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Mock Exam 2
1. The Calvin cycle differs from the citric acid cycle in that it
a. produces ATP
b. directly requires light to run
c. depends on the products of an electron transport chain
d. occurs in a double-membrane bound organelle
e. regenerates with three molecules of NADPH
2. All of the following would likely accelerate glycolysis EXCEPT
a. an increase in the production of AMP
b. increased activity of isomerase
c. overconsumption of ATP
d. increase in kinase activity
e. an increase in the levels of citrate
3. ATP is the primary energy currency of the cell because
a. it lowers the activation energy of most reactions
b. the production of ATP requires an input of energy
c. it contains unstable carboxyl groups
d. it couples endergonic reactions with exergonic ones
e. it is an important allosteric activator
4. All of the following involve ATP synthase EXCEPT
a. the light reactions of photosynthesis
b. oxidative phosphorylation
c. the citric acid cycle
d. chemiosmosis
e. the production of energy used for the Calvin cycle
5. All of the following are oxidizing agents EXCEPT
a. NADP+
c. FAD
e. cytochromes
6. During photosynthesis, the oxygen atoms in water molecules
a. are incorporated into glucose
b. are released as gaseous oxygen
c. are used to form different water molecules
d. a and b
e. a and c
7. Unlike lactic acid fermentation, alcohol fermentation
a. uses oxygen
b. produces two molecules of ATP for every molecule of glucose
c. regenerates NAD+ by reducing pyruvate
d. is common in animals
e. requires the release of carbon dioxide
8. Which of the following reactions is spontaneous?
b. glucose + fructose → sucrose
c. glycerol + fatty acid → triacylglycerol
d. ATP +
e. glycine + serine → dipeptide
9. How many molecules of NADH would be required to produce one molecule of glucose during
a. 6
b. 9
c. 12
d. 18
e. none of the above
For questions 10-14, choose from one of the answer choices below. Each answer choice may be used
once, more than once, or not at all.
C 10. Sister chromatids are separated
A 11. Dyads are first visible
A 12. Nuclear envelope disintegrates
D 13. Nuclear envelope reforms
C 14. Nonkinetochore fibers elongate
15. All of the following are true of cancer cells EXCEPT
a. they do not exhibit anchorage dependency
b. they can reproduce in many types of tissues
c. they are detected by the immune system because of surface proteins
d. they exhibit density-dependent inhibition
e. they can divide more than fifty times
16. Cyclic photophosphorylation
a. involves NADP+ reductase
b. absorbs light at the 700 nm wavelength
c. requires two electron transport chains
d. requires the splitting of water
e. involves photosystem II
17. Kinases are involved in all of the following EXCEPT
a. the splitting of fructose bisphosphate
b. the production of glucose-6-phosphate during glycolysis
c. the production of pyruvate during glycolysis
d. the production of ATP
e. the checkpoints of the cell cycle
18. The final electron acceptor during lactic acid fermentation is
a. lactic acid
c. oxygen
d. carbon dioxide
e. pyruvate
19. In order for proteins to be used for energy by the cell, they must
a. replace glucose at the beginning of glycolysis
b. enter at the beginning of the citric acid cycle
c. be deaminated
d. go directly to the electron transport chain
e. be fermented
20. Under which of the following conditions would cellular respiration occur most rapidly?
a. oxygen present, AMP levels high, citric acid levels high
b. oxygen absent, AMP levels high, citric acid levels low
c. oxygen present, AMP levels high, citric acid levels high
d. oxygen absent, AMP levels low, citric acid levels low
e. oxygen present, AMP levels high, citric acid levels low
21. What is the sum of the number of molecules of ATP and carbon dioxide consumed by the Calvin
cycle in order to produce a twelve carbon sugar?
a. 9
b. 12
c. 18
d. 24
e. 48
22. The types of light most useful for photosynthesis are
a. green, yellow, and orange visible light
b. red, blue, and violet visible light
c. red and blue visible light, and UV rays
d. green visible light and UV rays
e. red visible light and infrared light
23. Let 2n represent the number of chromosomes in the somatic cells of an organism during
interphase. Which of the following represents the number of chromatids within a cell in this
organism after it has undergone meiosis I?
a. n
b. 2n
c. 3n
d. 4n
e. 5n
24. Let 2n represent the number of chromosomes in the somatic cells of an organism during
interphase. Which of the following represents the number of chromosomes within a cell that
was formed by the fusion of a somatic cell of this organism with one of this organism’s gametes?
a. n
b. 2n
c. 3n
d. 4n
e. 5n
25. During cell cycle regulation, Cdk
a. binds to MPF
b. binds to cyclins
c. degrades during G1
d. multiplies quickly before mitosis
e. binds to the mitotic spindle
26. Which of the following are most similar?
a. anaphase I, anaphase II
b. anaphase I, anaphase of mitosis
c. anaphase II, anaphase of mitosis
d. metaphase I, metaphase II
e. metaphase I, metaphase of mitosis
27. How many molecules of ATP could be produced from one molecule of glucose by oxidative
phosphorylation if NADH were unable to cross the mitochondrial membrane?
a. 14
b. 28
c. 30
d. 32
e. 36
28. Which of the following illustrates the correct path of electron flow during photosynthesis
beginning with photosystem II?
