaign.
(Ten Tena Ten Tena Ten)
• Launch of EETI.
• Launch of "Climate Change Changers“.
• Launch of EEERI.
• Launch of e-Learning ExNoRa.
• Launch of Hospital ExNoRa.
• Launch of Herb ExNoRa.
Future collaborations
• Collaboration with AIBEA- All India
Bank Employee Association.
• Collaboration with Neel Metal Fanalca.
Future collaborations - Radio
• Big F.M
• Chennai Live
• Radio City
How to carry the message of “Voluntary
Sacrifice” forward?
Join our “Save the Planet Awareness Campaign”
Ten Tena Ten Tena Ten
Join 5 Tens Lights Out
Voluntarily sacrifice the use of Lights
for 10 Hours at 10 pm on 10/10/10
From now till 10/10/10,cut down your carbon
foot print by 20 %.Use ExNoRa Magic Log
book to measure your contribution in
cutting down your carbon footprint
The present major exciting & successful campaign
undertaken for propagation & implementation by
Climate Change Changers is Roof Top Vertical Horticulture
. This will solve many problems like
1. Reducing Global Warming
2. Increasing Food Production.
3. Reducing Poverty.
4. Increasing Job Opportunities.
5. Converting waste into wealth
6. Solving the problem of the Government in tackling solid
& liquid wastes
Welfare activities for Staff -Yoga
ExNoRa Environmental Training Institute –
View of the AC Training Hall
Herbal ExNoRa – Department &
Exhibition at 3rd Eye Office
Don’t worry about the monetary capital
which is scarce.
The "Climate Change
Changers" will use people
resource, through their
Community HRD programme
and accomplish Social
Mobilisation and convert the
same into Social Capital
"Climate Change Changers"
Dr Rayudu (Air ExNoRa)
Mr P N Dattary ( Sustainable Development)
Mr Dr A Kalanidhi (Energy)
Mrs Kamala Ravikumar (STEP)
Mr Natesan (Organic Farming)
Mr Indra Kumar (Home ExNoRa)
Mr Satish Bollu (Biodigester ExNoRa)
Mr Rajan Philip (Community Composting)
Mr T Vijayanand(Liquid Waste Management)
"Climate Change Changers"
required immediately
The CCC are required in ExNoRa Head Quarters
in the following areas.
• Ma (Promoting Communal Harmony)
• Principled Simplicity
• VegEdge
• Publication
• Content Writer
• Women Empowerment
• 5- tens Campaign
The most important support
Salary sponsorship for a single
"Climate Change Changers" is
Rs 7750/- per month as per
ExNoRa’s "Climate Change
Changers" Scheme
ExNoRa International
30- D, Engineer Sampath Garden
Behind Arihant Majestic Towers
Phone: 098400 34900
044-24757070, 044-43556585
[email protected] [email protected]