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Role of intestinal epithelial cells in the innate immune
defence of the pig intestine
Isabelle Oswald
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Isabelle Oswald. Role of intestinal epithelial cells in the innate immune defence of the pig
intestine. Veterinary Research, BioMed Central, 2006, 37 (3), pp.359-368. .
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Vet. Res. 37 (2006) 359–368
© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2006
DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2006006
Review article
Role of intestinal epithelial cells in the innate immune
defence of the pig intestine
Isabelle P. OSWALD*
INRA, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie-Toxicologie, Toulouse, France
(Received 6 June 2005; accepted 16 September 2005)
Abstract – The intestinal epithelium serves as a dynamic barrier, which in the course of its normal
function, maintains regulated uptake of nutrients and water while excluding potential pathogens.
Over the past decade many studies have also revealed the immunological importance of intestinal
epithelial cells (IEC). IEC have developed a variety of mechanisms to reduce the risk of infection
by invasive pathogens or damage by toxic compounds. The effective maintenance of a physical
barrier function is dependent on the establishment of well-organised intercellular junctions and a
constant state of regeneration/renewal of the epithelium. IEC also participate in the innate immune
responsiveness of the intestine by their ability to secrete mucus and antimicrobial peptides. IEC are
also able to secrete cytokines and to respond to exogenous chemokines. This review summarises the
current knowledge of the innate immune mechanisms developed by porcine IEC.
pig / epithelial intestinal cells / innate immune defence
Table of contents
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 359
Role of IEC in the barrier function of the intestinal epithelium ...................................................... 360
Involvement of IEC in mucus layer protection................................................................................ 360
Role of IEC in the secretion of defensins and other antibacterial peptides ..................................... 362
Role of IEC in the secretion of chemokines and cytokines ............................................................. 363
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 364
The intestine is the most important route
of entry for foreign antigens [8, 48, 59]. The
antigens that may enter the body from the
intestine include food proteins, natural toxins, commensal gut flora, and invading
pathogens. The gastrointestinal tract (from
the stomach to the colon) is lined by a continuous monolayer of epithelial cells. A pri-
mary function of these intestinal epithelial
cells (IEC) is to act as a physical barrier,
separating the contents of a harsh luminal
environment from the layers of tissue comprising the interior milieu [21].
As a consequence of their exposed location, IEC have developed a variety of mechanisms besides the maintenance of barrier
function, which act to reduce the risk of
infection by invasive foreign agents. Such
* Corresponding author: [email protected]
Article published by EDP Sciences and available at or
I.P. Oswald
mechanisms include those that act directly
to inhibit bacterial colonisation along the
exposed surface of the monolayer and those
that function through an interactive process
with components of the underlying immune
system [56]. In the latter case, IEC can be
defined as playing an important role in the
natural immune system, which mediates the
non-specific acute inflammatory response
[13, 62]. This review attempts to outline
some of the mechanisms by which IEC participate in the innate immune response of
the intestine (barrier function, mucus secretion, antibacterial peptide synthesis, and
participation in the cytokine/chemokine
network) and to review what is currently
known for porcine IEC.
The intrinsic mechanisms of immunity
are derived from the presence of a physical
barrier formed by the specialised epithelial
cells. Epithelial integrity is critical in maintaining a physical but selective barrier
between external and internal environments. This barrier function is maintained
by well-organised intercellular structures
including tight junctions, adherence junctions and desmosomes surrounding the apical region of epithelial cells [23]. Tight
junctions of epithelial cells consist in a narrow belt-like structure in the apical region
of the lateral plasma membrane wrapped
around each cell, adjoining its neighbours.
Cell-cell adhesion at this junction is mediated by the interaction of the multiple membrane-spanning proteins claudin and occludin, proteins protruding from the plasma
membrane of adjacent IEC. Other proteins,
such as Zonula Occludens-1 (ZO-1), ZO-2
and cingulin are also involved in the regulation of tight junctions. Adheren junctions
consist of interactions mediated by the
homophylic adhesion of single membranespanning proteins E-cadherin [24] and des-
mosomes at points where extra-cellular and
intra-cellular filaments co-associate.
The trans-epithelial electrical resistance
(TEER) of cell monolayers can be considered as a good indicator of the degree of
organisation of the tight junctions within
the cell monolayer and epithelial integrity
[25]. As indicated by a decreased TEER,
several physical and chemical factors can
dynamically alter the tight junctions. These
include internal factors such as hormones,
neurotransmitters, proteases, cytokines, but
also food-derived contaminants, bacterial
toxins, mycotoxins and xenobiotics [6, 33].