P700 reaction center
Antennae molecules
P680 reaction center
Primary electron acceptor
a. I, II, IV, V, VI, III
b. V, IV, VI, II, III, I
c. IV, V, VI, I, II, III
d. IV, V, II, I, VI, III
e. IV, I, VI, II, V, III
As this question is worded right now, the correct
answer is slightly ambiguous and could be either C
or D. For that reason, let us completely eliminate
choice C from consideration.
For questions 29-32, choose from one of the five answer choices below. Each answer choice may be
used once, more than once, or not at all.
B 29. The number of chromatids in a secondary oocyte
D 30. The number of chromatids in a primary spermatocyte
A 31. The number of chromosomes in a second polar body
B 32. The number of chromosomes in a Sertoli cell
33. In which of the following is the first reactant a reducing agent?
b. NA + 2H → NADH +
c. NADH + pyruvate → NA
d. FAD +
+ lactic acid
34. If acetyl CoA were unable to cross the mitochondrial membrane, how many net molecules of
ATP could be produced from one molecule of glucose by oxidative phosphorylation?
a. 24
b. 28
The correct answer here is 32, and is not included as an
c. 34
answer choice. Acetyl CoA is not the molecule that crosses the
d. 36
membrane, it is pyruvate that does.
e. 38
35. Which of the following describes a difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis?
a. Spermatogenesis produces four viable gametes, while oogenesis produces one gamete
b. Spermatogenesis is interrupted multiple times, whereas oogenesis is continuous
c. Spermatogenesis does not occur throughout a man’s entire life, while oogenesis occurs
throughout a woman’s entire life
d. Spermatogenesis requires the nourishing of special cells, but oogenesis does not
e. Spermatogenesis results in the uneven distribution of cytoplasm among gametes, while
oogenesis does not
36. How many molecules of ATP could be produced from one molecule of phosphoenolpyruvate
(PEP) during cellular respiration?
a. 15
b. 16
c. 18
d. 20
e. 30
37. In cooperativity
a. the binding of an activator molecule to allosteric site stabilizes the enzyme in its active form
b. a molecule similar to the substrate acts as an agonist by increasing enzyme activity
c. the activation energy of the enzyme decreases
d. the binding of one substrate to the active site enhances the binding of subsequent substrate
e. the binding of an activator molecule to an allosteric site increases the rate of enzymatic
38. Which of the following changes always characterizes an exergonic reaction?
a. a decrease in total energy and an increase in entropy
b. a decrease in total energy and a decrease in entropy
c. an increase in total energy and an increase in entropy
d. an increase in total energy and a decrease in entropy
e. all of the above
For questions 39 through 42, choose from one of the following answer choices. An answer choice may
be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Prophase I
Anaphase I
Prophase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Sister chromatids separate
Homologous chromosomes separate
Formation of tetrads
Identical to anaphase of mitosis
43. A cell in interphase has four pairs of homologous chromosomes. Assuming no crossing over
occurs, how many different combinations of chromosomes would be possible in the gametes of
this cell if it underwent meiosis?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
e. 32
44. A new strain of bacteria is found that lives in strongly basic environments at very high
temperatures. Which of the following are most likely the optimal pH and optimal temperature
for the enzymes present in this bacteria?
a. optimal pH of 3, optimal temperature of 100⁰C
b. optimal pH of 3, optimal temperature of 20⁰C
c. optimal pH of 7, optimal temperature of 100⁰C
d. optimal pH of 12, optimal temperature of 20⁰C
e. optimal pH of 12, optimal temperature of 100⁰C
45. Which of the following contains an electron transport chain?
* Typo here, it should read "inner membrane"
intermembrane of the mitochondria
b. thylakoid membrane
c. stroma
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c
46. Which of the following could represent a possible path of an electron during cellular
a. citric acid, NADH, cytochrome, ATP synthase
b. water, NADH, electron transport chain, oxygen
c. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, NADH, cytochrome, oxygen
d. pyruvate, FAD , cytochrome, oxygen
e. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, FAD , electron transport chain, oxygen
For questions 47-50, choose from one of the following answer choices. An answer choice may be used
once, more than once, or not at all.
B 47.
A 48.
D 49.
C 50.
S phase
G0 phase
G1 phase
G2 phase
M phase
Phase in which nerve cells primarily remain
Phase in which DNA replication occurs
Phase in which dynein and tubulin are synthesized in large amounts
Phase that contains a checkpoint to signal an increase in cyclin levels