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1) What is the overall charge of an ion that
has 12 protons, 10 electrons, and 14
1) 2–
2) 2+
3) 4–
4) 4+
2) Which conclusion was a direct result of
the gold foil experiment?
1) An atom is mostly empty space with
a dense, positively charged nucleus.
2) An atom is composed of at least
three types of subatomic particles.
3) An electron has a positive charge
and is located inside the nucleus.
4) An electron has properties of both
waves and particles.
3) What is the charge of the nucleus in an
atom of oxygen-17?
1) 0
2) –2
3) +8
4) +17
4) All the isotopes of a given atom have
1) the same mass number and the same
atomic number
2) the same mass number but
different atomic numbers
3) different mass numbers but the
same atomic number
4) different mass numbers and
different atomic numbers
Midterm Review 2017
5) A 100.00-gram sample of naturally
occurring boron contains 19.78 grams of
boron-10 (atomic mass = 10.01 atomic
mass units) and 80.22 grams of boron-11
(atomic mass = 11.01 atomic mass units).
Which numerical setup can be used to
determine the atomic mass of naturally
occurring boron?
1) (0.1978)(10.01) + (0.8022)(11.01)
2) (0.8022)(10.01) + (0.1978)(11.01)
3) (0.1978)(10.01)/(0.8022)(11.01)
4) (0.8022)(10.01)/(0.1978)(11.01)
6) What is the maximum number of
electrons in the third shell of an atom?
1) 6
2) 9
3) 3
4) 18
7) A bromine atom in an excited state could
have an electron configuration of
1) 2-8-18-6
2) 2-8-18-7
3) 2-8-17-7
4) 2-8-17-8
8) Which electron configuration represents
an atom in an excited state?
1) 2-8-2
2) 2-8-1
3) 2-8
4) 2-7-2
9) The diagram below represents the bright-line spectra of four elements and a
bright-line spectrum produced by a mixture of three of these elements.
Which element is not present in the mixture?
1) A
2) D
3) X
10) According to the wave-mechanical
model of the atom, electrons in an atom
4) Z
12) The elements in Period 3 all have the
same number of
1) travel in defined circles
1) valence electrons
2) are most likely found in an excited
2) orbitals containing electrons
3) have a positive charge
4) principal energy levels containing
4) are located in orbitals outside the
11) Which atom in the ground state has the
same electron configuration as a
calcium ion, Ca 2+ , in the ground state?
1) Ar
2) K
3) Mg 4) Ne
3) sublevels containing electrons
13) Which reaction is an example of natural
Midterm Review 2017
14) Given the reaction:
17) What is the half-life and decay mode
of Rn-222?
1) 1.91 days and alpha decay
2) 1.91 days and beta decay
Which type of emanation is
represented by X?
3) 3.82 days and alpha decay
4) 3.82 days and beta decay
1) alpha particle 2) beta particle
3) proton
4) positron
15) In the reaction
what does X represent?
1) a neutron
2) a proton
3) an alpha particle
4) a beta particle
16) A mixture of emanations from
radioactive atoms is passed through
electrically charged plates, as shown in
the diagram below.
18) How many days are required for 200.
grams of radon-222 to decay to 50.0
1) 1.91 days
2) 3.82 days
3) 7.64 days
4) 11.5 days
19) In which reaction is mass converted to
energy by the process of fission?
20) Which balanced equation represents
nuclear fusion?
The nuclear emanations 1, 2, and 3 are
called, respectively,
21) Given the equation:
1) alpha, beta, and gamma
2) beta, gamma, and alpha
3) gamma, alpha, and beta
4) gamma, beta, and alpha
When the equation is balanced
correctly, which particle is represented
by X?
Midterm Review 2017
22) The energy released in a fusion
reaction comes from
1) a conversion of some of the
reactant's mass
2) the formation of chemical bonds
by the reactants
3) the loss of kinetic energy of the
4) the splitting of a nucleus
23) Which radioactive isotope is used in
geological dating?
1) uranium-238
2) iodine-131
3) cobalt-60
4) technetium-99
24) Which radioisotope is used to treat
thyroid disorders?
1) Co-60
2) I-131
3) C-14
4) U-238
25) Which statement explains why nuclear
waste materials may pose a problem?
1) They frequently have short
half-lives and remain radioactive
for brief periods of time.
2) They frequently have short
half-lives and remain radioactive
for extended periods of time.
3) They frequently have long
half-lives and remain radioactive
for brief periods of time.
4) They frequently have long
half-lives and remain radioactive
for extended periods of time.
Midterm Review 2017
26) Which list includes elements with the
most similar chemical properties?