The pig tight junction has been poorly
characterised; this is mainly due to the lack
of available porcine epithelial cell lines. To
our knowledge, only three porcine intestinal epithelial cell lines (namely IPI-2I,
IPEC-1 and IPEC-J2) have been characterised [22, 29, 57]. Among them only the
IPEC-1 line developed a TEER upon in
vitro culture [1, 7] as observed in human
IEC lines. Ex vivo studies, based on the
TEER measurement of pig intestinal samples mounted in Ussing chambers, have
indicated that total parenteral nutrition
adversely affects gut barrier function in
neonatal piglets [30]. However in these animals the decreased TEER was not associated with an increased bacterial translocation or a change in Claudin-1, occludin and
ZO-1 expression [30]. In a model of gut
injury, it has been demonstrated that prostaglandins mediated the recovery of barrier
function through an effect on the regulation
of the assembly of tight junction by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase [5, 35].
The mucus layer is part of the various
protection systems developed at the intestinal epithelial cell level. It is composed of
mucins associated with other proteins and
lipids. It forms a continuous gel into which
a bicarbonate-rich fluid is secreted, maintaining a neutralising pH at the epithelial
Innate defence of intestinal epithelial cells
Figure 1. Functional properties of digestive mucins (adapted from [44]).
surface. Mucin subunits are comprised of a
protein backbone and a large number of carbohydrate side chains that contain neutral
sugars including hexosamines. Mucins are
usually subdivided into two groups: the
membrane-anchored (gel-forming) and the
secreted mucins (non gel-forming) groups
[11]. They are synthesised and secreted by
Goblet cells through baseline secretion and
active exocytosis [52]. The tight adherence
of mucin to the apical surfaces of the epithelium is due to a specific complex between
mucin oligosaccharides and a mucin binding protein on the apical side of epithelial
The mucus layer is in a dynamic balance
between mucin synthesis and secretion
from goblet cells of the underlying epithelium and erosion on the lumenal side releasing mucin into the gut lumen. Many
substances, including food contaminants,
hormones, neuropeptides, and inflammatory mediators such as cytokines and lipids,
can regulate mucin synthesis and induce its
exocytosis [10, 52].
Mucins are involved in gut physiology
since they constitute a selective diffusion
barrier permeable to nutrients and not to
macromolecules (Fig. 1). They also participate in lubrication of the gut epithelium and
in its protection against an acidic environment and proteases from endogenous or
bacterial origin [44]. Because of their ability to fix commensal bacteria, their synergistic action with trefoil peptides in epithelium repair and their interaction with other
protective components such as IgA, various
growth factors or cytokines, mucins are also
involved in gut health [44]. Mucins are
poorly digested before reaching the large
intestine, where they are fermented by
enteric bacteria and thus influence the gut
microbial environment (Fig. 1).
Pig mucins have been characterised at
the genomic and biochemical levels [14, 16,
55, 73]. Many dietary factors including
fibre, protein and anti-nutritional factors
have been shown to influence secretion of
mucin and/or erosion of the mucus in the pig
intestine [43, 50, 72]. Fibres increase
endogenous protein synthesis as well as
excretion of mucin at the terminal ileum
[43, 50]. They mainly act through an abrasive action, scraping mucin from pig
mucosa as it passes down the gut wall [32].
In addition to this physical aspect, fibres
may participate in mucin erosion through
I.P. Oswald
their effect on the activities and distribution
of proteolytic enzymes in the intestinal
lumen. They also increase mucin content
and/or composition through another indirect mechanism involving short-chain fatty
acids, which are formed in the colon following the fermentation of dietary fibre by
bacteria [71]. Although less intensively
studied than dietary fibre, protein has also
been shown to increase the recovery of
mucin in the pig intestine [36]. Finally, antinutritional factors such as tannin, lectin and
protease inhibitors are other dietary compounds with the ability to increase the
recovery of endogenous protein including
mucin [34]. If the mechanism by which tannin modulates mucin secretion remains
unknown, the ability of lectin to bind to glycoprotein at the surface of intestinal cells
may account for decreased mucin hydrolysis by digestive enzymes in the small intestine. Alternatively, lectin could act through
its ability to induce the release of histamine,
which is a known mucus secretagogue [44].
Microbial infections could also modulate mucin secretion (review in [10]). In
pigs, mostly parasitic infections such as
Oesophagostomum dentatum or Trichinella
spiralis, have been documented to increase
mucin accumulation in the proximal and the
distal colon [53, 70]. This increased mucin
concentration may relate to the production
and release of short-chain fatty acids in the
large intestine [58] and also to a more rapid
secretion of goblet cell mucins as suggested
by the lower volume of mucin granules in
the caecum and proximal colon of infected
animals [53]. Mucins may also serve as a
mechanism of defence for parasitic infection by binding and entrapment of
helminthes [41, 69].
