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Honors Biology
Respiration Exam Study Guide
Name __________________________
Date ___________________
1. Cellular respiration produces ______ ATP molecules per glucose molecule.
2. With every completion of the Krebs cycle, how many ATP molecules are made? __________
3. The ETC produces a total of _______ ATP molecules.
4. _____ molecules of ATP are produced during glycolysis, but only _____ can be used by the cell.
5. What is the process by which glucose is converted into pyruvic acid (pyruvate)? ____________________
6. What is the waste product of the Krebs cycle? _______
7. The conversion of pyruvate to carbon dioxide and ethanol is called ____________________
8. The release of energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen is ________________________
9. What is the byproduct (waste) of the electron transport chain? ____________________
10. How efficient is aerobic respiration? _______%
11. What is the first pathway of cellular respiration called? _______________________
12. Where in the cell does glycolysis take place? ________________________________
13. What is the scientific unit of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree
Celsius? ____________________________
14. Cellular respiration in the presence of oxygen is called ________________ ____________________.
15. The air spaces in bread are the result of yeast cells producing ________.
16. In aerobic respiration, glycolysis precedes the ______________ _______________.
17. In cellular respiration, more energy is produced in the __________ than in any other process.
18. Glucose is converted into __________________ in the process of glycolysis.
19. What is the location of the electron transport chain in prokaryotes? __________ _________________
20. The processes of glycolysis and the two anaerobic pathways are called ___________________ and
____________ ___________ fermentation.
21. The acetyl group from acetyl CoA joins with a four-carbon compound forming _________________
______________, aka citrate.
22. What compound is the electron acceptor of glycolysis? ___________
23. The breakdown of organic compounds to produce ATP is known as _______________________
24. Glycolysis begins with ________________ and produces ____________________ acid.
25. An important e- carrier generated by both lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation is _________+.
26. Each turn of the Krebs cycle produces 3 molecules of the gas _______, 4 molecules of the electron
carrier __________, 1 molecule of the electron carrier ___________, and 1 energy molecule, ________.
27. The electron transport chain is driven by two products of the Krebs cycle - _________ and __________.
28. What is the purpose of electrons as they are transported along the electron transport chain?
29. One gram of glucose contains __________ calories or __________ Calories.
30. Where in the mitochondrion do the reactions of the Krebs cycle occur? ________________________
31. Where in the mitochondria is the ETC located? _____________ _____________________
32. In lactic acid fermentation, lactic acid (lactate) is produced from _________________.
33. ____________ and _____________ carry electrons to the electron transport chain.
34. The equation for aerobic cellular respiration is: ____________________________________________
35. Water is an end product of the ________.
36. In aerobic cellular respiration, acetyl-CoA combines with a four-carbon molecule to form citric acid as part
of the _____________ _________________.
37. The element ___________________ dictates which metabolic pathway follows glycolysis.
38. The names of the pathways that take place when organic compounds are broken down in the absence of
oxygen are ______________ ___________ _________________ and _________________
39. The enzyme that converts ADP into ATP is called ________ __________________.
40. The two anaerobic pathways convert __________ into ________+, which is then sent back to the
process called _____________________.
41. Glucose is split into pyruvate via the biochemical pathway called _____________________.
42. The buildup of _______________ causes temporary muscle soreness after strenuous exercise.
43. During fermentation, either ethyl alcohol and _______ or _______________ is formed.
44. Glycolysis cannot keep going and going because it eventually runs out of ________+.
45. Both types of fermentation produce _______ ATPs (include glycolysis).
46. A cell produces most of its energy (ATP) through __________________ respiration.
47. During aerobic respiration, pyruvic acid is first converted to acetyl-CoA, which enters the ___________
48. At the beginning of the Krebs cycle, pyruvic acid bonds to a molecule called ____________________
____ to form acetyl CoA.
49. In our cells, a reaction removes a _______________________ from ATP which yields ADP and provides
energy for our cells.
50. True or False: Plants produce an accumulation of CO2 in the dark.
51. Fermentation allows the continued production of _______ even though ______________ is not present.
52. Plants recycle the two gases _______ and _______ within their cells.
53. True or False: Glycolysis extracts most of the chemical energy contained in glucose.
54. All organisms carry out the biochemical process of __________________ _____________________.
55. Most of the chemical energy in glucose (62%) is released as __________ from our bodies.
56. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are exact ______________________.
57. Yeast fermentation lab questions:
a. Are yeast living? How did this lab prove your answer?
b. Explain how yeast produce ATP anaerobically. Provide a certain formula in your answer.
c. How was the cellular respiration of yeast measured or quantified in this investigation? Why was the data
you gathered quantitative?
d. Explain how this investigation is also qualitative.
e. Why did you seal the bottle with the balloon and tape?
1. How do cellular respiration and photosynthesis differ?
2. Why must activities that require immediate bursts of energy use lactic acid fermentation to produce ATP?
3. Why do activities that require long-term energy usage use the Krebs cycle and ETC to produce ATP?
4. Why do we continue to breathe heavily after strenuous exercise?
5. What happens to electrons that accumulate at the end of the electron transport chain?
6. How does fermentation enable glycolysis to continue producing ATP?
7. How is the synthesis of ATP in the ETC of mitochondria similar to the synthesis of ATP in chloroplasts?
Address how the structures of the mitochondrion and the chloroplast are similar.
8. The last step of glycolysis yields four ATP molecules, but the net yield is only two ATP molecules. What
happened to the other two ATPs?
9. In order for pyruvate to be used for the production of ATP, oxygen must be present. What happens to
pyruvate following glycolysis if oxygen is not available to a cell?
10. Memorize Figure 9-2 on p. 222.
11. Memorize Figures 9-6 (p. 227) and 9-7 (p. 228). You will need to sequence the reactions shown in those
diagrams as you did with photosynthesis.