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Dr. S. Pasupalak
Professor of Agronomy
Seasonal weather, particular monsoon rainfall, is the most important factor of crop
production. It is srongly belived that although its occurance is not under our control,
and it is becoming more unpredictable due to climate change,its impact can be reasonably
under control, if suitable mitigation measures could be taken before hand. On this
background , this article is written to identify thrust areas of adaptation and mitigation
measures as a package , in this background, this article is written to identify thrust areas
of adaptation and mitigation measures as a package, in stead of putting every point as
in the agriculture policy document. Emphasis has been made to throw light on how best
to cope up with the emerging challenges due to climate change that is going to exert more
stress in the kharif cultivation in Odisha, as in the case of 2009.Following are the
eightfold principles of adaptation and mitigation measures listed in the order of priority,
which need immediate and careful attention to convert them into a time-bound action
plan on a focused and targeted way, preferable as a package. A key element of each
principle has been identified as a MANTRA.
Prof. Sudhansu S. Mishra
H.O.D., Neurosurgery
SCB Medical College, Cuttack.
A huge change is under way across the globe and in its atmosphere that is not only
affecting nations but also the homes of millions of people.
The world’s climate scients have reported that the earth’s climate system is increasingly
heating up and it likely has not been this warm for at least 13000 years. Heating effects
are strong in melting of snow and ice, rising global mean sea level, widespread changes
in precipitation amounts, ocean salinity ,wind pattern and aspects of extreme weather
including droughts, heavy precipitation ,heat waves and the intensity tropical cyclones.
Scientists today strongly say that there was less than 10 percents chance that this global
warning was nature they blame directly on human green house gas emissions. The
amount of CO2 spewed out per year from fossil fuel burning is 12 percent greater now
than in the 1990’s and the amount of the green house effect is the greatest in 10000 years.
The last time the Arctic was significantly warmer was about 125000 years ago that is
before the last ice age. At that time, sea level rose 4 to 6 meters as polar melted. For this
coming Century scientists are forecasting sea level to rise from 7 inches to about half a
meter ,depending on emissions and warning.
It is very likely that hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation event will continue
to become more frequent. Temperatures are sure to rise faster in the next decades, than
they did during the same time span in the last half of the 20th century. If CO2 emisions
can be reduced far enough, the atmosphere could be stabilized at a much lower level of
green house effect than is forecast now. Still the effects of Global warning will be with
us for many centuries.
Dr. Pramod Kumar Mohapatra
Twenty first century is not only the century of scientific advancement but also this period
could be the worst time so far as the climatic condition of earth is concerned. we may
experience maximum number of deluge during this century. Climate change is the
greatest environmental challenge that the world is facing today. We must accept that
climate change is here and its likely to get worst the main cause of climate change is
global warming. Its impact on environment of earth is dangerous. Raising global
temperature not only changes the weather pattern but is also responsible for increase
of sea level, loss of crops, spread of diseases, formation of cyclone and super cyclone
draught etc. During 20th century there was an increase of 0.6 celsius temperature in the
world. But climate exports and scientists warned that if the present process continues,
there may be an increase of 5 to 6 C in the world temperature which is certainly
alarming. In the last decade of the University of Massachusetts and concluded that
prior to 20th century was unique and highest compared to the last 900 years.
P.M Dash
Certain gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere help
in maintaining temperature of the earth to support existence of life. These are called
Green house Gases (CHGs). These gases act like a blanket for the earth and prevent
much of the absorbed solar heat from escaping into the atmosphere. Increase in
concentration of these gases creates problem in existence of life on the earth .As the
world is dependent on carbon based fossil fuels, the earth’s temperature has increased
consistently and the result is global warming and climate change.
T.K. Pal
Climate change that refers to long term fluctuations in temperature, precipitation and
other elements of climate system has been an important challenge before the mankind.
The greenhouse gases of atmosphere that selectively traps thermal radiation from earth
surface to make a hospitable surface temperature have been gradually increasing . This
caused fluctuation in global temperature and related aspects of climate. The global
average temperature has increased by about 0.6 C in one hundred years and is protected
to rise further. The current projections, based on the state of art climate models, point out
that even if heat trapping emission of earth proceed at a moderate rate that would have
widespread influence on substantial loss of snow covers and glaciers. rise of mean sea
level (msl), drying of soils, erratic hydrologic cycles in many river basin. Changes in
atmosphere temperature and rain fall pattern would hamper productivity of world’s
agro ecosystems and pose threat to food security of human. Changing climate would
bring about profound effect on the future productivity and distribution of vegetarian
and forests in Asia and other parts of the world. Frequency and transmission of many
infectious and vector-living in coastal zones borne diseases would be on rise. The zone
of influence of malaria in India would increase in future. People living in coastal zones
would be displaced due to inundation of low –lying areas. Human and animal
communities of the Arctic have been vulnerable to destabilization of habitats and food
chains. Annual cycles of migratory birds around the globe would the greatly influenced.