Another mechanism of mucosal defence
is the secretion of agents exhibiting antimi-
crobial properties. Antimicrobial peptides
act by disrupting the integrity of the microbial membranes through their net-positive
charge and their ability to fold into amphipathic structures. In mammals, two main
families of antimicrobial peptides can be
distinguished: the defensins (α, β and θ
type) and the cathelicidins. Recent works
have also established angiogenins as an
important family of endogenous antimicrobial proteins [26]. The defensin structure is
based on a common β sheet core stabilised
by three disulfide bonds; the structure of
cathelicidins is very diverse. All mammals
examined so far produce cathelicidins [75].
They are mainly produced by myeloidderived cells and β-defensins are synthesised by epithelial cells lining the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts
[15]. The α-defensins, which have only
been identified in humans, monkeys and
rodents, are also expressed by different cell
types, including granule-containing granulocytic leukocytes and intestinal Paneth
cells. Defensins are direct effectors of antimicrobial activity, but they also regulate
innate and adaptive antimicrobial immunity. Indeed, they enhance phagocytosis,
promote neutrophil recruitment, enhance the
production of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
suppress anti-inflammatory mediators and
regulate complement activation; they can
also be chemokines and adjuvants (reviewed
by [74]). They also facilitate the maturation
as well as antigen uptake of dendritic cells.
In pigs, currently more than a dozen distinct anti-microbial peptides have been
identified and a majority belong to the
cathelicidin family [79].
PR-39 was isolated originally from bulk
homogenates of porcine small intestines [2]
but further studies demonstrated that this
cathelicidin was derived from neutrophils
and not from intestinal epithelia [68]. PR-39
is active mainly against gram-negative bacteria [2, 63] and increases significantly in
pig sera during the onset of salmonellosis
[76]. In addition, PR-39 specifically attracts
polymorphonuclear cells [27], accumulates
Innate defence of intestinal epithelial cells
in wound fluid [20] and inhibits the assembly of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase complex thereby limiting the production of
reactive oxygen species [63]. All of these
activities are tightly integrated and finely
tuned in pigs during injury, infection, and
wound healing.
NK-lysin is another antimicrobial peptide purified from the porcine small intestine based on its antibacterial activity and
that has been shown to be a new effector
molecule of cytotoxic T and NK cells [3,
66]. This antimicrobial peptide shows
activity against various bacteria and fungi,
including Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Streptococcus pyogeneis, and Candida albicans
[3]. It lyses certain tumour cells, but not
erythrocytes. Antimicrobial and tumourolytic activities of NK-lysin are believed to
arise from its interaction with lipids and
ability to form pores in the cell membrane
because of its alpha-helical structure [3].
The only member of the defensin family
identified in pigs thus far is the porcine
β-defensin [77]. Although α-defensins are
the most abundant anti-microbial peptides
in granules of polymorphonuclear cells or
intestinal Paneth cells in many mammalian
species [79], they have not been found in
pigs. The porcine β-defensin mRNA is
expressed abundantly in tongue epithelia
and to a lesser extent throughout the respiratory and digestive tracts. Despite its
resemblance to many inducible betadefensins in amino acid sequence, gene
structure, and sites of expression, the porcine β-defensin gene failed to upregulate in
response to both in vitro stimulation and in
vivo infection of pigs with Salmonella typhimurium or Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae [78]. The constitutive expression of
porcine β-defensin in airway and oral
mucosa suggests that it may play a surveillance role in maintaining the steady state of
microflora on mucosal surfaces. Recombinant porcine β-defensin peptide has
potent antibacterial activity against both
gram-positive and -negative bacteria as
well as fungi, including Escherichia coli, S.
typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, and
Candida albicans [64]. Moreover, a synergy between β-defensin, PR-39 and protegrin 3, in killing bacteria has been demonstrated in pigs [64].
Cytokines are small peptide molecules,
which are important mediators in the regulation of the immune and inflammatory
responses. They are produced by cells
belonging to the immune system (lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells…)
but also by cells not traditionally considered
as part of the immune system such as IEC.
Indeed the IEC can produce cytokines and
chemokines, crucial for the recruitment and
activation of immune system cells (Fig. 2).
