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CHEM 4581
Purification and Characterization of a
DNA Plasmid
Part A
CHEM 4581: Biochemistry Laboratory I
Version: January 18, 2008
DNA Plasmids. A plasmid is a small double-stranded, circular DNA molecule that replicates
independently of chromosomal DNA. A plasmid must contain an origin of replication, and may
contain promoters, antibiotic resistance genes, other coding sequences and polylinker regions. (A
polylinker is a region of DNA within a cloning vector that contains numerous recognition sites for a
wide variety of restriction enzymes. Usually the gene of interest is embedded into the plasmid in the
polylinker region.) Plasmids can be used as cloning vectors for the production of DNA, RNA or
ultimately for protein overexpression.
The plasmid to be purified in this study is called “pYP” (Figure 1a) because the gene that encodes for
a mutant of of yeast phenylalanine tRNA was cloned into the parent vector. The pYP plasmid was
derived from pDEFEND2 (Figure 1b), which was in turn derived from the DNA plasmid pUC19 (not
shown). Each of these plasmids contains a gene that confers resistance to the antibiotic ampicillin.
The parent plasmid pDEFEND2 also contains a promoter for T7 RNA Polymerase followed by a
Figure 1. Schematic of DNA plasmids (A) pYP and (B) pDEFEND2. Arrows indicate the direction of transcription of the DNA.
Note: Color scheme in the DNA sequence was not intended to match that in the depiction of the plasmid. Cleavage of
pDEFEND2 with the restriction enzymes Bsa I and Bst I within the polylinker region allow for insertion of the sequence
encoding a mutant of yeast tRNAPhe. Illustrations were generated by Professor Loren D. Williams (Georgia Tech).
CHEM 4581
Alkaline Lysis. There are many different protocols for isolating plasmid DNA from bacterial
cultures. One common and reliable chemical procedure, which will be used here, is known as the
alkaline lysis method. In the alkaline lysis method, bacteria are grown in Luria Bertani (LB) broth
and are pelleted by high-speed centrifugation. The pellet is suspended in an alkaline solution
(NaOH) to lyse the bacteria and to denature proteins and DNA. Then the solution is neutralized in
potassium acetate. Bacterial proteins aggregate and precipitate, entangling large chromosomal DNA
fragments, which are too large to renature. The presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) also helps
to form micelles around any precipitant. The plasmid DNA is relatively small, does renature and
remains free in solution. Following centrifugation, the plasmid DNA (in the supernatant) is further
purified using a commercial chromatographic resin.
Plasmid Purification. The Promega Wizard® Plus Midiprep kit is designed for the efficient and
easy purification of DNA plasmids. Most preparative DNA resins are commercially available, but are
proprietary. Purification is generally based on either the reversible interaction of DNA with silicabased resins or ion-exchange resins. The resin described here is believed to be silica-based. The DNA
will form a tight interaction with the resin until it is eluted with a "warm" solvent as described.
In this two-week study, students will isolate and purify the pYP DNA plasmid from E. coli and
confirm the identity by restriction mapping. Part 1 of this study is described here. After any
purification, experiments must be performed to verify the success of the purification. In this case, the
purified DNA plasmid will be digested with restriction enzymes, and the restriction fragments will
be separated on an agarose gel. Analysis of the agarose gel via restriction mapping will be performed
to provide evidence for confirming the identity of the DNA plasmid purified.
For this experiment, you will receive a pellet of E. coli cells that have been engineered to contain the
pYP DNA plasmid. The specific aim of this experiment is to (1) purify DNA from the E. coli cells and
(2) determine the concentration of DNA purified. Using the volume of DNA recovered and its
concentration (g/mL), one can calculate the actual yield of DNA in mg and compare that value with
the expected recovery published by Promega. The purified DNA will be stored at -20°C until further
use in a subsequent laboratory session.
Promega Wizard® Plus Midiprep DNA Purification System
Resuspension Buffer: 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5; 10 mM EDTA; and 100 g/mL RNase A
(CAUTION: Use caution when handling this reagent to avoid contaminating the
Lysis Buffer: 200 mM NaOH and 1% (w/v) SDS
Neutralization Solution: 1.32 M Potassium Acetate, pH 4.8
Midiprep Resin (proprietary) in 7 M Guanidine HCl
Column Wash Buffer: 80 mM Potassium Acetate; 8.3 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5); 40 M EDTA;
and ~50% Ethanol
Disposable purification columns
CHEM 4581
General Reagents
LB Miller Broth and Agar
Petri Dishes
100 mg/mL Ampicillin (Sigma)
Inoculating Loops
Pellet of E. coli cells
Shaking Incubator
50-100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8
37 ºC Incubator
50-mL Oak Ridge Centrifuge Tubes
Shimadzu UV-1601 UV-visible spectrophotometer
Ear I restriction enzyme with 10X NEBuffer 1 (supplied with enzyme; New England Biolabs)
NOTE: You must wear gloves throughout this lab to protect your DNA/RNA.
Please use autoclaved tips, water, etc. for all solutions used in the molecular biology steps.
Production of pYP Plasmid DNA - Performed by the TA
These details are provided here so that each student will know how the DNA pellet was generated.
Day 1
1. Prepare enough of the LB (Miller) agar solution according to the manufacturer's instructions
to accommodate ~3 plates. You only need one, but the others will serve as a backup.
2. Autoclave the agar solution then allow it to cool to ~50 ºC.
3. To the agar solution, add 1 L of 100 mg/mL ampicillin (dissolved in sterile water) for every
mL of agar. Pour the agar onto a sterile petri dish and allow the agar to solidify.
