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climate change
climate change
Creative Brief ................................................ 2
Wire Frames .................................................. 3
Styles ............................................................... 9
Credits ........................................................... 10
shannon gray
climate change
creative brief
This video-focused website aims to provide an introduction to climate change and global warming, as well as outline some of the
factors that play a part in the earth’s climate. There is also a discussion of the possible impacts on the environment, plus a review
of steps that individuals can take to reduce the probability of drastic changes in our planet’s climate.
In the last century, the Earth’s temperature has risen about one degree. While this may not sound like something to cause alarm,
even a slight change in our planet’s climate can lead to drastic changes in many different eco systems around the world, and if it
happens too quickly, the inhabitants of those areas will not have time to adapt to their new environments, and the results could be
devestating. Scientists are not sure if this climate change has been accelerated by some of man’s actions, which makes awareness
of the possibility of our impact all the more important. The videos you can view here will help explain the basics of climate change,
its relationship to global warming, and the possible effects it could have on our environment. There are also some tips on steps
you can take to help reduce the human impact on climate change.
As the intention of this website is to provide a basic understanding on climate change, the target audience is broad; children and
adults ranging from 10 years to 80 years from all income levels and educational backgrounds. The content is suitable for children
under the age of 10 years old, however as it is not specifically aimed at young children, they may need assistance in understanding
certain or all topics.
shannon gray
climate change
wire frame: video player
view videos
the greenhouse gas effect
health and environment
what is climate change?
what you can do
shannon gray
climate change
wire frame: home
view videos
what is climate change?
the greenhouse gas effect
health and environment
what you can do
shannon gray
climate change
wire frame: what is climate change?
view videos
the greenhouse gas effect
what is climate change?
health and environment
what you can do
Weather changes all the time. The average pattern of weather, called
climate, usually stays pretty much the same for centuries if it is left to itself.
However, the earth is not being left alone. People are taking actions that
can change the earth and its climate in significant ways.
shannon gray
climate change
wire frame: the greenhouse effect
view videos
what is climate change?
the greenhouse gas effect
health and environment
what you can do
In the last 200 years, the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, and
deforestation have caused the concentrations of heat-trapping
"greenhouse gases" to increase significantly in our atmosphere. These
gases prevent heat from escaping to space, somewhat like the glass
panels of a greenhouse. In turn, the Earth has warmed by about 1ºF, and
scientists are not sure if the Earth is warming on its own, or if the actions
of society are contributing to global warming.
shannon gray
climate change
wire frame: environmental impact
view videos
what is climate change?
environmental impact
the greenhouse gas effect
what you can do
There is growing concern over the effects that climate change and global
warming have on both the environment as well as personal health. Learn
about what dangers climate change can bring, and how you can prevent
those changes from having an adverse effect on you and your
shannon gray
climate change
wire frame: what you can do
view videos
what is climate change?
what you can do
the greenhouse gas effect
health and environment
There are actions that you can take both ona personal and community
level that can help slow down the effects of the changing climate.
Simple changes can have a great impact.
shannon gray
climate change
story board: what is climate change?
duration: 00:00:52
title “what is climate change?” appears, fades out
clip of earth from outer space fades in, scenes of a tornadoe, then blizzard,
then hurricane appear.
voice over explains a simple definition of climate change.
title “what is global warming?” appears, fades out
clip of butterfly, then exotic bird fade in; followed by deer fighting in a snowstorm,
a manatee swimming in the ocean and fades into an industrial plant.
voice over explains a simple definition of global warming.
shannon gray
climate change
story board: the greenhouse effect
duration: 00:01:07
title “the greenhouse gas effect” appears, fades out
images of greenhouses move and in out; followed by a fade in of a greenhouse
around planet earth.
voice discusses how a greenhouse works.
image of greenhouse surrounding planet earth fades in; then moves into an
animated diagram of how greenhouse gases work.
voice over explains the process of greenhouse gas and the atmosphere.
image of a rain forest fades in, then fades out to an image of a polar ice cap.
voice explains the implications of a changing climate on earth’s ecosystems.
shannon gray
climate change
title “the environmental impact” appears, fades out
story board: environmental impact
duration: 00:01:12
clip of a sea turtle swimming fades in, then fades out to a parrot.
voice over explains how animals have dealt with past climate changes.
title “rise in seal level” appears, fades out
clip of penguins on an ice cap fades in, then out to a penguin by the water.
voice over discusses how melting ice caps and warm temperatures can cause the
sea level to rise.
title “life along the coast” appears, fades out
clip of coastal fishing city and boats appears, fades out to large buildings along
coast lines.
voice over discusses implications of rising sea levels.
shannon gray
climate change
story board: what you can do
duration: 00:00:56
title “what is climate change?” appears, fades out
clip of earth from outer space fades in, scenes of a tornadoe, then blizzard,
then hurricane appear.
voice over explains a simple definition of climate change.
title “what is global warming?” appears, fades out
clip of butterfly, then exotic bird fade in; followed by deer fighting in a snowstorm,
a manatee swimming in the ocean and fades into an industrial plant.
voice over explains a simple definition of global warming.
shannon gray
climate change
Dark Blue
Century Gothic
Hexidecimal #0D1826
Light Blue
Hexidecimal #96C5DE
10px, 14px, 18px
Hexidecimal #F36E27
shannon gray