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Fuggles Activity
YEARS 8-12
1. construct models and simulations
2. describe the benefits and limitations of using models
3. describe and explain reproduction and heredity of organisms
Each cell in all living organisms contains hereditary information that
is encoded by a chemical called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is an extremely long molecule.
When this long, skinny DNA molecule is all coiled up and bunched together it is called a
chromosome. Each chromosome is a
separate piece of DNA, so a cell with eight chromosomes has eight long pieces of DNA. A gene is
a segment of the long DNA molecule. Different genes may be different length segments. Each
gene is a code for how a certain molecule can be made. The molecules produced by the genes
can generally be sorted into two different types: ones that run the chemical reactions in your body,
and ones that will be the structural components of your body. How an organism looks and
functions is a result of the cumulative effect of all the molecules.
The DNA in a cell will coil up to form chromosomes right before the cell is about to divide.
Otherwise, the DNA will be uncoiled and strung out all over the nucleus of the cell. DNA will also
copy itself for the process of cell division (mitosis or meiosis). A chromatid is one of two identical
copies of DNA making up a chromosome, for the process of cell division. After the chromatids of
the chromosome are split, they are referred to as daughter chromosomes.
Any organism that has “parents” has an even number of chromosomes, because half of the
chromosomes come from the “father” and the other half from the “mother.” For example, in plants,
a pollen grain is the “father’s” contribution and an ovule is the “mother’s” contribution. These two
cells combine to make a single cell which will grow into a seed (the offspring). Humans have 46
chromosomes. The chromosomes sort into 23 pairs. One chromosome in each of the 23 pairs is
from the person’s father, the other from the person’s mother.
Since chromosomes come in pairs, genes do too. One gene is located on one member of
chromosome pair, the other gene is in the same location on the opposite chromosome. The
location where the gene can be found on the chromosome is referred to as the gene locus. The
gene “pair” is technically referred to as a gene, as both members of the pair code for the same
trait. A gene could consist of a variety of different forms, but only two forms are ever present per
gene (one from the mother, the other from the father). The two different gene forms on the pair of
chromosomes may be identical or different. For example, the gene for tail shape of an animal
could be represented by a “T” form and a “t” form. These forms are arbitrarily represented by
capital and lower case letters. If both chromosomes have a “T” form, or both have a “t” form, the
gene is said to be homozygous (two of the same form). If one chromosome has a “T” form and the
other has a “t” form, the gene is said to be heterozygous (two different forms). The different forms
that comprise a gene are called alleles. Therefore, “T” and “t” are alleles for the tail shape gene.
© Harper, A., and Nickels, K. 2008. Queensland University of Technology.
YEARS 8-12
Fuggles Activity
In the case of the fuggle, the “T” for a black tail is a dominant variation and “t” for a green tail is the
recessive variation. This means that two “T”s (TT) or a “T” and a “t” (Tt) code for the same thing: a
black tail. If there is a small “t” on both chromosomes, the fuggle will have a green tail. (Most
people like to assign the capital letter to the dominant allele. This is purely an arbitrary
Now look at the decoder symbols for the nose colour gene. Notice that in this case, the
heterozygous condition (Nn) codes for a different nose colour variation (pink) than either of the
homozygous states (QQ = red, qq = yellow). This is an example of codominance.
Many people mistakenly believe that a dominant allele (“T” in the tail shape example) is the most
prevalent form or that the dominant allele can switch off or mask the recessive allele. Actually, all
dominance refers to is what the heterozygous combination codes for. If it codes for one of the
homozygotes, that variation is dominant. If it codes for a variation that is different than either
homozygous state, then that variation is co-dominant. (Soderberg, 1991.)
8 paper ‘chromosomes’
Supply of connective tissue (toothpicks or PVA glue)
Supply of large parts for body (e.g. egg cups, marshmallows)
Supply of antennae (e.g. pipe cleaners, chocolate bullets)
Supply of eyes (e.g. craft googly eyes, sultanas)
Supply of spots (e.g. sequins, M&Ms)
Supply of noses (e.g. craft pieces or marshmallows in different colours)
Supply of tails (e.g. feathers or musk sticks in different colours)
Making your fuggle
1. Start with two pairs of paper chromosomes. On one pair of chromosomes write a
combination of the following alleles: B,b :N,n : E,e . On the second pair of chromosomes
write a combination of the alleles: A,a : Q,q; T,t. For each allele write one letter on each
chromosome to make either heterozygous or homozygous alleles for each of the six traits.