4. Use the sterilized loop to streak the surface of the agar with E. coli cells that have been
transformed with the DNA plasmid of interest. Aliquots of these cells have been stored at
-70ºC. Leave the plate inverted at 37ºC overnight.
5. Prepare LB (Miller) media (broth) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Autoclave
500 mL of media in each of six 2L flasks; this will generate enough cells to accommodate 30
replicates of 100 mL each. Be sure to also prepare a 50-mL starter culture in a 250 mL flask.
Keep the flasks covered at all times to maintain sufficient sterility. Store the media at 2-8ºC
until further use.
Day 2
1. Early in the morning, isolate a single colony from the freshly streaked selective plate and
inoculate a 5 mL LB/AMP starter culture. Incubate the starter culture in a shaking
incubator with vigorous shaking (Setting #4 on shaking incubator) for ~8 hours at 37 ºC.
2. In the afternoon (i.e. just before inoculating the large cultures), add 0.5 mL of 100 mg/mL
ampicillin (or the appropriate antibiotic) to each flask of LB media. (Do not leave the
antibiotic in the media for long periods before the inoculation in the next step.)
3. At the end of the 8-hour shaking incubation, add 0.67 mL of the starter culture to each 500
mL sterile media flask. Grow the cells to late log phase in a shaking incubator with vigorous
shaking at 37ºC for 12-16 hours.
CHEM 4581
Day 3
1. Pellet the E. coli cells by centrifugation at 6000 x g for 15 minutes at 4ºC in 250 mL Sepcor
bottles. Discard the supernatant and resuspend the cells in buffer at a neutral pH.
2. Transfer the appropriate amount of cells to 50 mL Oak Ridge tubes. Each student will
receive one of these tubes, so each tube should contain cells corresponding to 100 mL of the
original culture.
3. Centrifuge the cells at 6000 x g for 15 minutes at 4ºC. Discard the supernatant and store the
pellet of bacteria at -20ºC until further use.
Purification of pYP - Performed by the Student
1. Keeping the pellet on ice, resuspend the bacterial pellet in 3 mL of Resuspension Buffer by
repeated pipetting. Be sure to fully disperse the pellet.
2. Lyse the bacterial cells by adding 3 mL of “Lysis Buffer” to the suspended pellet. Close the
container of Lysis Buffer immediately to prevent contamination. (Note: Before using the Lysis
Buffer, you may need to warm it to 37ºC to insure that the SDS is in solution.) Mix the
suspended pellet gently but thoroughly, by inverting 4-6 times. Incubate at room
tempertature for no more than 5 minutes. Do not vortex your sample; vortexing will shear
genomic DNA!
3. Add 3 mL of chilled Neutralization Buffer to the pellet mixture. Mix immediately but gently
by inverting 4-6 times. Your solution may become biphasic with a cloudy precipitate and a
clear phase.
4. Centrifuge at ~14,000 x g (11,000 rpm) for 30 minutes at 4ºC. Your supernatant will be clear
after centrifugation. Transfer the supernatant (which contains the plasmid DNA) to 10 mL of
Midiprep resin. Mix by swirling. This allows the DNA to bind to the resin in batch mode.
Discard the pellet.
5. Place the column tip (labeled with your initials) into the vacuum manifold. Pour the DNAresin slurry into the column. Apply vacuum to pack the slurry into the column. Once the
"flow-through" has eluted, break the vacuum. Do not allow the resin to dry out!
6. Wash the column once with 15 mL of Wash Buffer. Apply vacuum to pull the wash buffer
through the column. Repeat this step. Meanwhile, start heating the sterile water aliquots.
7. Dry the resin some by applying the vacuum for no more than 30 seconds after all solution
has eluted from the column, then break the vacuum.
8. Cut the reservoir off of the column with scissors and transfer the column to a 1.5 mL
microcentrifuge tube with its lid cut off. Be sure to balance each sample by weight.
Centrifuge the column at 10,000 x g (Setting "7" on the Fisher Marathon Micro A centrifuge)
for 2 minutes at room temperature to remove any residual wash solution. Then, transfer the
column to a new 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube. (Note: The lid to the microcentrifuge may not
fit securely with these tubes in place. Screw on the lid as evenly as possible.)
9. Add 0.3 mL of pre-heated (65-70ºC) autoclaved dI water (i.e. nuclease-free water) to the
column for one minute. Elute the DNA by centrifuging the column at 10,000 x g (Setting "7")
for 20 seconds. Discard the column.
CHEM 4581
10. Finally, centrifuge the DNA sample at 10,000 x g (Setting "7") for 5 minutes to pellet any fine
particles of resin that may have eluted with the DNA. These fine particles may not be easily
visible. Transfer at least 250 L of the supernatant to a fresh tube labeled with your initials
and "pYP".
Analysis of Purified pYP DNA Plasmid
11. Add 50 L of the purified pYP DNA solution to 950 L of 100 mM Tris-HCl at pH 8 directly
in a cuvette.
12. Measure the absorbance of the DNA solution at 260 nm using Plastibrand® cuvettes since
they are transparent from 220-900 nm. Record the absorbance measurement in your lab
13. As described by Sambrook and coworkers in the reference below, determine the
concentration (in g/mL) of the purified DNA sample as follows:
[DNA] (g/mL) = (A260) (50 g/mL) (Dilution Factor)
14. Store your purified DNA at -20°C until further use.
Sambrook, J., and Russell, D.W. (2001) Commonly Used Techniques in Molecular Cloning, in Molecular
Cloning: A Laboratory Manual 3rd ed., pp A8.20-A8.21, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring
Harbor, NY.