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happening to
the climate?
– Ten questions and answers
on climate change
Mankind generates large amounts
of greenhouse gases.
When the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
increases, more heat is trapped at the Earth’s surface.
This reinforces the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect,
temperatures rise and the climate changes, with
potentially serious effects around the world.
The main reason for the increase in the greenhouse
effect is the emission of the greenhouse gas carbon
dioxide. The more carbon dioxide there is in the
atmosphere, the warmer the climate becomes. Carbon
dioxide is released when we use fossil fuels like natural
gas, coal, oil, diesel and petrol. Even the felling of
trees has an effect on the atmosphere’s level of carbon
dioxide since trees normally absorb carbon dioxide as
they grow.
1. Does mankind really have an effect
on the climate?
The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
increased by over 35 per cent since the middle of the 19th
century. Since the beginning of the 20th century the Earth’s
average temperature has increased by 0.7 degrees. These
trends have coincided with a steady increase in our use of
coal, oil, natural gas, diesel and petrol.
Humans have the greatest impact!
Photography: Frank Chmura, NordicPhotos
In the mid 19th century we started burning coal on a large
scale to heat our homes and supply industry with energy.
Next came cars powered by petrol and oil-fired boilers to
heat our homes, workplaces and public buildings. Since
then, ever increasing numbers of us have used more cars,
heating and products manufactured using fossil fuels.
Although the climate has always alternated naturally
between warm and cold periods, current warming is largely
due to human activity. Our emissions are contributing to
the climate becoming warmer.
For short errands, use your bicycle or walk. It is cheaper, enviromentalfriendly and it also benefits your health.
2. How much will emissions need to decrease?
Emissions need to decrease sharply!
Photography: Janis Christie/Matton
To prevent serious consequences, the world’s nations need
to start reducing their emissions of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases as soon as possible. If we are to meet the
EU’s climate target of a maximum rise in temperature of two
degrees, present-day emissions will have to decrease by at least
60 percent between now and 2050.
Emissions will have to start to decrease within the next
few years. This represents a great challenge for the global
community. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) notes that global emissions of carbon
dioxide today, rather than decreasing, are in fact continuing to
increase. Carbon dioxide emissions have risen by 80 per cent
since 1970. And no reversal of the trend is yet in sight.
The situation is serious, but scientists also point out that
there are ways in which emissions can be sufficiently reduced
with the help of present-day technology and renewable fuels.
But if this is to happen, individuals, businesses and decisionmakers will need to show both the willingness and the ability
to take action.
Avoid using drying cupboards and tumble dryers. Clothes can be hung
up to dry in the laundry, using air dehumidifiers if necessary, or if you
have a suitable space you can dry your washing outdoors.
3. But does it really matter if it becomes
a few degrees warmer?
If the average temperature of the Earth rises by 2-4 degrees by
the end of this century, which the UN’s IPCC considers likely,
sea levels may rise by half a metre. If global warming leads to
large areas of land ice in Greenland and Antarctica starting to
melt, sea levels may rise much further still.
Millions of people are at risk from poorer health as insects
and diseases spread. Access to drinking water may become
more difficult, and many plants and animals will be threatened with extinction as their habitats change so rapidly that
they do not have time to adapt.
It is also feared that a warmer climate may lead to more
extreme weather events such as long periods of drought and
heavy rainfall. The effects are expected to be particularly
serious in parts of the world that are already at risk. Further
drought in areas already short of water may, for example, force
millions of people to flee from water shortages and famine.
Risk of extreme weather and new diseases!
4. How will we be affected here in Sweden?
It is estimated that mean temperatures in Sweden will rise
more than the global average. This will mean milder winters
and more frequent, heavier rainstorms. A warmer climate
may also have some positive effects. Conditions for crop
cultivation may improve, which is good for agriculture and
forestry. Milder winters may, however, spread harmful insects
and diseases that pose a threat both to crop yields and to the
Increased precipitation and more intensive
downpours will increase the risk of flooding along
rivers, streams and lakes. Higher sea levels will
contribute to increased coastal erosion in Skåne
and, combined with storms, may increase the risk
of flooding in coastal towns.
Plants and animals will be affected. The flora and fauna
of the Swedish mountains and the Baltic Sea are regarded as
particularly vulnerable. A generally wetter and milder climate
will also favour ticks, which spread certain diseases. Warming
may also adversely affect the availability and quality of
drinking water.
Warmer and wetter in Sweden!
5. Can we put a stop to climate change?
We all need to reduce our emissions!
Photography: Magnus Fond/Johnér bildbyrå
Yes we can, if we radically reduce our use of coal, oil,
natural gas, petrol and diesel. But we have to anticipate
certain effects. The climate will react to our emissions
for a long time to come, even if global emissions decrease
To stop climate change, measures are required in many
areas. Like other countries, Sweden will have to make a
greater commitment to investing in new, energy-efficient
technology and renewable energy.
