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Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 1 – Mendel’s Pea Plants
 Trait: a characteristic an organism can pass on to its offspring through
Inherited: traits that were passed on from parents to offspring
regardless of the environment
DNA: carrier of the genetic information
Gene: a segment of DNA that codes for a specific trait
Gregor Mendel
Noticed that pea plants had certain identifiable and measurable
characteristics or traits.
Mendel observed that some characteristics such as flower color, seed
shape and seed color were inherited or passed on from parents to the
Mendel’s work led him to the understanding that traits, such a plant
height, are carried in DNA.
Let’s Practice!
Segment of DNA that codes for a
specific trait.
Characteristic an organism can pass
on to its offspring through DNA.
Traits that were passed on from parents
to offspring regardless of environment.
Carrier of genetic information
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 2- Genes and Alleles
________________: tightly wound DNA
_________________: two different forms of a single gene
o ___________________: alleles that determines what the organism
will look like (Upper case letter)
o ____________________: the allele that is not expressed in the
organism unless both alleles are recessive (lower case letter)
Found in all living cells.
Controls all functions inside the cell.
It stores all the genetic information for an entire living organism.
A segment of DNA that codes for a trait
Unit 7 Genetics
Let’s Practice!
True or False.
1. Alleles are the same form of a single cell. _______
2. Dominant Alleles determines what the organism will look like._____
3. DNA is found in all living cells. ___________
4. Chromosomes are tightly wound DNA. __________
5. DNA stores all genetic information for part of a living organism.
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 3 – Inheritance
_____________________: passing on of traits from parent to offspring
Inherited Traits
 A sperm cell will join with an egg cell and become fertilized and begin to
 Sex cells have the same number of chromosomes as other body cells
because one sex cell from each of two parents combines from a new
o ___________: male sex cell
o __________: female sex cell
 Every cell (other than sex cells) carries 23 pairs or 46 total of homologous
o Sperm carries 23 and an egg carries 23.
 When they join, the new offspring will have 46.
Homozygous vs Heterozygous
Homozygous: both alleles in a pair of genes are the same
o Prefix homo means “the same”
o AA = homozygous dominant
o aa = homozygous recessive
Heterozygous: both alleles from a pair of genes are different
o Prefix hetero means “different”
o Aa= heterozygous
Genotype and Phenotype
Genotype: actual Gene makeup
Phenotype: the Physical appearance
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 3 – Inheritance (con’t)
Male and Female?
In mammals, the two sex chromosomes are called X and Y. Females have
two X chromosomes (XX) and males have one X and one Y. (XY) The
sperm only carries a single X or Y, so it is the father who determines the sex
of a baby.
Let’s Practice!
Fill in the blank.
Genotype | Heterozygous| Inheritance |Homozygous | Egg |Phenotype
1. ________________ is the passing on of traits from parent to offspring.
2. ___________________ means both alleles in a pair of genes are the same.
3. The female sex cell is called an ________.
4. _____________________ means both alleles from a pair of genes are
5. _____________________ is the actual gene make up and______________ is
the physical appearance.
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 4 – Punnett Squares
_____________________: a grid used to predict the results of genetic crosses
Punnett Squares
 Reginald Punnett created a __________, which is a grid used to predict the
results of genetic crosses.
 This tool is called _________________________
 Example: Showing cross between two black rabbits. Both heterozygous
for fur color (Bb). (Black is the dominant phenotype-B, white is the
recessive phenotype- b)
Genotype vs Phenotype
 Genotype is the combination of alleles for a trait (BB, Bb, bb)
 Phenotype is the visible trait that an offspring exhibits (black or white
Unit 7 Genetics
Let’s Practice!
Black or Blue? Fill in the Punnet Square.
Unit 7 Genetics
ANSWER: There is a 50% chance the baby chick will be blue and a
50% chance it will be black.
