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Study Island
Copyright © 2014 Edmentum - All rights reserved.
Generation Date: 04/03/2014
Generated By: Cheryl Shelton
Title: Grade 9 Life Science
1. The cell theory states:
all living things are composed of cells;
cells are the basic unit of structure and function; and
new cells are produced by existing cells.
Development of the cell theory was made possible by advances in _______.
A. physics
B. chemistry
C. microscopy
D. anatomy
2. All living organisms use energy. They also grow and reproduce. What is another characteristic
of all living organisms?
A. All living organisms must consume food in order to acquire nutrition.
B. All living organisms can produce glucose through photosynthesis.
C. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
D. All living organisms consist of many cells with specialized organelles.
3. Body cell mutations cannot be passed on to offspring. This is because body cells do not
contribute genetic material to
A. daughter cells.
B. each other.
C. sex cells.
D. non-mutant cells.
4. A herd of cattle is an example of
A. a community.
B. a biome.
C. an ecosystem.
D. a population.
5. A biome is a broad category of ecological organization that includes all of the biotic and
abiotic components of an entire climate region, such as a desert or a rainforest.
Which of the following categories of ecological organization is broader than a biome?
A. an ecosystem
B. the biosphere
C. a population
D. a community
6. The DNA sequences that make up the genetic code of an organism determine which traits the
organism will exhibit.
How are the instructions coded by DNA translated into an organism's physical traits?
Instructions coded by DNA sequences are translated into nucleotides which express an
A. organism's physical traits.
DNA sequences that code for genetic instructions attach to phosphate groups that express
B. an organism's physical traits.
Instructions coded by DNA sequences are translated into proteins which express an
C. organism's physical traits.
DNA sequences both code genetic instructions within an organism and express an
D. organism's physical traits.
7. A mutation occurs in a brain cell. This mutation will be passed on to
A. neighboring brain cells.
B. cells produced when the mutant cell divides.
C. offspring.
D. other body cells.
8. An organism's genotype describes its specific combination of alleles. For example, an Aa
genotype is heterozygous for the A allele.
An organism's phenotype describes a visible trait, such as tall height, brown eyes, or black fur.
How does genotypic variation occur?
Genotypic variation occurs when alleles are randomly sorted during sexual reproduction.
Genotypic variation occurs when alleles are randomly sorted during asexual reproduction.
Genotypic variation only occurs during binary fission.
Genotypic variation only occurs when genetic mutations occur.
9. Which of the following correctly organizes genetic material from the broadest category to the
most specific category?
A. genome
B. genome
C. genome
DNA molecule
D. gene
DNA molecule
DNA molecule
DNA molecule
10. Which of the following shows the organizational level of a biome from the broadest category
to the most specific category?
A. biome → community → ecosystem → population → organism
B. biome → ecosystem → population → community → organism
C. biome → population → community → ecosystem → organism
D. biome → ecosystem → community → population → organism
11. Organisms are able to reproduce either sexually or asexually. Which of the following
statements is true of these reproductive processes?
During every cell division in asexual reproduction, the number of chromosomes is reduced
A. by half.
The sorting of genes during sexual reproduction results in a large amount of genetic
B. variation.
During every cell division in sexual reproduction, the number of chromosomes is reduced
C. by half.
The sorting of genes during asexual reproduction results in a large amount of genetic
D. variation.
12. According to cell theory, cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all living things.
This theory is a unifying theme in biology because
A. it emphasizes the similarity of all living things.
B. it points out the differences among all living things.
C. it defines how living and nonliving organisms are related.
D. it relates cells to the atomic theory of matter.
13. Most heritable differences are due to
A. the insertion of incorrect sequences of DNA by faulty polymerases.
B. the inability to form proper DNA sequences due to poor nutrition.
C. point mutations that occur during mitosis.
D. gene shuffling that occurs during the production of gametes.
14. The biosphere can best be defined as
A. all of the plants on Earth.
B. any region on Earth where life can exist.
C. a region with distinct climate characteristics.
D. all of the abiotic components of the Earth.
15. Which of the following molecules is the subunit of DNA that links together to form strands
of DNA?
A. a nucleotide
B. a polymerase
C. a codon
D. a phosphate base
16. The sequence of bases on one strand of a DNA molecule is ATTGCCCATG. What will be
the sequence on the complementary strand?
17. When environmental conditions change, it is more likely that at least some members of a
species will survive if
A. the species reproduces asexually.
B. the species requires very specific environmental conditions.
C. there is variation among the members.
D. the members are genetically identical.
18. A pod of dolphins hunting and feeding on a school of fish is an example of
A. an ecosystem interaction.
B. a community interaction.
C. a population interaction.
D. a biome interaction.
19. Humans and other animals need a variety of materials in order to form the molecular building
blocks of life. What is the primary source of these materials?
A. the Sun
C. vaccines
D. food
20. Which of the following is an example of a population?
the bank of a pond and the frogs and salamanders that live there
a pack of wolves chasing a family of deer through a grove of trees
a large clan of meerkats, including their offspring
a hot, dry climate that receives very little rain