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Define the following terms, include their function and location. Remember that you must
know the 'geography' to understand the question on the exam.
1. Photosynthesis and chemical Reaction
2. Pigments
3. Chlorophyll a
4. Chlorophyll b
5. Light dependent reaction
6. Light independent reaction
7. ATP synthase
8. Electron transfer chains
9. NADP+
11. Photosystem II (be very general, use your own words)…look in your lecture notes
12. Photosystem I (be very general, use your own words)… look in your lecture notes
13. Calvin-Benson cycle (same as Calvin cycle) (same as dark reaction) (same as light
indep. Rxn.)
14. Photosynthetic autotrophs use _____ from the air as a carbon source and ______ as
their energy source.
15. Heterotrophs use ______ from plants as their carbon source.
16. Light-dependent reactions in plants occur at the _______
a. thylakoid membrane
b. plasma membrane
c. stroma
d. cytoplasm
17. In the light-dependent reactions _______
a. carbon dioxide is fixed
b. ATP and NADPH form
c. CO2 accepts electrons
d. NADPH accepts electrons
e. Oxygen accepts electrons
f. sugars form
18. What accumulates inside the thylakoid compartment during the light-dependent
a. glucose
b. sugar
c. carbohydrates
d. hydrogen ions
e. carbon dioxide
f. carbon monoxide
19. Light-independent reactions proceed in the
a. cytoplasm
b. plasma membrane
c. stroma
d. mitochondria membrane
20. _______ is the reactant in the light dependent reaction, while ______ gas is the
21. ______ the energy molecule produced during the light dependent reaction is utilized
to produce _______ in the light independent reaction.
22. The electron and hydrogen ion carrier molecule _______ gives up its electrons and
hydrogen ions to directly form _______ in the light independent reaction.
23. The electron and hydrogen ion carrier molecule _______ gives up its electrons and
hydrogen ions; which bond with ______ and ______ to form ______ in the light
independent reaction. (This question is more specific than the one above, and it is in your
24. Once _______ gives up its electrons and hydrogen ions, ______ forms in the light
independent reaction enabling this molecule to pick up _________ and ____________ in
the light dependent reaction.
25. When ______ is formed in the light dependent reaction, its energy will be used to
produce ________ in the light independent reaction leading to the formation of _______
and ______ to form.
26. ______ and _____ formed in the light independent reaction are bound together again
in the light dependent reaction forming _______.
27. Molecules of the pigment ______________ are at the center of every photosystem.
28. The enzyme __________________ is involved in catalyzing the formation of ATP.
29. The increased concentration of Hydrogen ions inside the thylakoid compartment
enable the formation of _________.
30. The light independent reaction is also known as the __________________ and
31. The _____________ produced in the light ____________ reaction immediately forms
_____________ for storage.
32 a) Compare and contrast the light dependent reaction from the light independent
32 b). What happens to the sugar molecule produced from a plant once it enters our
bodies? (Really think about this one).
33. Mitosis
34. Chromosome
35. One chromatid
36. Sister chromatids
37. Prokaryotic fission (same as binary fission)
38. Centromere
39. Interphase
40. Prophase
41. Metaphase
42. Anaphase
43. Telophase
I wonder what I would use the following for:…… :o)
44. G1
45. S
46. G2
47. Chromosome number
48. Diploid number
49. Haploid number
50. Bipolar mitotic spindle
51. Cleavage
52. Cell plate
53. Mitosis and division of the cytoplasm function in _____
a. asexual reproduction of single-celled eukaryotes
b. growth, tissue repair, often asexual reproduction
c. gamete formation in prokaryotes
d. gamete formation in most eukaryotes
e. A, and B
54. A duplicated chromosome has ________ chromatid (s)
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
55. The number of chromosomes is ___________.
a. the sum of all chromosomes in cells of a given type
b. an identifiable feature of each species
c. maintained by mitosis
d. all of the above
56. A somatic cell having two of each type of chromosome has a(n) _____ chromosome
a. diploid
b. haploid
c. tetraploid
d. abnormal
57. Interphase is the part of the cell cycle when _________.
a. a cell ceases to function
b. a germ cell forms its spindle apparatus
c. a cell grows and duplicates its DNA
d. mitosis proceeds
58. After mitosis, the chromosome number of a daughter cell is ______ the parent cell's.
a. the same as
b. one-half
c. rearranged compared to
d. doubled compared to
59. Only _______ is not a stage of mitosis.
a. prophase
b. interphase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
60. Explain the entire process of MITOSIS in a human cell --Use the appropriate
biological terms to describe this process and define each. Do include the purpose of
61. Asexual reproduction
62. Sexual reproduction
63. Diploid number
64. Chromosome number
65. Homologous chromosomes
66. Haploid number
Briefly describe what happens in each phase (Use the figures in your textbook)
67. Meiosis I
68. Prophase I
69. Metaphase I
70. Anaphase I
71. Telophase I
72. Meiosis II
73. Prophase II
74. Metaphase II
75. Anaphase II
76. Telophase II
77. Cytokenises
78. Crossing over
79. Describe the entire process of Meiosis -- Use all biological terms to describe this
process. Do include the purpose of MEIOSIS.
80. Compare and contrast Mitosis vs. Meiosis.
(Use your own words so that you can remember these terms and concepts more
effectively :o)
81. Cellular respiration
82. Glycolysis
83. Krebs cycle
84. Electron Transport System (same as Electron Transport Phosphorylation)
85. Mitochondria
86. ATP
87. Draw the reaction leading to ATP formation including the enzyme used in this
88. Draw the reaction where ATP is used as an energy source for a metabolic process.
89. Briefly describe how the chemiosmotic model is involved in the production of ATP.
90. To summarize, glycolysis converts the bond energy of glucose to bond energy of
______ a transportable form of energy.
91. The total # of ATP’s invested into the ‘investment phase’ of glycolysis is _______;
while the total number of harvested ATP’S is _________. In turn, the total # of ATP
produced from glycolysis is _______.
92. The first stage of aerobic respiration takes place during ___________ {glycolysis,
Krebs cycle, or ETS}
93. The second stage of aerobic respiration takes place during ____________{glycolysis,
Krebs cycle, or ETS}
94. The third stage of aerobic respiration takes place during _______ {glycolysis, Krebs
cycle, or ETS}
95. Glycolysis starts in the _____________ of the cell, and ends in the ___________ of
the cell.
96. The Krebs cycle starts in the ____________ and ends in the ___________.
97. The ETS begins in the _______________ and ends in the _____________.
98. The most significant molecule produced from the Krebs cycle is __________ along
with FADH2.
99. Small amounts of ATP are produced during both _____________ and ____________
while the largest amount of ATP is produced in the __________.
100.THe product during anaerobic fermentation by yeast is commonly known as
101.The term glycolysis specifically means ______________________________.
102. Inside the organelle ____________ aerobic respiration is completed.
103.The end-product produced during anaerobic fermentation by our muscle cells is
specifically _______________________.
104. The total number of ATPs produced from either alcoholic or lactate fermentation is
105. Compare and contrast Alcoholic fermentation by yeasts vs. Lactic acid fermentation
in our muscles.
106. Compare and contrast Aerobic respiration (also known as cellular respiration) vs.
107. Using pg. 120 of your textbook section 7.7 write a brief essay that connects both
photosynthesis and aerobic respiration.