Download AP Biology Midterm Studyguide 2017

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AP Biology Midterm Studyguide
Format: AP Style Multiple Choice, Math Grid Ins, Open Ended Qs
I. Biochemistry
A. be able to recognize molecular structures of
1. cellulose
2. Glycogen
3. phospholipid 4. triglycerides
6. polypeptides
7. amino acids
8. ATP
9. Glucose
5. steroid
B. Vocab: isomers, polymer, monomer, pH, amphipathic
C. Protein: primary, secondary, tertiary, quartenary levels
II. Cells
A. Organelles: mitochondria, chloroplast, vacuoles, ribosomes, nucleus, lipid bilayers
B. Be able to match each organelle with its function
C. Structure of plasma membrane (be able to identify an illustration)
D. Saturated vs. unsaturated fatty acids tail on phospholipids….as temperature buffers.
D. Diffusion/Osmosis, osmolarity, solute concentration, isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic
E. Transport across membranes
1. active transport
2. osmosis
3. chemiosmosis
4. facilitated diffusion
5. plasmolysis
F. Surface to Volume ratios and relevance to cell efficiency
III. Cell Metabolism
A. Metabolic rates in ectotherms vs. endotherms
B. Establishment of chemical gradients/ATP production
C. During which processes of photosynthesis/respiration is ATP produced?
D. Anaerobic vs aerobic respiration
E. Terms: G3P, lactate, Acetyl CoA, Citric Acid, NAD+, NADPH, RuBisCo…..(this is a sample)
F. Enzymes!
1. be sure to understand the enzyme catalyzed reaction graph (see below)
2. Terms: exergonic, endergonic, spontaneous, free energy, catabolism, anabolism
3. Active site, competitive inhibitors, allosteric reactions
More Thoughts:
A. Know the pathway of each of the reactants in P and R (research can radioactively label atoms)
1. H2O and CO2 become what in photosynthesis?
2. Glucose gets broken down into ?
Oxygen is used for ?
B. No need to know how many ATPs or electron carriers are produced in each stage
C. What is the role of fermentation?
D. Terms: chemiosmosis, concentration gradient, oxidative phosphorylation, Rubisco, Pgal (G3P),
Pyruvic acid (pyruvate), oxaloacetic acid
E. P: Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle
R: Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, ETC or Gycolysis, Fermentation
F. C3, C4, and CAM strategies (temporal vs. spatial differences in carbon storage and sugar building)
V. Cell Communication and Endocrine System
A. target cells, ligands
B. examples (be able to identify)
C. cascade of events: protein conformation, kinases/phosphorylation, amplification, product (transcription of
D. positive vs negative feedback
E. pancreas: insulin vs glucagon
F. endocrine organs and functions
G. hormones in plants and animals (examples: oxytocin, ethylene, epinephrine)
VI. Ecology (a little bit)
A. Food Webs
B. Trophic Levels
C. Sources of energy
D. Energy flows, matter cycles
VII. Evolution
A. Darwin’s principals of natural selection
B. Mutations as source of evolution (occur in somatic cells or gametes?)
C. Be able to read cladograms
D. Be able to interpret data about differences in nucleotide sequences (used to develop cladograms)
E. Using Derived Characters to develop cladograms
F. Homologous, analogous, vestigial organs, convergent vs divergent evolution
G. Conservation of vital genes (enzymes in glycolysis for example!)
H. Evidence for Evolution (categories…which are/is most accurate)
- comparative anatomy, comparative DNA sequences, fossils, biogeography, embryology….)
I. Types of selection: stabilizing, disruptive, directional
J. Speciation
K. Methods of reproductive isolation that lead to speciation
L. Polyploidy as a means of speciation
M. Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium! Be able to use the equations in appropriate situations, interpret data
1. allele frequency vs. genotype
(p vs. pp)
2. solve for q first! Why? How?
3. does the problem give you the phenotype frequency or the genotype frequency of the population?
4. does the problem give you exact number of individuals or percentage of individuals?
N: YIF, HOX genes, tissue development in an organism due to signals. Anterior vs. posterior orientation
IX. Experimental Design (There are A LOT of experimental design, data interpretation Qs)
Independent vs. dependent variables
Reading and interpreting histograms, best fit lines. Scatter plot data…lots of data!!
Identifying controls
You can practice by reading data within scientific articles!!!!
Enzyme Catalysis Graph
At the time of this writing, the exam is:
33 Multiple Choice AP Bio Style Qs
3 Mathematical Grid In Questions
2 Short Answers (each has 2 parts)
A formula sheet will be provided to you.
Please bring pencils to the exam. We have not yet decided whether it
will be scantron, zipgrade, or answering on the test itself.