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What is Global Warming?
Green House Effect.
Effects of CO2.
Effects of other Gases.
What we can do to stop Global Warming?
KETAKI BHALERAO …...…………………………………………………………………..13
MINI MENON…………………………………………………………………………………52
ANAND BHARADIA………………………………………………………………………….39
HEMANGI AGNIHOTRI……………………………………………………………………....65
GOVIND NIKAM………………………………………………………………………………70
SANTU MONDAL……………………………………………………………………………..08
What is Global Warming?
 Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's
temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. When
scientists talk about the issue of climate change, their concern is
about global warming caused by human activities. , in particular
the burning of fossil fuels and the resulting buildup of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, have influenced this warming trend.
Natural Green House Effect
 Sunlight (shortwave radiation) passes easily through the earth's
atmosphere. Once it strikes and warms the earth's surface, lnfrared
radiation is given off and goes back into the atmosphere. While
some of this Infrared radiation or heat escapes into space, most of
it is absorbed or held by carbon dioxide and other green gases like
water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone
that exist in small quantities in the atmosphere.
 These gases form a `blanket' that keeps the earth an average of
33 degrees centigrade warmer.
 Without these gases the whole planet would be an icy wasteland
with an average temperature of 16 degrees centigrade below
The Greenhouse Effect
Increase in carbon dioxide cause the
earth to get warmer
 CO2 contributes about 50% to the greenhouse effect
 Carbon dioxide is produced from burning wood, coal, gas, etc.
 The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing the
heat being absorbed from the earth.
 This trapped heat increases the evaporation of water from the oceans
into the air to cause a greater increase in warming of the atmosphere.
CO2 has a forcing effect on climate.
Effects of other gases
 Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas,
and oil. decomposition of organic wastes in municipal solid waste landfills and
the raising of livestock.
 Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well
as during combustion of solid waste and fossil fuels.
 Very powerful greenhouse gases that are not naturally occurring include
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride
(SF6), which are generated in a variety of industrial processes.
The Earth's rising temperatures are chiefly the result of the burning of fossil fuels
(which puts carbon dioxide a heat-trapping or greenhouse gas in the atmosphere).
Scientists, however, do not currently agree that human-caused global warming is a
significant problem
Impacts of Global Warming?
The climate system varies through natural, internal processes and in response to
variations in external forcing factors including solar activity, volcanic emissions, variations
in the earth's orbit (orbital forcing) and greenhouse gases.
 The detailed causes of the recent warming remain an active field of research, but the
scientific consensus identifies increased levels of greenhouse gases due to human activity
as the main influence. This attribution is clearest for the most recent 50 years, for which the
most detailed data are available.
 Contrasting with the scientific consensus, other hypotheses have been proposed to
explain most of the observed increase in global temperatures. One such hypothesis is that
the warming is caused by natural fluctuations in the climate or that warming is mainly a
result of variations in solar radiation.
 None of the effects of forcing are instantaneous. Due to the thermal inertia of the
Earth's oceans and slow responses of other indirect effects, the Earth's current climate is
not in equilibrium with the forcing imposed. Climate commitment studies indicate that
even if greenhouse gases were stabilized at present day levels, a further warming of about
0.5 °C (0.9 °F) would still occur
Millions at Risk of Hunger and Water Stress in
Asia Unless Global Greenhouse Emissions Cut
Climate Change Hits Hard on Latin America and the
Polar bear "walking on thin ice" across
the Arctic in order to reach marine sealhunting grounds.
Algae fills a pool fed by Canada Glacier in the Dry Valleys region of Antarctica with
some experts forecasting the melting of half the Arctic’s summer sea ice by the
century’s end.
The Arctic is heating up at least twice as fast as the rest of the planet, according to
the final report of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
The Esperanza surrounded by small ice floats in the Ross Sea, Southern
Ocean Whale Sanctuary
Findings of IPCC
 The United Nations formed a group of scientists called the
 The IPCC was established in 1988 to study climate change
 The group doesn’t do independent research but instead reviews
scientific literature from around the world.
 The group’s goal is to produce “a balanced reporting of existing
viewpoints” on the causes of global warming.
 The IPCC meets every few years to review the latest scientific
findings and write a report summarizing all that is known about
global warming.
Some of the findings are as under
 The 1990’s was the warmest decade, and 1998 the
warmest year on global record.
 The burning of coal, oil & gas has increased the amount
of CO2 in the atmosphere by 30% over natural levels
 The Earth is warming faster than at any time in the past
10,000 years
What we can do, to stop GLOBAL
Use the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full
Take a shower instead of a bath
Use less hot water
Be sure you’re recycling at home
Reuse your shopping bag
Plant a tree
Buy locally grown and produced foods
Buy fresh foods instead of frozen
Seek out and support local farmers markets
Buy organic foods as much as possible
Eat less meat
What we can do, to stop GLOBAL WARMING?
Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking, biking,
carpooling or taking mass transit wherever possible
Keep your car tuned up
Drive carefully and do not waste fuel
When it is time for a new car, choose a more fuel efficient
Try car sharing
Try telecommuting from home
Fly less
Encourage your school or business to reduce emissions
Join the virtual march
Encourage the switch to renewable energy
Protect and conserve forest worldwide
Consider the impact of your investments
Make your city cool
Tell Congress to act
Make sure your voice is heard!
Solution for Global Warming?
We have the technology and ingenuity to reduce the threat of global warming today.
Solutions are already available that will stimulate various economy for different
countries by creating jobs, saving consumers money, and protecting our national
security. By investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency, and increasing the
efficiency of the cars we drive, we can take essential steps toward reducing our
dependence on oil and other fossil fuels that cause global warming.
 Using energy more efficiently and moving to renewable energy (wind, solar,
geothermal, and bio energy) would significantly reduce our emissions of heat-trapping
gases. The United States currently produces 70 percent of its electricity from fossil fuels
such as coal, natural gas, and oil, but only two percent from renewable sources. Since
the burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide—the leading cause
of global warming—but renewable energy does not, increasing the share of our
electricity generated from renewable resources is one of the most effective ways to
reduce global warming emissions.
 By putting energy efficiency, renewable energy, and vehicle technology solutions in
place at the federal level, we can reduce our contribution to global warming while
creating a stronger, healthier, and more secure WORLD.
 What difference can I make ? When faced with this
question, individuals should recognize that collectively they
can make a difference
 Recycling newspapers, plastics, glass and metal will help a
Industry Actions
 Industry can take a leading role in focusing serious attention on
global warming
 Everyone knows that reducing waste is good for the environment.
What most people don’t know is that solid waste reduction and recycling
help address global climate change. How? By decreasing the amount of
heat-trapping greenhouse gases that are linked to everyday trash.
 Climate change is a global problem requiring action from the entire
international community. Countries from around the world are working
together to share technologies, experience, resources and talent to lower
net greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the threat of global climate
 One important strategy for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions
is developing and sharing climate-friendly technologies.
At last, we have to diffuse the bomb of
Spread the word! Tell other people things that
they can do to help prevent global warming.
- Remember -- Every person makes a