We will also have to become more economical in our use
of energy. This is true for buildings, transport and industry.
Green cars, energy-saving houses and energy-efficient
businesses are the way forward. Every country, every sector
of society, every business and every member of society will
therefore have to contribute to reducing emissions.
Buy food that’s in season and, if possible, produced locally.
6. How can we adapt?
The effects of climate change will differ from region to
region and country to country. Although the effects are yet
to be fully felt, adaptation to a warmer climate needs to
start now.
In Sweden we need to seriously consider the risk of
flooding and higher sea levels when we build new homes
and infrastructure. More cooling systems and ventilation in
buildings will be needed so that the elderly and children are
not affected by prolonged heat waves, for example.
In agriculture and forestry, crops appropriate to
the new weather conditions will have to be chosen.
A warmer climate may also necessitate costly investments. In Southern Sweden there is some discussion
as to how, in the future, increasing quantities of
water in Lake Vänern will be able to reach the sea.
Perhaps a new canal or tunnel to the coast needs
to be constructed?
It’s important that we start now!
7. Whose job is it?
Political decisions at all levels, locally, nationally and internationally, are important in reducing emissions. International cooperation under the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change is particularly significant.
Trading in emission allowances is one way in which the
EU countries are trying to reduce emissions from industry
and energy companies. The Swedish Parliament has
decided on a number of measures, such as energy taxes,
lower tax on renewable fuels, fuel-efficient cars
and other types of subsidies for energy efficiency
improvements. Decisions that affect emissions
and consequently the climate are taken every
day in local authorities and businesses.
The increase in the mean global temperature can be
limited if we all make use of the opportunities that actually
exist. We now all have enough knowledge to take action.
Reducing emissions demands both political decisions and
personal commitment.
We all need to do our bit!
8. Does it really matter what I do myself?
Everything you do matters!
Photography: Per Magnus Persson/Johnér bildbyrå
In Sweden, households account for almost half of emissions
that affect the climate. What you buy and where you buy it,
what you eat, how you travel, what temperature you keep
your home at and how much you use lights, computers and
domestic appliances: all these choices matter a lot.
If you save electricity, we don’t need to import energy
from coal- and oil-fired power stations. And you save
yourself money. Replacing an oil-fired boiler with one that
burns pellets will pay for itself in a few years. Changing to
a fuel-efficient or green car will reduce emissions. If you
also leave the car at home and walk, cycle or take public
transport instead, carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced
still further. What’s more you will save money and you’ll be
Replace ordinary light bulbs with low-energy lamps. It will pay for
itself. They are five times more efficient and last ten times longer.
9. Developing countries are worst affected
– what can we do?
We need to take responsibility!
Photography: Johan Ödman/Johnér bildbyrå
The industrialised world causes most human climate
impact, however it’s developing countries that suffer most
from climate change. So it’s up to us to make the biggest
reduction in emissions. We in the rich world need to face
up to the harm we are inflicting on people in developing
countries and island nations prone to flooding.
Many developing countries need help in adapting to
climate change. At the same time, it’s also important to
support developing countries with energy-efficient technology so that emissions do not increase as these countries’
economies grow.
Parallel to this, we must continue to work to reduce
emissions in Sweden and in other industrialised countries.
Only then will we really be able to limit the effects of
climate change.
We must all do our bit to create a good environment for a continued
good quality of life by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.
10. When and how will we know
that we have succeeded?
Global greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing at a
significant rate. The UN’s IPCC believes that emissions will
need to start to decrease soon if there is not to be a risk of
serious changes to the Earth’s climate. The next 20 years
are considered crucial in deciding the extent of the change
in the climate.
Sweden and the EU have set a target of the mean global
temperature not rising by more than two degrees. On the
way to meeting Swedish climate targets, there are a number
of “checkpoints” at which development is assessed and
decisions can be taken on more and stronger measures.
Greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden have fallen since
1990. But many new measures are still required if emissions are to decrease to a sufficient extent.
The IPCC regularly assesses our impact on the climate
and offers advice to governments around the world. The
most recent assessment was made in 2007. The conclusions
drawn in these reports indicate that the world has started
moving in the right direction.
The next 20 years are important!
Further reading
wedish Environmental Protection Agency:
Swedish Energy Agency:
Sweden’s Meteorological and Hydrological Institute: 2009-09
Further brochures can be ordered at: > Bookshop
| Photography front cover: Lena Paterson/Tiofoto
You can find plenty of reading material on climate change.
Visit the following websites:
ISBN 978-91-620-8418-9
SE-106 48 Stockholm, Sweden.Tel +46 8 698 10 00