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Chapter 5 Section 1
much easier to unify than
The city on seven hills (Rome)
Legend has it: Twin brothersRomulus and Remus- founded
the city of Rome
Etruscans lived North of Rome
 Romans
learned much from the
 Senators:
Patricians; served for life and
made laws for Rome
 Consuls: Patricians; elected by Senate to
supervise the running of Rome
 Dictators: Patricians; elected by Senate on
occasions of war
 Tribunes: Plebeians; elected by Plebeians to
guard the interest of Plebeians
 Citizen-soldiers: Citizens; served in the
Roman army
was basic unitmale head of household;
ideal woman was loving,
dignified, and strong
Women played a larger
role in society than did
Greek women
boys/girls from upper/lower
class learned to read/write
 Rhetoric
was important for boys who
wanted to pursue political careers
were polytheistic- many
gods were adopted from Greece
 Zeus
(Most powerful); Jupiter; Juno
 Roman
political/social systems evolved at
home- armies expanded this power across
 Used basic military unit- legion
Volunteer basis and provided your own weapon
Eventually was paid- most income came from
spoils of war
 Roman
commanders mixed rewards with
harsh punishment
 Generally
treated conquered lands with
Had to acknowledge Roman leadership, pay
taxes, and supply soldiers for the Roman army
In return Rome let them keep their own customs,
money, and local governments
To a privileged few, Rome gave full citizenship/
others partial citizenship
Most conquered lands stayed loyal to Rome
Chapter 5 Section 2
 Rome
began to expand westward
conflict between Rome and Carthage
became inevitable
 Between 264 B.C. and 146 B.C.
three wars were fought against
Carthage (Punic Wars)
 1st
Punic War: Rome defeated Carthage
and won islands of Sicily, Corsica, and
 2nd
Punic War: Hannibal led his army
from the North on a surprise attackwon battle after battle in Italy until
Romans attacked Carthage
 Failed to take Rome
 3rd Punic War: Rome completely
destroyed Carthage- survivors were
killed or sold into slavery
 Romans poured salt on the earth so
nothing would grow
 While
fighting Carthaginians,
Romans conquered east as well
 Launched
a series of wars against
Hellenistic rulers
 Slowly Macedonia, Greece, and parts of
Asia Minor surrendered and became part
of Rome
A new wealthy class emerged
 Wealthy
owned latifundia
 Put small farmers out of business
Led to jobless/poor rioting
 Among
first reformers were Tiberius and
Gaius Gracchus
Tiberius wanted to give land to poor farmers
Gaius wanted wider reforms, use of public lands
to feed the poor
The brothers and thousands of followers were
 Debate
over who should hold power- the
senate or popular political leaders
Led to slave uprisings at home
Old legions of citizen-soldiers became
professional armies who were loyal to their
 Caesar
and Pompey dominated politics
Caesar set out with private army to conquer new
lands (Gaul)
Fearful of Caesar’s power- Pompey convinced
Senate to disband Caesar’s army
Caesar secretly marched into Rome and crushed
Pompey and his followers
Then continued on his quest of conquering more
Upon his return to Rome, he forced the Senate to
make him dictator
 Pushed
through many reforms
Program of public works
Reorganized government and gave more
Introduced a new calendar (became our calendar
 Enemies
were fearful of his power so they
stabbed him to death
 His
death plunged Rome into new civil wars
 Mark Antony and Octavian joined forces to
find Caesar’s murders
Led to a dispute between the two
Octavian defeated Anthony and his ally Queen
Cleopatra of Egypt
 Octavian
changed his name to Augustus“Exalted One”
 Avoided calling himself king- but did name a
successor as a king would do
 Began the Age of the Roman Empire
 Augustus
laid the foundation for a stable
Left senate in place and created an efficient civil
High level jobs open to men of talent, not based
on class
Allowed self-government to outlying cities and
 Also
made economic reforms:
Ordered a census to make taxes more fair
Set up postal service
Issued new coins to make trade easier
 Not
all were competent and strong
Caligula appointed his horse as a consul
Nero persecuted Christians and was blamed for
setting a great fire that burned much of Rome
 96-180
a series of “good emperors”
Hadrian codified Roman law and had a large wall
built for protection
Marcus Aurelius read philosophy while leading
 Augustus
to Aurelius is known as Pax Romana
or “Roman Peace”
 Roman rule brought peace, order, unity, and
prosperity from Euphrates River in east to
Britain in west (size of continental US)
 Legions maintained and protected roads and
trade routes
 Trade expanded greatly
 During this time prosperity hid underlying
social and economic problems
Ch. 5 Sec. 4
 Romans
conquered Judea by 63 B.C.
