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Chapter 1: M1-4
Macromolecules are all the large molecules
which are necessary for life.
This includes Nucleic Acids, Proteins,
Polysaccharides and Lipids.
All of the molecules are composed of smaller
parts called Monomers.
We’re starting with DNA, which is made up of
monomers called Nucleotides.
DNA – Abbreviation for
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Contains all the information
required for cell replication.
Is composed of nucleotides
made of sugar, phosphorous
and bases that are similar to
chemical puzzle pieces.
There are only 4 of these
bases; A, T, C & G. They are
ordered like a code, and the
code contains all the
information that our cells
need to function.
DNA is our genetic make-up, it is the code in
the DNA which makes us who we are.
It directs the synthesis (creation) of proteins.
It enables cells to replicate themselves which is
necessary for our growth and recovery from
The shape it is formed into is called a ‘double
helix’ because it has two strands which twist
around each other.
Chromosomes are
the larger structures
which keep our
DNA organised.
Normally our DNA
is tangled, but
during reproduction
the DNA needs to be
neatly packaged –
this gives us the
The coded information that we actually use in our
DNA is organised into useful segments called
Most of these genes contain code specifically used
for synthesising proteins. It is the shape and
purpose of these proteins that produce the
characteristics that make up who we are.
A chromosome may contain hundreds or
thousands of genes.
The location of a gene on a chromosome is called
it’s locus.
Different species of animals have different
numbers of chromosomes, humans have 46.
Humans have approximately 25,000 genes
spread over the 46 chromosomes.
Each gene has a specific location, and is only
found on that specific chromosome.
Each gene is unique and serves a different
purpose to every other gene.
Genes are specific
sections of DNA
which code for specific
polypeptide chains.
Many proteins have
more than one part
and so have to be put
together from smaller
In this case, a piece
which is used to make
a whole protein is
called a polypeptide
In eukaryotic cells (us) the DNA is stored safely in
the nucleus of the cell. In order to keep the DNA
safe, other cellular processes occur outside the
This means that the cell cannot use the genes
directly from the DNA.
RNA has different forms and fills in all the
intermediate steps.
mRNA, or ‘messenger RNA’, is like a copying
system, which records the information from a
gene, and carries it out to the rest of the cell. This
process is called transcription, from the word
‘transcribe’ which is a very old word for ‘copy’.
The other two types of RNA are tRNA, or ‘transfer
RNA’, and rRNA, or ‘ribosomal RNA’.
rRNA makes up most of the RNA in the cells and
is part of the Ribosomes which work with the other
forms of RNA to construct proteins.
tRNA carries amino acids which are the smallest
building blocks in the process of making proteins.
The Ribosomes connect the tRNA to the mRNA so
that the code mimics the original DNA.
The amino acids that the tRNA carries are then
forced to line up in the sequence needed to form
polypeptide chains which form proteins.
Amino acids are organic
molecules. They are the
monomers for proteins.
In total there are 20
known amino acids.
Each one is coded for by
a set of 3 bases.
These 3 set codes are
called codons.
There are also start and
stop codons to tell the
Ribosome where to
start, and where to stop.
You may have noticed in the previous picture
that there is no ‘T’ in the RNA.
DNA is coded with bases A, T, C & G, but the
cell will only use Thymine (T) in real DNA.
This means that in RNA the T is replaced with a
U (Uracil).
For Reference: A = Adenine, T = Thymine, C =
Cytosine, G = Guanine, U = Uracil (RNA only).
In the cell information flows from the DNA, to
the final product which is typically a protein.
There are two processes involved in the
synthesis of proteins in the cell.
The first part is Transcription, where the code
from the DNA is transcribed (copied) into
The second part is Translation, where the
information coded on the mRNA is translated
into a sequence of amino acids which form a
polypeptide chain.
The molecules involved in this process are:
DNA – double helix, has all the needed information,
four bases: A,T,C,G.
 mRNA (Eukaryotic cells) – single stranded, is a copy
of DNA, is only the length of one gene, has Uracil
instead of Thymine.
 tRNA – single strands twisted into a clover shape,
has an anticodon to match to the mRNA’s codon,
carries amino acids.
 Protein – LARGE molecules (in comparison), made
of amino acids formed into polypeptide chains.
 The purpose of the protein is determined by its shape.
Moving on….
Transcription occurs only
in the nucleus. The DNA
acts as a master copy for
creating mRNA.
As previously mentioned, protein synthesis
happens in the cytoplasm outside the nucleus.
This is why we need mRNA and transcription.
The first step in this process is to ‘unzip’ the
DNA so that the bases are exposed.
The two strands in DNA are connected by the
bonding of the matching bases (A,T,C,G). These
bonds are weak, but still need to be broken apart
before mRNA can be made.
An enzyme called helicase first runs down the
section of the DNA which contains the desired
gene. This enzyme splits the DNA apart, exposing
the bases.
Free floating RNA nucleotides (bases) will then
join up to the exposed bases, making a copy of the
DNA’s code. When this starts to happen an
enzyme called RNA polymerase follows along
behind, connecting the newly attached free bases
to each other in a single strand.
Once this new strand is
complete you have a
finished mRNA strand
which can be sent out to the
This mRNA strand will have
the code required for the
specific chain of amino acids
which are needed to make
the protein which the gene
is designed for.
When it’s finished the DNA
will re-form the double helix
In the process, the mRNA strand which we just
created is translated from DNA code, to the
coded set of amino acids needed to form the
This process occurs in the cytoplasm and
requires a ribosome to function.
The ribosome converts the code on the mRNA
into a polypeptide chain.
This polypeptide chain is used to form a
protein, which could have many different
purposes. E.g. An enzyme.
To start the process the
mRNA arrives at the
Ribosome. The
ribosome itself is made
of a combination of
RNA and protein.
The Ribosome reads the
start codon on the
mRNA and then
attracts an appropriate
piece of tRNA with an
attached amino acid.
Once the first piece of tRNA has
connected the ribosome reads the
next codon and attracts the next
tRNA/amino acid. Once this has
connected, a peptide bond is made.
After the bond is
formed, the first piece
of tRNA is released
and the mRNA moves
along a spot in the
Eventually the ribosome reaches the stop codon and the
polypeptide chain is released so that it can be folded into a
Three stages of Translation:
Initiation-start codon used
Chain elongation- Building of amino acid
sequence from the codons
Termination-completion of the mRNA sequence,
with the use of a stop codon.