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TOC #________
DNA Structure Worksheet
Use your DNA structure notes and handouts to complete study guide.
1. What do the letters DNA stand for?
2. What is the building block of DNA called?
3. The “backbone or helix” of the DNA molecule is
made up of two alternating components, what are
4. There are four different variations of these monomers
(four different bases), what are the names of those bases?
5. The bases form complementary pairs.
Guanine always pairs with ______________________________________.
Adenine always pairs with ______________________________________.
6. Which base is not found in RNA? _______________________________________________
7. What base is found in RNA that is not in DNA? _____________________________
8. What is DNA replication?
9. What are the steps of DNA replication?
10. Draw the basic structure of a nucleotide with its three parts.
11. Write the complementary sequence to following DNA strand:
12. Use the image at the right to complete the follow:
Circle a nucleotide.
Label the sugar and phosphate.
Label the bases that are not already labeled
13. On the Following Page, color the DNA structure.
TOC #________
TOC #________
Step 1:
Color Each Deoxyribose sugar
Color Each Phosphate group
Step 2:
Step 3:
Color the _____ hydrogen
bonds between A and T
Learve the ____ hydrogen
bonds between G and C
DNA and Genetics Vocabulary
2. passing of traits from parent to offspring
4. when a chromosome is not copied correctly
5. - make up the helix of DNA
6. the likelihood that an event will occur
9. - different forms of genes
13. two different alleles
15. - mating of organisms with desirable traits
18. - only see this trait if two are present
19. characteristic caused by genetics or the environment
20. - RNA
21. the visibly expressed trait (i.e. blue eyes)
22. copying of DNA
23. two identical alleles
1. long strands of DNA that contain thousands of genes
3. - DNA
7. transferring a gene from one organism to another to
produce a new trait (i.e. Glowing frog)
8. a chart that shows all the possible combinations of
alleles between two organisms
10. - always shows its trait
11. adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
12. Nucleic acid building blocks
14. Part of chromosome that controls a trait(30,000 in
16. involved in making proteins
17. the allele combination for a trait (i.e. Bb or bb)
23 of 23 words were placed into the puzzle.
Name: _____________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ________
Genetics Worksheet
Trait of the Pea Plant
Seed Shape
Stem Length
Pod Color
Flower Position
Seed Color
Pod Shape
Dominant Allele
Round is Dominant “R”
Tall is Dominant “T”
Green is Dominant “G”
Axial is Dominant “A”
Yellow is Dominant “Y”
Inflated is Dominant “I”
Write the GENOTYPE (the letters) for the
PHENOTYPE (how it looks) that is given:
Recessive Allele
Wrinkled is Recessive “r”
Short is Recessive “t”
Yellow is Recessive “g”
Terminal is Recessive “a”
Green is Recessive “y”
Constricted is Recessive “i”
Write the PHENOTYPE (how it looks) for
the GENOTYPE (the letters) that is given:
homozygous round seeds
heterozygous green pods
homozygous green seeds
homozygous terminal flowers ___________
homozygous short stem
homozygous constricted pods ___________
heterozygous axial flowers
heterozygous yellow seeds
heterozygous tall stem
homozygous wrinkled seeds
Write all of the possible genotypes for the following phenotypes. If no letter is specified,
you can use whatever letter you want to represent the alleles.
Free earlobes (E) is dominant to attached earlobes (e)
_____ or _____ Free earlobes
_____ attached earlobes
Curly hair (H) is dominant to straight hair (h)
______ or ____ Curly hair
______ straight hair
Summarize: Fill in the blanks with the words below.
Homozygous dominant
Homozygous Recessive
There are always _____ possible genotypes that produce the dominant phenotype. To have the dominant
phenotype, you can be either ___________________ ________________ or _____________________.
There is only _____ possible genotype that produces the recessive phenotype. To have the recessive phenotype,
you must be _________________________ ___________________.
Punnett Square Practice Pages
Directions: Complete each Punnett Square and answer the questions.
1. Flower color
a. Purple is dominant (P)
b. White is recessive (p)
c. A PP father and a PP mother
d. What color(s) are the parents?
e. What color(s) are the children?
2. Seed color
a. Yellow is dominant (Y)
b. Green is recessive (y)
c. A yy father and a yy mother
d. What color(s) are the parents?
e. What color(s) are the children?
3. Seed shape
a. Round is dominant (R)
b. Wrinkled is recessive (r)
c. An RR father and an rr mother
d. What shape(s) are the parents?
e. What shape(s) are the children?
4. Pod color
a. Green is dominant (G)
b. Yellow is recessive (g)
c. A Gg father and a GG mother
d. What color(s) are the parents?
e. What color(s) are the children?
5. Pod shape
a. Smooth is dominant (S)
b. Bumpy is recessive (s)
c. A Ss father and a ss mother
d. What shape(s) are the parents?
e. What shape(s) are the children?