 Romans excused Jews from worshiping
Roman gods because they were
 Among Jews themselves, religious
ferment created divisions
 Jewish conservatives rejected Hellenistic
influences and called for strict obedience
to Jewish law and traditions
turmoil engulfed Jews,
Christianity began to rise among
followers of a Jew named Jesus
Most of what we know about
Jesus comes from the Gospels
(First 4 books of New Testament
of Christian bible)
teachings were firmly
rooted in Jewish tradition
Preached obedience in the laws
of Moses but also preached new
His mission was to bring spiritual
salvation and eternal life to all
who believed in him
 Some
Jews welcomed Jesus, others
saw him as a troublemaker
 Roman authorities saw him as a threat
 Jesus was betrayed by one of his
disciples and arrested, tried, and
condemned to death
 After death on the cross
Gospels report he ascended
into heaven
 Disciples
continued to spread Jesus’ message
 Followers became known as Christians
 Peter spread Christianity to Rome itself
 Paul played most influential role in spreading
Paul traveled around Mediterranean and set up
Also wrote letters to Christians to help spread
 Romans
no longer tolerated Christians
 Christians met in secret to avoid
persecution/ rumors spread they were
engaged in evil practices
 Peter and Paul were martyred during reign of
 Christianity continued to spread despite the
attacks- even brought more converts
within church officials
caused divisions between east
and west
Led to heresies: beliefs said to
contrary to official Church
Ch. 5 Sec. 5
empire faced threats
from inside and outside the
Foreign invasion
Decline in traditional values
stability and
 Death
of Marcus Aurelius- Rome spiraled into
political and economic decline
 Disruptive political pattern emerged
Constant overturning of the throne
26 emperors resigned in 50 years
 High
taxes to support army placed heavy
burdens on small business and small farmers
Farmland lost its productivity
Farmers became “slaves” even though they were
 Diocletian
set out to restore order
Divided the empire in half to make it easier to
He kept control of wealthy east
Gave co-emperor Maximian the West
 Fixes
prices to slow inflation: the rapid rise
of prices
Sons had to follow their fathers
Farmers were forced to stay on the land
Was to ensure steady production
 312
General Constantine gained the
 Continued Diocletian’s reforms and
made more:
Granted toleration to Christians
Established a new capital at
Byzantium, which he renamed
 Eastern
empire became “New
Rome” and was center of power
of Diocletian and
Constantine had mixed results
 Revived
the economy
 Held empire together
 Failed to stop long-term decline
problems and attacks
from the outside bring down the
 Gradually
Germanic groups occupied more
and more of Western Rome
Worst was yet to come
 434
Hun leader Attila started a savage
campaign of conquest
Sent more Germanic people fleeing
 476
Germanic leader Odoacer ousted
emperor of Rome
 Historians referred to that as the “fall” of
Military invasions- partly because
legion lacked discipline and
training; hired mercenaries:
foreign soldiers serving for pay
Political Turmoil- government
became too oppressive and lost
support of the people; constant
civil wars for power; dividing the
empire while under attack
Economic Weakness- heavier taxes
to support bureaucracy and vast
military; reliance on slave labor
minimized exploring new
technology; high death rate with
war not enough people to meet
production demands
Social Decay- some Romans
pointed to lack of patriotism,
discipline, and devotion to duty on
which Rome was built
 An
emperor still ruled eastern Roman
empire for another 1,000 years under
Byzantine empire
 “fall of Rome” is shorthand for a long,
slow change from one way of life to
 People of Italy continued to live much the
way they did before 476, just under new
Many still spoke Latin and obeyed Roman laws
 Slowly
German culture replaced Roman,
cities crumbled and roads disappeared
Chapter 9 Sections 1
Eastern Side after split of
Rebuilt Roman city of
Byzantium- renamed it
 Became
the new capital of his
time- Eastern Rome became
Byzantine Empire
 Located
on shores of the Bosporus StraitLinks Mediterranean and Black Seas
Guarded on three sides by water
 Built a system of land/sea walls for better
 Busy marketplace
EX: Silk from China, Wheat from Egypt, Gems from
India, Spices from SW Asia, Furs from Vikings
 Blended
Greek, Roman, and Christian
influences with other traditions of the
Mediterranean world
 Byzantine
Empire reached peak under
 Wanted to revive Rome by gaining
back original lands
 Unsuccessful
 Rebuilt
 Rebuilt
the capital
Hagia Sophia church
 Justinian
 Impacted
Code: “Body of Civil Law”
as far as Western Europe
 Rules
with Absolute Power
 Ruled
as an Autocrat
 Also held power over the church
(Christ’s Co-ruler)
 Economic
and Military Strength
 Remained
a money economy when
others could not
 One of the strongest military forces in
the world
Possessed Greek Fire
 Practiced
differently in Byzantine
empire than in Europe- caused
increasing tensions
 Europe had Priests/ Byzantine emperor
was over church and appointed patriarchs
 During Middle Ages, multiple
controversies led to Great Schism
Byzantine Christianity became Eastern or
Greek Orthodox Church
West became Roman Catholic Church
 Byzantine
empire in decline by Great Schism
 As the empire faltered, enemies advanced
 Byzantine emperor asked West for help to
fight Seljuk Turks (Islamic)
Led to First Crusades
 By
Fourth Crusade Constantinople trade had
fallen to Venetians
 1453: Ottoman Turks surrounded
Mehmet II renamed Constantinople- Istanbul
Hagia Sophia became a Muslim house of worship
 Their
influence reached across
 Ottomans adapted features of
Byzantine government, social life,
 Continued to spread on build on
Hellenistic world
 Unique contributions in Arts
 Many books written, especially on