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Teacher Notes: Section 4.9
Learning Objectives
 Explain the process of protein folding using appropriate terminology.
 Describe the structure of insulin.
Implementation of Lessons
Before Class:
 Students complete guided reading notes
During Class:
 As a class, have students hold hands to represent peptide bonds
and each of them representing an amino acid. As a class fold up
from a polypeptide to a three dimensional protein based on rules
that you determine such as: certain shirt colors are a certain
charge, certain characteristics are hydrophobic or hydrophilic, etc.
Use this activity to explain how complicated protein folding can be.
 As a class, view embedded videos/animations within moodle and
discuss their relevance to the course
 Review highlights of guided reading notes
 Choose an exploration activity that fits the level and length of your
After Class:
 Complete Section 4 Quiz
Further Explorations
 Have students play the protein folding game foldit to learn more
about protein folding reinforce concepts covered in this section.
Website for game download:
Have students read the article “The Importance of Protein
Folding” from the following website:
Use the information from the article as a starting point for a
class discussion on protein folding and its importance in
biological organisms.
Protein, amino acids, polypeptide, three dimensional structure, primary,
secondary, tertiary, quaternary structures, beta-pleated sheets, alpha helices
Standards (these standards are the same for teaching notes throughout
section 4, I had a hard time reconciling the scripts and moodle)
30.362 Concepts of Engineering and Technology: N/A
130.363 Biotechnology: N/A
130.364: Advanced Biotechnology: 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E
Biotechnology Skill Standards: N/A