1) Br, Ga, Hg
2) Cr, Pb, Xe
3) O, S, Se
4) N, O, F
27) Which list of elements contains a
metal, a metalloid, a nonmetal, and a
noble gas?
1) Be, Si, Cl, Kr
2) C, N, Ne, Ar
3) K, Fe, B, F
4) Na, Zn, As, Sb
28) An element that is malleable and a good
conductor of heat and electricity could
have an atomic number of
1) 16
2) 18
3) 29 4) 35
29) What are two properties of most
1) high ionization energy and poor
electrical conductivity
2) high ionization energy and good
electrical conductivity
3) low ionization energy and poor
electrical conductivity
4) low ionization energy and good
electrical conductivity
30) Which group in the Periodic Table
contains elements that are all
monatomic gases at STP?
1) 15
2) 16
3) 17
4) 18
31) Which element is a metal that is in the
liquid phase at STP?
36) Which ionic compound dissolves in
water to form a colored solution?
1) bromine
2) cobalt
1) Ca(NO 3)2
2) Cu(NO 3)2
3) hydrogen
4) mercury
3) KNO 3
4) Al(NO 3)3
32) Which Lewis electron-dot diagram is
correct for a S 2– ion?
37) As the elements is Period 3 are
considered in order of increasing
atomic number, there is a general
decrease in
1) atomic mass
2) atomic radius
3) electronegativity
33) Which electron-dot symbol correctly
represents an atom of its given
34) In the formula X 2O5 , the symbol X
could represent an element in Group
1) 1
2) 2
3) 15
4) 18
35) Which is a common characteristic of
the elements Rb, Te, I, and Xe in the
ground state?
4) first ionization energy
38) As the elements of Group 17 are
considered in order of increasing
atomic number, there is an increase in
1) atomic radius
2) electronegativity
3) first ionization energy
4) number of electrons in the first
39) When an atom of phosphorus becomes
a phosphide ion (P 3–), the radius
1) They have the same number of
valence electrons.
1) decreases
2) They have similar chemical
3) remains the same
3) They have electrons occupying the
same number of principal energy
4) They have completely filled
principal energy levels.
Midterm Review 2017
2) increases
40) Which group in the Periodic Table
contains elements that form ions which
are larger than their atoms?
1) 1
2) 2
3) 13
4) 17
41) Which statement describes the general
trends in metallic properties as the
elements in Period 2 are considered in
order of increasing atomic number?
1) Metallic properties remains same.
2) Metallic properties increase.
3) Metallic properties increase and
then decrease.
4) Metallic properties decrease.
42) Atoms of which element have the
greatest tendency to gain electrons?
1) bromine
2) chlorine
3) fluorine
4) iodine
43) As elements of Group 1 of the Periodic
Table are considered in order from top
to bottom, the ionization energy of
each successive element decreases.
This decrease is due to
1) decreasing radius and decreasing
shielding effect
2) decreasing radius and increasing
shielding effect
3) increasing radius and decreasing
shielding effect
4) increasing radius and increasing
shielding effect
44) Which sequence correctly places the
elements in order of increasing
ionization energy?
45) Which element has chemical properties
that are most similar to the chemical
properties of sodium?
1) Mg 2) K
3) Se 4) Cl
46) Which substance can not be broken
down by a chemical change?
1) ammonia
2) arsenic
3) ethane
4) propanal
47) Which type of matter is composed of
two or more elements that are
chemically combined in a fixed
1) solution
2) compound
3) homogeneous mixture
4) heterogeneous mixture
48) Which substance can be broken down
by a chemical change?
1) antimony
2) carbon
3) hexane
4) sulfur
49) The list below shows four samples: A,
B, C, and D.
(A) HCl(aq)
(B) NaCl(aq)
(C) HCl(g)
(D) NaCl(s)
Which samples are mixtures?
1) H ® Li ® Na ® K
1) A and B
2) A and C
2) I ® Br ® Cl ® F
3) C and B
4) C and D
3) O ® S ® Se ® Te
4) H ® Be ® Al ® Ga
Midterm Review 2017
50) What is the chemical formula for
iron(III) oxide?
57) Which statement describes a chemical
property of silicon?
1) FeO
2) Fe 2O3
1) Silicon has a blue-gray color.
3) Fe 3O
4) Fe 3O2
2) Silicon is a brittle solid at 20.°C.
51) What is the total number of different
elements present in
1) 7
2) 9
3) 3
4) 4
52) What is the name of the polyatomic ion
in the compound Na2O2?
1) hydroxide
2) oxalate
3) oxide
4) peroxide
53) Which is a binary compound?
1) CaCl2
2) KOH
3) NaNO 3
4) MgSO 4
54) What is the correct formula for
ammonium carbonate?
