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CH 5 review
If you haven't outlined the chapter in its entirety, please do so by Jan 1.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) A problem with avoidance training is that ________.
A) it tends to produce latent learning
B) its effects tend to last only for a short time
C) it tends to take effect when it is too late to make a difference in avoiding the problem
D) the learned behavior sometimes persists when it is no longer effective or necessary
explain your answer: _________________________________________________________
2) Which of the following statements are true?
A) Simple behavior is easier to extinguish than complex behavior.
B) It is harder to extinguish a response learned on a partial reinforcement schedule than one
learned on a schedule of continuous reinforcement.
C) Behaviors are harder to extinguish when they are learned in a variety of settings.
D) Avoidance training is relatively easy to extinguish.
3) Louie works at a job where he is paid by commission. For every car Louie sells, he gets 10
percent of the profits. Louie being reinforced on a ________.
A) variable-ratio schedule
B) variable-interval schedule
C) fixed-ratio schedule
D) fixed-interval schedule
4) In higher-order conditioning, objects that have no intrinsic value but become reinforcers because
of their association with other, more basic reinforcers, are known as ________ reinforcers.
A) peripheral
B) primary
C) central
D) secondary
5) A reinforcer that removes something unpleasant from a situation is a(n) ________ reinforcer.
A) negative
B) secondary
C) positive
D) primary
6) Schedules of reinforcement apply to
A) operant conditioning
C) classical conditioning
B) cognitive learning
D) Pavlov's law of thermodynamics
7) Which of the following statements is true for operant conditioning?
A) The greater the variety of settings in which learning takes place, the easier the behavior is
to extinguish.
B) Complex behavior is easier to extinguish than simple behavior.
C) Avoidance training is especially difficult to extinguish.
D) The stronger the original learning, the easier it is to extinguish.
8) By pairing the ringing of a bell with the presentation of meat, Pavlov trained dogs to salivate to
the sound of a bell even when no meat was presented. In this experiment, salivation to the meat
was the ________.
A) conditioned stimulus
B) unconditioned stimulus
C) conditioned response
D) unconditioned response
9) Which of the following behaviors will be MOST difficult to extinguish?
A) A man takes the same bus route every day to get to his job.
B) A little boy gets 50 cents from his mother each time he dries the dishes
C) A teenaged girl gets home before midnight so that her parents will not punish her.
D) A woman goes to her local market four days in a row to get prime rib but finds it
10) The work of Mary Cover Jones lead to
A) ethical experiments
C) ethical dilemmas
B) desensitization therapy
D) equal rights for all
11) Any stimulus that follows a behavior and decreases the likelihood that the behavior will be
repeated is called a(n) ________.
A) punisher
B) negative reinforcer
C) antecedent
D) aversive stimulus
12) Which of the following statements is true?
A) Simple behavior is easier to extinguish than complex behavior.
B) The stronger the original learning, the more difficult extinction will be.
C) Behaviors learned through punishment are relatively easy to extinguish.
D) It is harder to extinguish a response learned on a partial reinforcement schedule than one
learned on a continuous reinforcement schedule.
13) When comparing the effects of continuous reinforcement with intermittent reinforcement,
A) both cause equally long-term changes in behavior
B) neither causes long-term behavior change
C) intermittent reinforcement causes longer-term changes in behavior than continuous
D) continuous reinforcement causes longer-term changes in behavior than intermittent
14) Researchers have discovered that many autoimmune disorders can be successfully controlled
without drug treatments through the use of ________ procedures.
A) classical conditioning
B) desensitization
C) operant conditioning
D) vicarious learning
15) By pairing the ringing of a bell with the presentation of meat, Pavlov trained dogs to salivate to
the sound of a bell even when no meat was presented. In this experiment, salivation to the bell
was the ________.
A) unconditioned response.
B) conditioned stimulus
C) conditioned response
D) unconditioned stimulus
16) A group of dogs is taught to salivate to the ringing of a bell by pairing the sound of the bell with
the presentation of meat. Once the dogs have been conditioned to the sound of the bell, a black
square is presented each time the bell is rung. Soon, the dogs are salivating to the presentation of
the black square without it being paired to the presentation of the bell. This is an example of
A) backward conditioning
B) response generalization
C) higher-order conditioning
D) operant conditioning
17) In classical conditioning the learner is ________, and in operant conditioning the learner is
A) passive; passive
B) passive; active
C) active; passive
D) active; active
explain your answer: _________________________________________________________
18) Abigail is trying to figure out how she can BEST use employee pay to elicit a high rate of
employee productivity over a long period of time. If employees' responses to pay schedules are
similar to people's general responses to reinforcement schedules, she should use a ________
A) variable-ratio
B) fixed-interval
C) variable-interval
D) ratio-interval
19) The use of intermittent pairing ________ the rate of learning while it ________ the final strength
of the learned response.
A) increases; increases
B) reduces; increases
C) reduces; reduces
D) increases; reduces
20) Biofeedback is an application of ________.
A) operant conditioning
C) classical conditioning
B) social learning
D) preparedness
21) In operant conditioning, ________.
A) continuous reinforcement leads to behaviors that will persist longer than behavior learned
through partial or intermittent reinforcement
B) both continuous reinforcement and partial or intermittent reinforcement lead to behaviors
that persist for equally long periods of time
C) neither partial nor continuous reinforcement leads to behaviors that will persist for long
periods of time
D) partial or intermittent reinforcement leads to behaviors that will persist longer than
behavior learned through continuous reinforcement
22) Which of the following is NOT an example of preparedness in conditioning?
