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Plant Cells
1. State the organelle that does the following
● The chloroplast converts the sun into energy (glucose) using photosynthesis.
● The Conducting cell flows water and nutrients throughout the plant cell.
● The Root hairs absorbs water for the plant.
● The Nucleus would control the stomata and when it opens.
2. Define the term organelle
Organelle are the small organs inside the plant like the peroxisomes and nucleus.
3.Describe what the function of the Cell
● The Nucleus is like the brain of the cell and controls everything
● The chloroplast converts the sun into energy (glucose) using photosynthesis.
● The Cell wall protects the cell and keeps the Cell in place kind of like our skeleton.
4.Describe Chlorophyll
● Chlorophyll gives the leaf its pigmentation amd captures sunlight for photosynthesis.
5. Identify which type of specialised plant cell is:
● ‘hairy’ The Root Cell is Hairy so it can absorb water
● the ‘gatekeeper’ The nucleus is the gatekeeper as it can control things like
plasmodesmata and stomata opening and closing a cell
● a ‘transporter. The Conducting cell is the transporter, moving Nutrients and waste
through the cell.
6. From the clues given, identify these substances found in plant Cells. Explain the
function of each.
● The chloroplast is the organelle that is green and gives out pigmentation.
● Cellulose is the stuff inside the cell wall
● Air, waste, waste and food particles are found in the Vacuole.
7. Photosynthesis is how green plants make their food
● Plants need Carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food
● The product of the Photosynthesis is giving the plant food and energy to grow.
● Glucose is the sugar that the plants produce
● The reaction gets its energy from past reactions stored in the cell.
8. What would happen to the plant without.
● The plant would die from infection and bad bacteria without cell guards.
The Cell would fall apart if the cellulose is not in a cell
The plant would die because it can’t get energy from photosynthesis.
9. Propose a likely reason why
● Plants are green because of the chloroplast which gives the plant pigmentation.
● Plant walls have thicker wall than animal cells because plant cells have no structure to
keep them in place unlike animal cells which have bones for structure.
● The cells for making energy are at the top of the cell so they are closer to the sun and
can get as much of it as possible.
● There are two conducting cells one for water and the other for food
10. Why are there more animal cells than plant cells.
● There are more animal cells because there are more things in animal that needs to be
done such as brain cells, blood cells, muscle cells etc
11.Propose a reason why animal cells do not need photosynthesis.
● Animal cells do not need photosynthesis because they eat things for their energy.