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Geo-Chemistry Test Review
1. What is the main difference between mass and weight?
2. What is smallest part of an element that has all the properties of that element?
3. Name the parts of an atom. Which are found in the nucleus?
4. What part of the atom is responsible for chemical bonds?
5. Why do atoms join together?
6. What is an isotope?
7. What is the difference between an element and a compound?
8. What are the two most abundant elements in the Earth’s atmosphere?
9. What are the two most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust?
10. What is an ion?
11. What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?
12. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in the following elements?
A) Fe ( iron)
B) Lead ( Pb)
p _______n ______ e_______
p _______n ______ e_______
12. What part of an atom is negative? _________ What part is positive? _________
What part is neutral? ___________
13. What is the atomic mass? Why don’t we count the electrons when determining the
atomic mass?
14. What do we call the bond that forms when atoms share electrons?
15. What do we call the bond that forms when one atom give electrons to another atom?
16. Which of the following is more likely to gain an electron? Metal or Nonmetal
17. Why are Helium and Neon chemically unreactive?