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Numeracy Passport
Your child has been given a numeracy passport. These are designed to
inform you about the expectations related to ‘number’ for each year
group and give examples of different questions that you could ask your
child to help check their understanding.
If you have any questions relating to the passport or helping your child
with Maths in general, please feel free to come and see me. I am always
happy to help.
Jon Davies
Windmill Primary School
Year 1: Europe
Start at 27 and count
I can count to and across
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 until you get to 65.
100, forward and
backwards ,beginning with
99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93 Count backwards from
0 or 1 from any number.
What number comes
I can count in multiples of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16,
after 16 when counting
in twos?
What number comes
I can count in multiples of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
before 20 when
40, 45
counting in five’s?
I can count in multiples of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
70, 80, 90
I know the numbers that
add together to make 20
What number comes
after 70 when counting
in tens?
13+7 18+2 15+5 19+1 What do you add to 16
to make 20?
I can say what is one more
One more than 5=6
than any number
What is one more than
I can read and write
numbers from 1 to 20 in
numerals and words.
1 one 2 two 3 three 4
What number is this?
How do you write the
number 2?
I can say what is one less
than any number
One less than 5=4
What is one less than
I can count, read and write
20 twenty 67 sixty
numbers to 100 in
Write the number 56 is
numbers and words?
I can solve missing number
12+ ? =30
How would we find the
missing number?
Windmill Primary School
Year 2 : Asia
I can partition numbers
into tens and ones
I can add two 2 digit
numbers together using
pictures or apparatus to
help me
E.g. 14 has 1 ten and 4
How many tens are in
this number? How
many ones are in this
44 has 4 tens and 4
How did you solve this
calculation? What could
you draw to help you?
I can estimate to check if I 45+45 must be less
am right
than 100
What do you know
already that could help
you with this
I can subtract a two digit
number from a two digit
What is 24 take away
I can count in steps of 2, 3
and 5 from 0 and in tens
from any number forwards
and backwards
What is the number
after 54 if we were
counting up in 10’s?
I count in 3’s from 0.
Will I say 13?
28+14= 42
I know inverse operations If 7 + 5= 12 then 12-5=7
∆ − 14 = 28
for number sentences
and 12-7=5
I can order numbers from
0-100 using the < > signs
Windmill Primary School
Which is larger 56 or
Which is smaller 12 or
Year 3: Africa
I can count in multiples of
3, 4, 8, 50 and 100
I can compare and order
numbers up to 1,000
I can find 10 or 100 more
than any given number
567 is bigger than 675
as it has 5 in the
hundreds column.
10 more than 12 is 22
Is 58 a multiple of 8?
Spot the mistake:
Order these numbers:
674, 123, 890, 778
What is 10 more than
100 more than 12 is 112 What is 100 more than
I can recognise what each
657 had 6 hundreds, 5
digit is worth in a 3 digit
tens and 7 ones
How many
hundreds/tens /ones
does 957 have?
I can add and subtract
mentally a three digit
number and ones
356 + 7
What is 456 take away
I can add and subtract
mentally a three digit
number and tens
I can add and subtract
mentally a three digit
number and hundreds.
316 - 8
What is 576 take away
What is 100 less than
I can estimate the answer
95+95 must be close to If 6+6=12 then what
to a question using what is
might 60+60 be?
already known
I can count up and down in
Windmill Primary School
1/10, 2/10, 3/10, 4/10
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
If I was counting in
tenths, what number
comes before 1?
Year 4: North America
I can count in multiples of
6,7,9,25 and 1,000.
If I was counting in 6’s
from 0, would I say 64?
Is 475 a multiple of 25?
I can count backwards past
0 including negative
I can find 1,00 more and
less than a given number
I can order and compare
numbers beyond 1,000
0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6
1,000 more than 5,600 is
1,000 less than 4,980 is
Order 2,987, 1,776,
999, 3,789
What is 9 less than 0?
What is 1,000 more than
8? What is 1,000 less
than 7,890?
If you ordered these
numbers, which would be
the 2nd largest?
How many thousands
I can recognise the value of 5,431 has 5 thousands, does this number have?
each digit in a 4 digit
4 hundreds, 3 tens and 8954
1 one.
I can round numbers to the
nearest 10 or 100
56 rounded to the
nearest 10 is 60
345 to the nearest 100
is 300
Which of these numbers
will be rounded to 60?
56, 54, 34 or 67?
I can derive multiplication 4 x 4 = 16
and division facts up to
16 divided by 4 = 4
What is 7x8? What is 8
divided by 2?
I can count up and down in 2/100,3/100,4/100
0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04
If I am counting in
hundredths, which
number comes before 1?
I can recognise Roman
numerals to 100
How would we write the
number 45?
Windmill Primary School
X=10 XX1= 21
Year 5: South America
I can count forwards and
backwards in steps of
10/100/1000/100,000 for any 7865, 8865, 9865, 10,865
given number up to
I can read, write, order and
compare numbers to at least 123,889 has 8 tens and
1,000,000 and determine the 20 thousands
value of each digit
I can read Roman numerals
to 1,000 (M) and recognise
years written in Roman
I can round any number up
to 1,000,000 to the nearest
567,093 to the nearest
10,100, 1,000, 10,000 and
100,000 is 600,000
I can also round to 1
decimal place.
4.65 rounded to 1dp= 4.7
I can count forwards and
backwards—above and
-61, -62,-63,-64,-65,-66
beyond 0 using positive and
negative numbers
I can multiply and divide
numbers mentally using
known facts, including x
6.4 x 100= 640
and dividing by 10 and 100.
Prime numbers:
I can recognise prime
numbers, squared numbers Squared numbers:
and cubed numbers
Cubed numbers: 1,8,27
Windmill Primary School
When I count in tens,
will I say the number
10100? How do you
Order the numbers
10,987, 345,789 and
How many 1,000s does
this number have?
What would this year
be in Roman numerals?
A number rounded to
the nearest thousand is
4.3243 rounded to 1dp=
What is 134 less than
Is 67 a multiple of 9?
How do you know?
5.6 x ____= 560
Name the prime
numbers up to 50. Is 56
a squared number? 5
Year 6: Australia
I can use negative numbers
in context and calculate
intervals across 0
I can read, write, order and
compare numbers up to
10 000 000 and determine
the value of each digit
I can round any number to
the required degree of
-80, -60, -40, -20
Spot the mistake:
78-100= -22
-80, -40, 10, 50...
If we put these numbers
In the number
in order, which would
9,789,782 the
come first?
number 9 is worth 9
What does this digit
1.5 rounded to the
nearest 1 is 2.
456 to the nearest
10 is 460
192 divided by 6 =
Two numbers each with two
decimal places round to 23.1 to
one decimal place. The total of
the numbers is 46.2. What
could the numbers be?
I can solve problems
involving division using large
1,440 divided by 12
numbers , fractions and
= 120
If I have 536 pencils to
share with a class of 30,
how many would they
get each? Any left?
I can solve problems
involving multiplication
using large numbers,
fractions and decimals
If each person has 23
cards, how many cards
altogether if there are
322 people?
1.28 x 100 = 128
4.52 x 6 = 27.12
21,089 + 23,789 =
I can solve problems
involving addition using
large numbers fractions and 2.5 + 0.09 = 2.59
4/12 + 1/3= 8/12
50,000 - 500 =
I can solve problems
involving subtraction using
large numbers, fractions and
54,321– 3899=
Windmill Primary School
If I have 2 thirds of a
chocolate bar and my
friend has 2 thirds of
theirs, how much do we
have altogether?
I had £345 and spent 1/4.
How much do I have
Windmill Primary School