Several cytokines including TGF-α, IL-1,
IL-10, IL-15, and IL-18 are constitutively
expressed by the IEC and may play a role
in the basal influx of immune cells into the
mucosa, in epithelial cell growth and homeostasis [65]. Other cytokines such as IL-1α
or β, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, MCP-1, CCL20,
and GM-CSF are also expressed by normal
epithelial cells but are markedly up-regulated in response to microbial infection [28,
65]. These patterns of cytokine expression
have been analysed in cell lines derived
from the small intestine (IEC-6 murine
cells) or the colon (HT-29, T-84 or Caco-2
human cells) and in cultured small intestinal
biopsies [4]. Studies have also been performed in vivo in different parts of the intestine of rodents but also of domestic animals
[9, 45, 54].
Intestinal epithelial cells are not only
able to secrete chemokines that will have an
effect on the underlying immune cell functioning but can also respond to chemokines
synthesised by themselves or by other
immune cells. Indeed, IEC express a number
of chemokine receptors at their apical
surface. For example, IEC could respond to
I.P. Oswald
Figure 2. Summary of the cytokines and chemokines produced by intestinal epithelial cells. The
usual target of each cytokine is shown although in some cases the same cytokine may act on more
than one cell type. The figure includes constitutive and induced cytokine. In bold are indicated the
cytokine cloned in the pig, in italic the ones partially cloned (adapted from [65]). IL: interleukin;
CCL/CXCL: Chemokine (C-C/C-X-C motif) ligand; TGF: transforming growth factor.
IL-1 via their IL-1 receptors and thus
amplify the effects of IL-1 during the inflammatory response [39]. Taken together, these
findings indicate that IEC play a pivotal role
in local immune responses and that chemokines mediate immune cross-talk between
IEC, leukocytes, and adjacent cells in the
surrounding mucosal environment.
In pigs many cytokines have been cloned
and characterised [18, 46, 47]. For several
cytokines, specific antibodies are also
available, or cross-reacting antibodies have
been identified allowing the determination
of the protein [61]. In addition several DNA
arrays have been created to specifically
study the pig immune system [12, 31, 49].
The rapidly expanding status of cytokine
reagents available in swine reflects the current interest in porcine immunology and
disease pathogenesis, the potential of pigs
as organ donors for xenotransplantation in
humans, and the use of swine in biomedical
Both physiological and pathological situations have been shown to modify the
intestinal secretion/expression of cytokines
in pigs. For example, weaning has been
associated with a transient increase in inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-6 and
TNF-α [37, 38, 54] as well as an increase
of TGF-β [40] in different parts of the pig
intestine. Similarly, infection with Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, Schistosoma
mansoni, Toxoplasma gondii or Ascaris
suum increased the intestinal expression of
inflammatory cytokines [17, 19, 42, 51, 67].
However, in these studies the cytokine
expression/synthesis has been analysed in
whole intestinal samples and the specific
involvement of intestinal epithelial cells
relative to other cytokine producing cells
(dendritic cells, intraepithelial lymphocytes…) has not been described. The limited availability of porcine intestinal epithelial cell lines has also restricted in vitro
studies of the interaction between pathogens and porcine intestinal epithelial cells,
since it has largely been documented with
human or murine intestinal cell lines [60].
In this review the importance of IEC in
the innate immune response of the intestinal
tract has been underlined. Indeed IEC form
a physical barrier and secrete a variety of
compounds such as mucins, antimicrobial
peptides and cytokines that participate in
the innate immune defence. In addition,
Innate defence of intestinal epithelial cells
IEC also take an active part in the induction
of adaptive immune surveillance at the
mucosal surface. This involves the collaboration of IEC with antigen-presenting and
lymphoid cells and occurs mainly in the follicle-associated epithelium. These mucosal
adaptative immune mechanisms encompass a complex array of both humoral factors, particularly secretory IgA, and cellular
factors, including lymphocytes unique to
the gut-associated lymphoid tissue such as
intra-epithelial lymphocytes and lamina
propria lymphocytes. In pigs, because of the
limited availability of intestinal epithelial
cell lines, most of the data concerning the
role of IEC in the innate and adaptive
immune response of the intestine have been
obtained from in vivo and ex vivo experiments. However, given the complex intercellular signalling that occurs within the
gut, the coordinated interplay between the
different mediators, these experiments are
more difficult to interpret than in vitro
experiments on IEC.
The European Union is greatly acknowledged for financial support of the project Feed
for Pig Health (contract No. FOOD-CT62004506144). The authors are solely responsible for
this text which does not represent the opinion of
the European Commission (EC), and the EC is
not responsible for the information delivered.
Thanks are also due to Dr Karin Haverson for her
help with the English text.
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