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Work Hard Get Smart Graduate from College Name: ____________________________________
Date: ______________
Chapters 7, 8, 9 Review Sheet
Test: Week 22 Day 2
* Turn in your study guide on the day of the test for extra credit
Ms. Caspi’s tips for studying for a biology test:
1) Use the assessment limits and notes below to make your own study guide (look for the information in
your notes and the online textbook). YES, this is time-consuming but totally worth it.
2) Make flash cards for vocabulary terms (you can use the ones online) to review vocabulary
3) Review your study guide as many times as necessary (until you don’t just get it, you OWN it)
4) Test yourself/ have friends or family members test you
Section 7.1 - Life is Cellular
o Explain the importance of microscopes to the discovery of cells
o Name and explain the three principles of cells theory
1) Any living thing is made of cells
2) Cells are the smallest units of structure and function in the organism
3) New cells can only be produced from living cells
o Compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes
• Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have a cell membrane
• Eukaryotes have a nucleus but prokaryotes do not
• Eukaryotes store their genetic information in their nucleus. In prokaryotes, genetic information is
spread throughout the cell.
• Name examples for each type of cell
Section 7.2 - Cell Structure
o Identify plant/animal cells from a diagram
• Plant cells are rectangular and have a cell wall and a central vacuole.
• Animal cells are round because they lack a rigid cell wall.
o Identify the organelles that are only present in a plant cell and their functions
• Cell wall - provides rigidity and structure
• Central vacuole - storage of water, food, and waste products
• Chloroplasts - store chlorophyll. Where photosynthesis takes place
o Identify the organelles that are only present in animal cells and their functions
• Lysosomes - breaking down materials (though there are some plant cells that contain few
o Explain organelle functions
a. The control center that directs all of the cell’s activities ______________________________
b. A rigid layer found around plant cells that provides support and protection _________________
c. The layer that surrounds the nucleus and protects it _________________________________________
d. Protein-producing “machines” ______________________________
Work Hard Get Smart Graduate from College e. The “powerhouse” of the cell that convert food molecules into energy _______________________
f. A layer that surrounds cells and controls what materials come in and out of the cell
g. Contain chemicals that break down wastes and macromolecules ____________________________
h. The maze of passageways that carry proteins across the cell and modeify
i. With ribosomes _____________________________________
ii. Without ribosomes (involved in lipid synthesis) __________________________________
i. The part of the nucleus where ribosomes are produced ______________________________
j. Thin strands of genetic material that contain the instructions for directing the cell’s functions
k. Receive proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum, package, and distribute them to where they are needed
• Storage area of cells _____________________________________
o Identify organelles in a diagram
o Explain the function and structure of the cell membrane
• Lipid bi-layer =
 double layer of lipid molecule
 Hydrophobic tails are hidden
 Hydrophilic heads are facing outwards and into the cell
• Selectively permeable = only lets certain materials in and out of the cell
• Fluid mosaic model
 Fluid = flexible, can move
 Mosaic = made of different components (in addition to lipids, has proteins, carbohydrates,
Section 7.3 - Cell Transport
o Explain how the cell membrane controls what materials come in and out of the cell
o Compare and contrast passive and active transport
o Passive Transport = No energy required because molecules naturally move from high to low
 Diffusion = the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low
 Facilitated diffusion = diffusion through membrane proteins in the cell membrane
 Osmosis = Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
• A type of facilitated diffusion through membrane proteins called aquaporins
o Isotonic = the solution has a solute concentration that is equal to the cell
o Hypotonic = the solution has LESS solute than the cell
 Water will flow into the cell
o Hypertonic = the solution has MORE solute than the cell
 Water will flow out of the cell
o Active Transport = Energy is required because the cell is doing work
 Protein pumps = Membrane proteins that move molecules from an area of LOW to HIGH
Work Hard 
Get Smart Graduate from College Endocytosis = Large molecules are brought INTO the cell
• Ex: food molecules and whole cells
Exocytosis = Large molecules are removed OUT of the cell
• Ex: removal of waste and chemical signals
Section 7.4 - Homeostasis and Cells
o Explain how unicellular organisms maintain homeostasis
o grow
o respond to the environment
o change food or sunlight into energy
o reproduce
o Explain how multicellular organisms maintain homeostasis
o Cell specialization
 Different cells perform different jobs
 Cells have different structures based on the job they need to get done
 Allows cells to increase efficiency and divide responsibility
o levels of organization: celltissueorgan organ system
 Different levels work together to maintain internal balance
o Cell communication through chemical signals
 Cells communicate to be able to respond to the environment and restore balance
o Explain how a cell’s specialized job affects what organelles will be found in it
o Ex: cells that are involved in movement will have many mitochondria for energy. Cells involved in
waste removal will have lots of lysosomes and vacuoles
Section 8.1 - Energy and Life
o Explain that cells need energy to do work
o Explain why ATP is useful for cells
o short term energy storage
o Explain how energy is stored and released from ATP
o ATP loses a phosphate and turns into ADP
o When the chemical bond between the phosphates break, energy is released
o Identify glucose as a long-term energy storage source
o Glucose is like an energy “bank”. It stores a lot more energy than ATP
o When the cell needs to use the energy, it will turn glucose ATP
Section 8.2 - Photosynthesis, an Overview
o Identify the reactants and products of photosynthesis
o Reactants (inputs) = carbon dioxide + water
o Energy source = sunlight
o Products (outputs) = glucose + oxygen
o Write photosynthesis is a chemical reaction
o 6CO2 + 6H2O +(light) C6H12O6 + 6O2
o Identify where photosynthesis takes place
o Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells
o Explain the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis
o Chlorophyll is a pigment that absorbs light
o The light absorbed by chlorophyll is the energy source for photosynthesis
Work Hard Get Smart Graduate from College o Explain the purpose of photosynthesis
o Photosynthesis produces glucose, which is used by the plant as long term energy storage (food)
Sections 9.1- Cellular Respiration and Fermentation (+ packet given in class)
o Identify the reactants and products of respiration
o Reactants (inputs) = glucose + oxygen
o Products (outputs) = carbon dioxide + water + Energy
o Write cellular respiration as a chemical reaction
o C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
o Identify in which organelle respiration takes place
o Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria of both plant and animal cells
o Explain the purpose of respiration
o Respiration allows cells to “extract” energy by breaking down glucose into ATP
o Identify the relationship between respiration and photosynthesis
o Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are opposite processes