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Cells Information Gap Activity - Answer Sheet Name: ___________ Homebase: _______
There are two main types of cells – animal and plant cells. Each cell is made up of parts called organelles. Each
organelle has a different form and carries out a different function for the cell.
Animal Cells
Cells from animals have several organelles in common. They
include the cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondrion,
lysosomes, cytoplasm, vacuoles and many more.
The cell membrane is a thin, flexible outer layer that encases
the cell and controls what goes in or comes out.
Cell membranes are hard to see under light microscopes, which is why it can be hard to identify individual animal
cells under light microscopes.
The cytoplasm is a jelly-like liquid that fills most of the cell and contains hundreds of different chemicals. New
substances are made and energy is released and stored there. Think of the cytoplasm as the chemical factory of
the cell.
Vacuoles are storage areas that may contain air, water, wastes OR food particles. Animal cells often contain
several small vacuoles. They are not normally visible under light microscopes.
The nucleus is the “control room” of the cell. It contains DNA, which is like a computer program that tells the cell
how to develop and function. Nuclei are often visible under light microscopes.
The mitochondrion is a small organelle that can’t be seen using a light microscope.
Its job is to break down food to release the energy that the cell needs to function.
Lysosomes break down, recycle and/or destroy food, old organelles, viruses and bacteria into other chemicals
which the cell can then use or dispose of.
Plant Cells
Like animal cells, plant cells also contain a nucleus,
lysosomes, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, a cell membrane,
but instead of many vacuoles, plant cells contain one large
vacuole filled with cell sap.
Unlike animal cells, plant cells contain chloroplasts and a
cell wall.
Unlike animals, plants need to make their own food in a process
known as photosynthesis. This occurs in organelles called chloroplasts
inside leaf cells. Chloroplasts may be seen using a light microscope.
Chloroplasts in the cell use light energy from the sun to convert
carbon dioxide and water into chemical energy in the form of glucose
(a type of sugar). This is then used as food for the plant. Oxygen is
made as a waste material.
Unlike animal cells, plant cells have a cell wall which contains a tough, fibrous material called cellulose and
provides the support needed by the plant cell and the entire plant. Cell walls are easy to see under microscopes,
which makes it easy to identify individual plant cells under microscopes.
There are other organelles, which you might want to know about, but we’ve kept it simple for Grade 6!
Single-Celled (Unicellular) Organisms
These organisms are called unicellular, meaning “one
cell”. This cell carries out all the required functions such
as food intake and movement.
Since some unicellular organisms show both plant and
animal characteristics, they are often classified not as
plants or animals, but as protists.
Multicellular Organisms
Organisms with more than one cell are known as
multicellular organisms. The larger the organism,
the more specialized cells it has. A specialized cell
carries out a very specific function for the
Humans contain more than 200 types of specialized
cells. Red blood cells carry food and oxygen around
the body; muscle cells assist movement; while
nerve cells send messages from the brain to the
What do you think the other specialized cells do?
Bone cells? Bone cells make up our bones and
provide the skeletal structure for our body.
Fat cells? Fat cells store extra energy in our bodies
as fat. They also act as protection for our internal
Groups of Cells, Tissues and Organs
The different specialized cells in our bodies are organized into
groups to help them work more effectively.
Groups of similar specialized cells are called tissue. Tissues in turn
may be grouped together to form an organ. Just as organelles do a
specific job for the cell, organs do a specific job for an organism.
For example, heart cells form heart tissue, which makes up the
heart, the organ specialized for pumping blood around the human
body. Some other human organs made from specialized cells and
tissues are the skin, brain, intestines, liver, kidneys and eyes.
Cell Info Gap Reflection Questions
Name_________________ Homebase_________________________
1. Which organelle(s) is/are unique to animal cells?____________________________________________________
2. Which organelle(s) is/are unique to plant cells?_____________________________________________________
3. Which organelles did we see under the microscopes? ________________________________________________
4. What do animals have that serves the same function as a cell wall? _____________________________________
5. If ISM were a cell, what would be its?
For the why part, you should focus on function.
a) cell membrane__________________________________ Why?_______________________________________
b) nucleus__________________________________ Why? ______________________________________________
c) cell wall_______________________________Why? __________________________________________________
d) cytoplasm_____________________________ Why? _________________________________________________
e) vacuoles______________________________ Why? _________________________________________________
f) mitochondrion ___________________________ Why? _______________________________________________
g) chloroplasts_____________________________ Why? ________________________________________________
h) lysosomes_____________________________ Why? _________________________________________________
6. What would ISM be like without the above structures? _______________________________________________
7. What would our cells be like without organelles? ____________________________________________________
8. What do you think is the most important organelle? _____________________ Why?_______________________
9. What do you think is the least important organelle? _____________________ Why?_______________________
10. Groups of similar cells are called ________________. A complete set of similar tissue forms a(n) ___________.
11. Why do humans have many different specialized cells? ______________________________________________
12. Why do you think humans have specialized cells, tissues and organs?__________________________________
13. What is a: unicellular organism? _______________________________________________________________
a multicellular organism? _________________________________________________________________________
a protist?______________________________________________________________________________________
14. What are the similarities between unicellular and multicellular organisms?______________________________
15. What are the differences between unicellular and multicellular organisms?______________________________
16. Why study cells?_____________________________________________________________________________
Cell Infographic Diagram
Now draw a picture/diagram with words and arrows that illustrates the functions of the organelles in a plant cell, and how a plant cell operates.
Remember that we are doing this because research shows that drawing diagrams and making models helps immensely with your learning!
1. All organelles (nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes, vacuoles) need to be represented.
2. Use pictures to represent the functions (some of your ideas from question 5 may help here). Your pictures should not look like the actual organelles.
This will not help your learning. Your pictures should relate to the function of the cell and possibly to your ideas from question 5.
3. Use words and arrows to show and explain the functions and how the organelles work together for the good of the cell.
4. Do it all in pencil first, then when you are done, get teacher approval then………..
5. Use colour to make it pretty!