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Week 8:
Intro to Biology Lesson Plan
MS Framworks
Day 33: Monday 09/21/15
Obj: a. Differentiate b/t prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells; b. Distinguish b/t plant & animal eukaryotic cell structures. Identify &
describe the structure and basic functions of the major eukaryotic organelles. d. Explain the differences among tissues,
organs, & organ systems.
Bell Ringer: Wkst-Cell Acrostic Poem
Set: What are cells and why do we need them?
Take up/Reminders: 1. Don’t forget Current Events are DUE BY FRIDAY
2. Cell group project – Non-Edible Cell: Get your items for your group
Essential Voc:
Notes: Copy the plant cell and animal cell diagram into notes & Cell Theory
Video: Cells Video on
Activity: 1. Cells Wkst Packet
2. Discuss Non-Edible Cell project in class: Students are to construct a model of a plant or animal cell out of
non-edible items in their lab group & they will present for a test grade next week; They must explain the
function of each structure. Students will be given groups on Wednesday and meet to discuss items needed
for the project.
Closure: What are the 2 main types of cells and explain?
Evidence of Learning: All students will know 2 main types of cells and be able to explain each.
Differentiated Instruction: Monitor and adjust, modeling by teacher, large group, guided practice, individual learning
Day 34: Tuesday 09/22/15
Obj: a. Differentiate b/t prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells; b. Distinguish b/t plant & animal eukaryotic cell structures. Identify &
describe the structure and basic functions of the major eukaryotic organelles. d. Explain the differences among tissues,
organs, & organ systems.
Bell Ringer: Wkst-Cells Word Chop Wkst
Set: Are “cells alive”? What is their role in our bodies?
Take up/Reminders: 1. Don’t forget Current Events are DUE BY FRIDAY!
Essential Voc
Notes: Plant and Animal Cells/ Cells Alive-Internet Lesson Cell Theory
Video: N/A
Activity: 1. Cells Wkst Packet
Closure: What are the structures of a plant cell?
Evidence of Learning: All students will be able to label the structures of a plant cell.
Differentiated Instruction: Monitor and adjust, modeling by teacher, large group, guided practice, individual learning
Day35: Wednesday 09/23/15
Obj: a. Differentiate b/t prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells; b. Distinguish b/t plant & animal eukaryotic cell structures. Identify &
describe the structure and basic functions of the major eukaryotic organelles. d. Explain the differences among tissues,
organs, & organ systems.
Bell Ringer: Wkst-Comparing Plant & Animal Cells VENN Diagram
Set: Can we see a cell with our naked eye? How can we view a cell?
Take up/Reminders: 1. Don’t forget Current Events are DUE BY FRIDAY
Essential Voc:
Notes: Plant and Animal Cells / Cell Theory
Video: Greatest Discoveries with Bill Nye: Biology
Activity: 1. Cells Wkst Packet
2. Discuss Non-Edible Cell project in class: Students are to construct a model of a plant or animal cell out of
non-edible items in their lab group & they will present for a test grade next week; They must explain the
function of each structure. Students will be given groups on Wednesday and meet to discuss items needed
for the project.
Closure: What are the structures of an animal cell?
Evidence of Learning: 100% of students will be able to label the structures of an animal cell.
Differentiated Instruction: Monitor and adjust, modeling by teacher, large group, guided practice, individual learning
Day 36: Thursday 09/24/15
Obj: a. Differentiate b/t prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells; b. Distinguish b/t plant & animal eukaryotic cell structures. Identify &
describe the structure and basic functions of the major eukaryotic organelles. d. Explain the differences among tissues,
organs, & organ systems.
Bell Ringer: Wkst-Reading Comprehension Wkst: Cells
Set: What type of cell contains a cell wall? What does the cell wall do for plants? Why don't we have one?
Take up/Reminders: 1. Term Exam is soon!
3. All make-up work needs to be in by Friday of next week.
Essential Voc:
Notes: Plant and Animal Cells / Cell Theory
Video: If time cont. – “Inside a Cell”
Activity: 1. Extra grade - Construction Paper Plant and Animal Cells: Students will construct a plant and animal cell
out of construction paper (each organelle will be drawn and cut out of different color paper)
2. Cells Wkst Packet
3. Discuss Non-Edible Cell project in class: Students are to construct a model of a plant or animal cell out of
non-edible items in their lab group & they will present for a test grade next week; They must explain the
function of each structure. Students will be given groups on Wednesday and meet to discuss items needed
for the project.
Closure: What are the main differences between the plant and animal cells?
Evidence of Learning: All students will be able to identify the main differences between plant and animal cell structures.
Differentiated Instruction: Monitor and adjust, modeling by teacher, large group, guided practice, individual learning
Day 37: Friday 09/25/15
Obj: a. Differentiate b/t prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells; b. Distinguish b/t plant & animal eukaryotic cell structures. Identify &
describe the structure and basic functions of the major eukaryotic organelles. d. Explain the differences among tissues,
organs, & organ systems.
Bell Ringer: Wkst-Cells Word Search Wkst
Set: What was the first type of cell to be observed under the microscope and who and why gave the name “cell” to this?
Take up/Reminders: 1. Current Events DUE: TODAY
2. Term Exam is SOON!
3. All make-up work needs to be in by Friday of this next week.
Essential Voc:
Notes: Plant and Animal Cells
Video: If time cont. – “Inside a Cell”
Activity: 1. Extra grade - Construction Paper Plant and Animal Cells: Students will construct a plant and animal cell
out of construction paper (each organelle will be drawn and cut out of different color paper)
2. Cells Wkst Packet
3. Discuss Non-Edible Cell project in class: Students are to construct a model of a plant or animal cell out of
non-edible items in their lab group & they will present for a test grade next week; They must explain the
function of each structure. Students will be given groups on Wednesday and meet to discuss items needed
for the project.
4. Cell Analogies
Closure: Explain the comparison of a cell to a widget.
Evidence of Learning: All students will be able to compare a cell to a widget. (know the structures and their functions)
Differentiated Instruction: Monitor and adjust, modeling by teacher, large group, guided practice, individual learning