A) Baby ducklings learn to recognize their mother's sight and call as they follow her around,
and soon will follow nobody but their mother.
B) Rats learn to avoid drinking water with a salty taste that previously made them ill.
C) A child learns that brushing his teeth always results in praise from his parents.
D) Birds quickly learn to avoid drinking water that is the same color as water that previously
made them ill.
23) Abigail is trying to figure out how she can BEST use employee pay to shape her employees'
behavior. She is interested in short-term productivity (speed), not consistency, long-term
productivity, or employee turnover. According to reinforcement theory, she should use a
________ schedule.
A) fixed-interval
B) variable-interval
C) ratio-interval
D) fixed-ratio
24) An animal is placed in a box with a bar and also a wire floor that can deliver a mild shock. The
experimenter first sounds a buzzer, then a few seconds later turns on the shock. Pressing the bar
after the buzzer sounds but before the shock is delivered will prevent the shock from occurring.
This is an example of ________.
A) modeling
B) punishment learning
C) classical conditioning
D) avoidance training
25) An experimenter attempting to classically condition a new behavior in a dog unintentionally
presents the CS without the US several times during the conditioning process. She finds that this
intermittent pairing ________.
A) reduces the rate of learning and the strength of the final learned response
B) increases the rate of learning and the strength of the final learned response
C) has no effect on the rate of learning or the strength of the final learned response
D) increases the rate of learning but decreases the strength of the final learned response
26) An example of a fixed-interval schedule is
A) winning money in Atlantic City at a slot machine
B) a dog receiving a treat when he sits on command
C) getting paid for each hamburger you sell.
D) being paid weekly
27) A dog, taught to salivate to the sound of a buzzer, learned that the buzzer was no longer
followed by food and stopped salivating to the buzzer. If the dog again heard the buzzer after a
few weeks, it would probably salivate .
A) True
B) False
explain your answer: _________________________________________________________
28) Nagging someone to do something until they do it is an example of ________.
A) negative reinforcement
B) positive reinforcement
C) punishment
D) aversive conditioning
29) to facilitate learning indicates that ________.
A) even when used properly, linking rewards to learning actually reduces natural motivation
and creativity
B) linking rewards to learning does not compromise either motivation or creativity
C) linking rewards to learning reduces motivation but not creativity
D) linking rewards to learning reduces creativity but not motivation
30) In an experiment, the pupils of subjects' eyes contracted when a bright light was shown. After
continual pairing of the bright light with the sound of a bell, subjects' pupils contracted when
they heard the bell. After pairing the sound of the bell with the experimenter's verbal instruction
“Contract,” pupil contraction occurred with just the verbal instruction. In this entire study, the
conditioned stimulus is (stimuli are) the ________.
A) bright light
B) word “contract”
C) bell
D) bell and the word “contract”
What is this type of learning called? ____________________________________________
31) Every time a tone sounds, a student has a puff of air blown into her eye. Her eye twitches. After
a while, she twitches when she hears the sound.The twitching caused by the air puff is the
A) inordinate response
B) unconditioned response
C) parallel response
D) conditioned stimulus
32) When a consequence isn't experienced first-hand, but only occurs to other people, it is
A) unenforceable
B) vicarious
C) operant
D) classical
33) Rachel has found that when she opens the cupboard door to get the cat food, the cats come
running to the kitchen. Rachel knows that this is classical conditioning and that the
unconditioned stimulus is the ________ and the conditioned stimulus is the ________.
A) cat food; kitchen
B) cat food; cupboard door opening
C) cupboard door opening; cat food
D) kitchen; cat food
34) Conditioning based on previous learning, in which the conditioned stimulus serves as an
unconditioned stimulus for further learning, is called ________ conditioning.
A) primary
B) cue-controlled
C) secondary
D) higher-order
35) In an experiment, the pupils of subjects' eyes contracted when a bright light was shown. After
continual pairing of the bright light with the sound of a bell, the subjects' pupils contracted
when they heard the bell. After the pairing of the sound of the bell with the presentation of a
black square, pupil contraction occurred with just the sight of the square. In this entire
conditioning study, the conditioned stimulus is (stimuli are) the ________.
A) light and square
B) bell and square
C) square
D) bell
36) A cognitive map is a kind of
A) classical conditioning
C) latent learning
B) operant conditioning
D) rewarded behavior
37) A rat is given reinforcement after every 10 bar presses. This schedule is
A) fixed-ratio
B) variable-interval
C) fixed-interval
D) fixed-ordinal
38) If you want an organism to respond very rapidly with only a brief pause after each
reinforcement, which schedule of reinforcement would you choose?
A) variable-interval
B) Any reinforcement schedule would work as well as any other.
C) fixed-ratio
D) fixed-interval
39) Positive reinforcement ________ the likelihood that the behavior preceding it will happen again
while negative reinforcement ________ the likelihood that the preceding behavior will happen
A) decreases; decreases
B) decreases; increases
C) increases; decreases
D) increases; increases
Answer Key
1) D
2) A, B, C
3) C
4) D
5) A
6) A
7) C
8) D
9) C
10) B
11) A
12) A, B, D
13) C
14) A
15) C
16) C
17) B
18) A
19) C
20) A
21) D
22) C
23) D
24) D
25) A
26) D
27) A
28) A
29) B
30) D
31) B
32) B
33) B
34) D
35) B
36) C
37) A
38) C
39) D