For example:
2. Using the two created chromosomes, fill the columns of the fun bug worksheet. The
materials list on the worksheet indicates how many of each of the supplies is needed to
create the traits. Get the supplies from the front bench and make your fuggle.
Modelling mitosis
3. Now take two more pairs of chromosomes. Duplicate each of the original
chromosomes on the blank chromosomes so that you have two
chromatids of the same chromosome.
4. Line up the doubled chromosomes.
5. Split the chromatids apart to become two cells, one new one with the same genetic
information as the parent cell.
© Harper, A., and Nickels, K. 2008. Queensland University of Technology.
Fuggles Activity
YEARS 8-12
1. If you were to create a fuggle from the new cell, what would it look like?
2. What is the disadvantage of this kind of reproduction (Asexual reproduction)?
3. What is one advantage of this kind of reproduction?
Modelling meiosis
1. Now model meiosis, by starting with the chromosomes at Step 4 above. Separate these to
form cells with two doubled chromosomes – one long and one short.
2. Split the chromosomes and separate into cells containing one daughter chromosome each.
This makes four haploid cells, four cells each with one half of the genetic information.
1. Could these cells each form a new fuggle that would live?
Modelling fertilisation
1. Take one haploid cell and find another haploid cell from yours or a partner to join with to
make a new cell with complete genetic information.
2. Using the information from the sexual reproduction of the new cell. Fill in the columns of
the daughter fuggle worksheet. Get the supplies and make the new fuggle.
3. Use your parent fuggles and compare them to the daughter fuggles.
1 Is the daughter fuggle exactly like the parents?
2. What is an advantage of sexual reproduction?
3. What is a disadvantage of sexual reproduction?
1. Designate the short chromosomes as sex autosomes. The spots can be designated as
only on the X chromosomes. The tail can be designated as only the Y chromosome.
2. One of the traits on the longer chromosome could be a sex-limited chromosome. For
example, perhaps the nose allele is only activated when testosterone is present.
3. One of the traits on the longer chromosome could be a sex-influenced trait. For example,
perhaps “b” (1 body part) is dominant in presence of the male hormone testosterone.
4. Include the prophase of meiosis where maternal and paternal chromosomes swap some
information before the chromosomes separate.
Essential Learnings Year 9:
All the information required for life is a result of genetic information being passed from parent to
Senior Biology Key Ideas
5. Cell division is an integral part of growth and reproduction.
22. In most organisms coded instructions within the DNA molecule account for their inherited
23. During reproduction DNA is passed from parent(s) to offspring.
1. Overdyk, Laura. 2003. Fun Bugs. Melbourne: St Francis Xavier College.
2. Soderberg, Patti. 1991. Reebops. Wisconsin: Centre for Biology Education.
© Harper, A., and Nickels, K. 2008. Queensland University of Technology.
YEARS 8-12
Fuggles Activity
Original fuggle’s traits
Feature possible
BB or Bb = 2 body
bb = 1 body segment
NN = red nose
Nn = pink nose
nn = yellow nose
EE = 2 eyes
Ee = 3 eyes
ee = no eyes
AA = 2 antennae
Aa = 1 antennae
aa = no antennae
QQ Qq= 1 spot
qq = 2 spots
TAIL (or colours)
TT or Tt = Black tail
t = Green tail
Materials needed
Materials needed
Baby fuggle’s traits
Feature possible
BB or Bb = 2 body
bb = 1 body segment
NN = red nose
Nn = pink nose
nn = yellow nose
EE = 2 eyes
Ee = 3 eyes
ee = no eyes
AA = 2 antennae
Aa = 1 antennae
aa = no antennae
QQ Qq= 1 spot
qq = 2 spots
TAIL (or colours)
TT or Tt = Black tail
t = Green tail
© Harper, A., and Nickels, K. 2008. Queensland University of Technology.