1) NH 4(CO 3)2
2) NH 4CO 3
3) (NH4)2(CO 3)2 4) (NH4)2CO 3
55) Which compound contains only two
3) Silicon melts at 1414°C.
4) Silicon reacts with fluorine.
58) An example of a physical property of
an element is the element’s ability to
1) react with an acid
2) react with oxygen
3) form a compound with chlorine
4) form an aqueous solution
59) Which element forms an ionic
compound when it reacts with lithium?
1) K
2) Fe
3) Kr
4) Br
60) Which formula represents an ionic
1) H 2
2) CH4
3) CH3OH
4) NH 4Cl
61) Which of the following solids has the
highest melting point?
1) potassium hydroxide
1) H 2O(s)
2) Na2O(s)
2) magnesium sulfate
3) SO2(s)
4) CO 2(s)
3) aluminum oxide
4) ammonium chloride
56) In a sample of solid Ba(NO3)2, the ratio
of barium ions to nitrate ions is
1) 1:1
2) 1:2 3) 1:3 4) 1:6
62) Which two substances are covalent
1) C6 H 12 O6 (s) and KI(s)
2) C6 H 12 O6 (s) and HCl(g)
3) KI(s) and NaCl(s)
4) NaCl(s) and HCl(g)
Midterm Review 2017
63) Which type of bonding is found in all
molecular substances?
1) covalent bonding
2) hydrogen bonding
3) ionic bonding
4) metallic bonding
64) Which type of substance is soft, has a
low melting point, and is a poor
conductor of heat and electricity?
1) network solid
2) molecular solid
3) metallic solid
4) ionic solid
65) Which substance contains metallic
1) Hg( )
2) H 2O( )
3) NaCl(s)
4) C6H 12O6(s)
66) Conductivity in a metal results from
the metal atoms having
1) high electronegativity
2) high ionization energy
3) highly mobile protons in the
4) highly mobile electrons in the
valence shell
Midterm Review 2017
67) What occurs as two atoms of fluorine
combine to become a molecule of
1) A bond is formed as energy is
2) A bond is formed as energy is
3) A bond is broken as energy is
4) A bond is broken as energy is
68) Which bond is least polar?
1) As–Cl
2) Bi–Cl
3) P–Cl
4) N–Cl
69) Which pair of elements below will form
a compound with the greatest ionic
1) Pb and F
2) Ca and O
3) Na and Cl
4) Cs and N
70) Which electron-dot diagram best
represents a compound that contains
both ionic and covalent bonds?
71) Given the balanced equation
representing a reaction:
73) The diagram below represents a
portion of a 100-milliliter graduated
Which statement describes the
changes in energy and bonding for the
1) Energy is absorbed as bonds in H 2O
are formed.
2) Energy is absorbed as bonds in H 2O
are broken.
3) Energy is released as bonds in H2O
are formed.
4) Energy is released as bonds in H2O
are broken.
72) Which Lewis electron-dot diagram
represents a molecule having a nonpolar
covalent bond?
Midterm Review 2017
What is the reading of the meniscus?
1) 35.0 mL
2) 36.0 mL
3) 44.0 mL
4) 45.0 mL
74) Which device should be used to
accurately measure a volume of 16.30
75) Which mass measurement contains
four significant figures?
79) An ionic bond can be formed when one
or more electrons are
1) 0.086 g
2) 0.431 g
1) equally shared by two atoms
3) 1003 g
4) 3870 g
2) unequally shared by two atoms
76) What is the product of (2.324 cm × 1.11
cm) expressed to the correct number
of significant figures?
1) 2.58 cm2
2) 2.5780 cm 2
3) 2.5796 cm 2
4) 2.57964 cm2
77) Which activity is considered a proper
laboratory technique?
1) heating the contents of an open
test tube held vertically over a
2) heating the contents of a test
tube that has been closed with a
3) adding water to concentrated
4) adding concentrated acids to
78) Radioisotopes used for medical
diagnosis must have
1) long half-lives and be quickly
eliminated by the body
2) long half-lives and be slowly
eliminated by the body
3) short half-lives and be quickly
eliminated by the body
4) short half-lives and be slowly
eliminated by the body
Midterm Review 2017
3) transferred from the nucleus of
one atom to the nucleus of another
4) transferred from the valence shell
of one atom to the valence shell of
another atom
80) An atom of an element has a total of 12
electrons. An ion of the same element
has a total of 10 electrons. Which
statement describes the charge and
radius of the ion?
1) The ion is positively charged and
its radius is smaller than the
radius of the atom.
2) The ion is positively charged and
its radius is larger than the radius
of the atom.
3) The ion is negatively charged and
its radius is smaller than the
radius of the atom.
4) The ion is negatively charged and
its radius is larger than the radius
of the atom.