Many biotas of deserts are facing threats, as well as fresh water species in inland water
bodies are either shifting or disappearing from earlier home zones. Responses of
increased temperature are evident on many other plants and animals.
Sri P.N. Choudhury,
Senior Administrator, Finance Dept.
Climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. some
scientists define climate as the average weather for a particular region and time period,
usually taken over 30years. Climate is related to averages of precipitation, temperature,
humidity ,sunshine, wind velocity, phenomena such as fog, frost and hail storms and
other measures and other measures of the weather that occur over a long period in a
particular place.
Changing climate will affect people around the world. Rising global temperature are
expected to raise sea levels and change precipitation and other local climate conditions
Changing regional climate could alter forests, crop yields and water suppliers. It could
also affect human health, animals and many types of eco-system.
Bikash Sahu.
Engineer, CSD
The rapidly growing population and economic development are leading to the
Environmental degradation in India through the uncontrolled growth of urbanization
of agriculture, are the destruction of forests.
It is estimated that the country’s population will increase to about 1.26 billion by the year
2016. The projected population indicates that India will be the first most populous
country in the world and China will be ranking second in the year 2050. India having
18% of the world’s population on 2.4% of the world’s total area has greatly increased
the pressure on its natural resources. Water shortages, soil exhaustion and erosion,
deforestation , air and water pollution afflicts many areas.
Dr.C.M. Patra,
Professor, Chemistry
The effects of global warming on the India subcontinent very from the submergence of
low-lying islands and coastal lands to the melting of glaciers in the India Himalayas,
threatening the volumetric flow rate of many of the most important rivers of India and
South Asia . In India, such effects are projected to impact millions of lives. As a result
ongoing climate change, the climate of India has become increasingly volatile over the
past several decades; this trend is expected to continue.
Ramakanta Mahanta
Climate change and its effects in the Arctic may be the most serious environmental issue
threaten the Arctic environment. Average annual temperature in the Arctic has increased
by approximately double warming, as even the U.S government now admits. The direct
impacts of global average temperatures, sea-level rise, melting of sea ice and glaciers,
increased pre-capitation in some areas and drought in others .Indirect social,
environment, economic and health impact will follow, including in some areas and
death and serious illness in poor communities, decreased crop yields, heat stress in
livestock and wildlife, and damage to coastal ecosystems, forests, drinking and other
resources needed for substance.
During the past several decades, the Arctic has warmed at an alarming rate; it is projected
to continue to warm by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. This warning trend
has had a devastating impact on Arctic ecosystems. including sea ice, permafrost thawing
increased stress on plant and animal populations and in lake temperatures permafrost
thawing ,increased stress on plant and animal populations and the melting of glaciers
and sea ice.Research has revealed decreases in both sea ice extent and cover.
Dr. P Sahoo, M.D., D.M
Climate change and agriculture are interrelated process ,both of which take place on a
global scale. Global warming is projected to have significant impacts on conditions
affecting agriculture, including temperature, carbon dioxide ,glacial run-off, precipitation
and the interaction of these elements. These conditions determine the carrying capacity
of the biosphere to produce enough food the human population of these. Assessment of
the effects of global climate change on agriculture might help to properly anticipate and
adapt farming to maximize agriculture production.
At the same time, agriculture has been shown has been shown to produce significant
effects on climate change, primarily through the production and release of gases such as
carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, but also by altering the earth’s land cover,
which can change its ability to absorb or reflect heat and light, thus contributing to
radioactive forcing. Land use change such as deforestation and desertification, together
with use of fossil fuels, are the major anthropogenic sources of carbon dioxide;
agriculture itself is the major contributor to increasing methane and nitrous oxide
concentrations in earth’s atmosphere.
