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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp
AP Biology
Guided Reading Chapter 22
Name ___________________________
1. What were the two major points of Darwin’s publication “The Origin of Species”?
2. Define the following terms:
a. Natural selection
b. Evolutionary adaptation
c. Evolution
d. Taxonomy
3. Detail the impact/position/contribution to evolutionary theory and include a
perspective of time in the following:
a. Aristotle
b. Linnaeus
c. Cuvier
d. Lyell
e. Lamarck
f. Malthus
g. Hutton
4. How does catastrophism relate to the ideas of gradualism?
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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp
5. How did the Voyage of the Beagle impact Darwin’s research?
6. How did Alfred Wallace impact Darwin in his work?
7. What part did adaptation play in Darwin’s thinking?
8. What did Darwin mean by descent with modification?
9. What did Mayr take from Darwin’s work – summarize the observations and
10. How did the concept of artificial selection impact Darwin’s ideas?
11. What three word phrase summarizes Darwin’s mechanism of evolution?
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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp
12. Explain the evolution of Drug Resistance in bacteria in terms of natural selection.
13. Define the following terms:
a. Homologous structures
b. Vestigial structures
c. Analogous structures
14. What is biogeography and why is it important to the study of evolution?
15. How do the fossil record and sedimentary rock provide evidence to evolution?
AP Biology
Guided Reading Chapter 23
Name __________________________
1. What is the smallest using of evolution and why is this important to understand?
2. Define the following terms:
a. Microevolution
b. Population
c. Population genetics
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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp
d. Gene pool
3. What is the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem and why does it appear to be an apparent
contradiction to evolution?
4. What is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
5. Use the blank diagram below to relate the H-W equation to a Punnett square.
6. What are the five conditions for H-W equilibrium to maintained?
7. How can the H-W equation be used to today in terms of human health?
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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp
8. What are the two broad processes that make evolution possible?
9. What is the impact of the following:
a. Point mutation
b. Gene duplication
c. Sexual recombination
10. What is the relationship between mutation rates and generation span?
11. Define the following:
a. Genetic drift
b. Bottleneck effect
c. Founder effect
d. Gene flow
12. Why would we discuss adaptive evolution and what role does natural selection
13. Give examples of phenotypical variation that is not inheritable.
14. Explain the terms phenotypic polymorphism and genetic polymorphism in
common terms giving an example from your own experience. I will be looking for a
reasonable answer for this question – points will be deducted if not answered.
15. How do we measure genetic variation?
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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp
16. How can very small differences in nucleotide sequences lead to such diversity in
the human population?
17. What is geographic variation and how does the term cline relate?
18. What is different about the terms fitness and relative fitness?
19. Why is it said that evolution acts on phenotypes and not genotypes?
20. Use the diagram below to differentiate between the modes of selection.
21. Why does diploidy preserve genetic variation?
22. How does balancing natural selection relate to the term balanced polymorphism?
23. Define and give an example of the following:
a. Heterozygote advantage
b. Frequency dependent selection
c. Neutral variation
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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp
d. Sexual dimorphism
e. Intrasexual selection
f. Intersexual selection
What are the limitations to Natural Selection
AP Biology
Guided Reading Chapter 24
Name __________________________
1. Define the following terms:
a. Speciation
b. Anagenesis
c. Cladogenesis
2. What is the biological species concept?
3. What are the differences between prezygotic and postzygotic barriers to
4. Identify each of the following as prezygotic or postzygotic barriers and write a brief
definition of each:
a. Habitat isolation
b. Temporal isolation
c. Behavioral isolation
d. Mechanical isolation
e. Gametic isolation
f. Reduced hybrid viability
g. Reduced hybrid fertility
h. Hybrid breakdown
5. Detail these other definitions of species:
a. Morphological species concept
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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp
b. Paleontological species concept
c. Ecological species concept
d. Phylogenetic species concept
6. What is the basis for allopatric speciation?
7. What does sympatric speciation mean?
8. What is the difference between autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy?
9. In what types of organisms are polyploidy speciation more common and why do
you think this occurs?
10. What is adaptive radiation and why do island chains tend to be discussed often
with this topic?
11. Compare and contrast the models of punctuated equilibrium to gradualism as
models for the rate of evolution. Does one have to exclude the other?
12. Define the following terms:
a. Heterochrony
b. Allometric growth
c. Paedomorphosis
d. Homeotic genes
13. What impact have the Hox genes had on vertebrates?
How does the evolution of the horse exemplify the concept that evolution is driven by
the interactions of the organism and its environment?
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