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 7 – Similarities Among Organisms
_______________: group of organisms that closely resemble one another
and are able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring
______________: differences that exist between individuals of the same
o can be genotypic or phenotypic
 tall/short, dimples/no dimples
________________ and _____________ are responsible for different traits in a
Each species carries a certain number and a certain kind of
Humans carry 46 chromosomes.
Due to chromosomes, we would never confuse a human with a different
species of animal
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 8 – Chromosomes
_______: (deoxyribonucleic acid)the code carrying material in our body
_________________________: shape of DNA
______________________: a single long molecule of DNA wound around
special proteins
Let’s Practice!
Label the parts with the terms below. Use above as a guide 
Cell | Chromosome |Gene |Nucleus
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 9 and 10 – Meiosis
__________: male sex cells
 ________: female sex cells
________________: sex cells (egg and sperm) (GAME of life)
 ______________- division of the nucleus of a cell forming two daughter
cells, each receiving the same number of chromosomes
 ______________- a type of cell division resulting with ½ the chromosomes
of the parent
Meiosis produces daughter cells that each have _________ the number of
chromosomes the parent has.
A ____________ is the first cell of a new individual when egg and sperm
come together and contains a full set of chromosomes.
o 23 from egg + 23 from sperm =46 from egg and sperm
Meiosis vs Mitosis
 MITosis take the cell and Makes It Two
o Results in two genetically identical cells
 Meiosis has to do with sex cells
o Results in four genetically different cells
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 9 and 10 – Meiosis (Con’t)
Mitotic phase: PMAT or People Meet And Talk
___________________- the chromosomes coil and become more compact,
the nuclear membrane breaks down, and a system of fibers called the
spindle starts to form
________________- the chromosomes arrange in a plane at the middle of
the cell
________________- the chromosomes split and move apart
_______________-_- the chromosomes reach two sides of a cell and are
incorporated into two new nuclei
Let’s Practice!
Answer the questions below. Use the study guide above to help find
the answers.
What are sex cells called? _______________
How many cells does MITosis make? __________
How many cells does Meiosis make?_________
What are the four steps in Mitosis?
5. What is the first cell of a new individual when egg and sperm come
together and contains a full set of chromosomes?___________________--
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 12 Mutations
_________________: any change in a gene or DNA (can be helpful,
harmful or have no effect at all)
 _________________: occurs when a single nucleotide is exchanged for
_________________ one or more bases are REMOVED or left out of the
 _________________: one or more bases are added to the DNA
Large-Scale Mutations
o Large-Scale Mutations are more serious
o Large sections of chromosomes are changed
o Sections of a chromosome may be duplicated
o May result in extra copies of a gene that may amplify the effects of
that gene
o Large sections of a chromosome may be deleted, resulting in the loss of
entire genes
Let’s Practice
Match the term with the definition.
Unit 7 Genetics
Lesson 13:Genetic Engineering
o ________________________: process by which organisms with certain traits
survive to reproduce and pass on those traits to their offspring
o ____________________________: the process of breeding organisms with the
most desirable traits
o ___________________________: the manipulation of DNA to produce
molecules or organisms with new properties
o ______________________: a process in which defective genes are replaced
with normal genes
Genetic Engineering
 Highly controversial issue today!
 For it:
o Using less pesticides
o Growing more crops
o Improving nutritional content of food
 Against it:
o It is trying to control nature
o We don’t know how it could impact us down the road
Unit 7 Genetics
Let’s Practice!
Fill in the blank with words found below.
1. ______________________ is a process in which defective genes are replaced
with normal genes.
2. ________________________ is the process of breeding organisms with the
most desirable traits.
3. ________________________ is process by which organisms with certain traits
survive to reproduce and pass on those traits to their offspring.
4. _________________________ is the manipulation of DNA to produce
molecules or organisms with new properties.
Word Bank:
Genetic Engineering | Natural Selection| Selective Breeding |Gene Therapy