Sri Chinmay Kabi, Financial Advisor,
Higher Education Deptt
Three main climatic controls such as topography, the urban morphology and the
proximity to the sea affect of Odisha. In last two decades, the increase in population in
the areas is due to overall industrialization which resulted in shifting of population. The
most important is the atmospheric temperature variability. The climate of Odisha state is
characterized by hot summer and cold winter in the interior region and climate of the
coastal region nearby Bay of Bengal is moist and equable. In recent past , more number
of heat wave days are experienced even in coastal orissa during hot whether season and
also in June till onset of monsoon, It is felt that the detected warming is not only due to
the increase of greenhouse gases but also to urbanization and other possible climatic
factors such as desertification. In all the cities, there is a trend of increase
in the number of building and decrease in vegetation covered area. The urban heat effect
is very important to the global change issue, both as an analogy and as an effects have
been noted at many cities.
Bikash Mohapatra
Suprativa (TRC),Cuttack
Weather affects our environment, our existence and also our safety. PROBE-Orissa
(Participation of Youth in Real-time/field Observation for the benefit of Education) is
conceived for school children in Odisha state. The project lunched through the InterSectoral Science & Technology Advisory Committee (IS-STAC), Department of sciences
Technology, Government of India aims at understanding weather & climate by school
children in Orissa costal belt and to encourage participation of young school children in
acquisition, generation, use and dissemination of field data.
Deepak Kumar Das
Department of political Science
Christ College,Cuttack
The ruthless change in climate can soon force one-fourth of all plants animal species to
face extinction by 2100.Extinction risk from climate change virtually affects all kinds of
living being in one way or other. Sea water in pacific is getting warmer and thus become
lethal for many sea birds. Like Sooty Shearwater to survive. The circulatory system is
affected in its functioning by the worming of sea water. The migration of birds and
animals is but a natural phenomenon to reach in search of shelter and food, unusually
migration is rending to regions away from equatorial regions which are fairly warmer
than their ambient surroundings. Migratory birds, while flying great distances depend on
a relatively stable weather scenario that comforts them during flight in addition to food
resources to be in place. Sea level rise threatens prime feeding and breeding grounds for
mill ions of birds throughout the world, including mallards, red knots, pintails, plovers,
warblers and orioles. Polar bears are worst affected who depend on formation of ice in
article to enable feed on seals which is now denied to them by nature . Under the threat of
melting ice they are now traveling hundreds of miles to mate and feed. Their apparent
reduction is visible in Hudson Bay, Canada, New England, Alaska and other regions.
Leave alone others, more than 1.5 mill ton people die from effects of global warming by
suffering from hazardous diseases, unhygienic conditions and malnutrition.
Dr.S.K Behera,
Associate Professor, ENT,
MKCG Medical College.
Odisha has a coastal line of 529 Km from the marshes of Ichhapuram in the south to the
south to the east of Subarnarekha in the north-east. The Odisha coast has bulged out in
the middle portion from Brahmagiri on Chilika lake in the south-west to Chandbali in the
north-east where the Mahanadi , the Brahmani
and the Baitarani have formed a
combined delta that sustains mega diversities creating a dynamic equilibrium. For over a
decades, Orissa has been suffering from extreame weather conditions from heat waves to
cyclones, drought to flood , ingress of salinity to main land , loss of biodiversity and
pollution. However, the issue is more serious in coastal Odisha.
Dr. Panchanan Sahu,
MD, DM, Cardiology
Global Warming is emerging as a burning issue of the century. It is showing its effects in
the form of climate change and related consequence. To combat climate change, world
intellectual community, other than reducing emissions from the sources like industries.
fossil fuel burning and change in lifestyle, are putting stress on forest conservation and
regeneration. The recent debate in UNFCC is focused on REDD(Reducing Emissions
from deforestation in developing countries) is also focused on forest. Forests around the
world play a major role in carbon sequestration and reducing emissions acting as saviors
of global environment. The rapid rate of forest degradation and deforestation world wide
posing threat to further worsening the condition of global warming . International
community has awakened to the issue; the results are the international conferences, and
protocols i.e Kyoto protocol that specifically focuses on the issues related to global
warming and climate change.
P.K Nayak.
Research Scholar, Sambalpur
Odisha is a coastal state on the East coast of India. It is placed at the head of the Bay of
Bengal. Odisha is one state, which is most prone to climate changes, primarily because of
its geographical location and its position at the head of the Bay of Bengal.
Erosion is noticed at Gopalpur, Paradip and Satbhaya in Odisha. Growth of long sand
spits at Chilika lake indicates the movement of littoral sediment and subsequent