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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
BIO 1109 – Principles of Biology
Midterm examination I
Worth either 20% or 30% of your final grade
Monday October 7, 2002
a) Place your name and student number in the space provided below. Be sure that your
name is on the top of each page because the exam may be separated to facilitate
b) Check to be sure that your exam is complete with a total of 12 pages including this
c) Answer all questions in the space provided on the exam. Do not transfer answers to
the back of the page
d) This is not an open book examination.
Name: ..........................................................................................................
Student No:..................................................................................................
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
15 pts Part 1. Briefly explain what each of the following biological terms means. Where
possible include an example to which the term applies.
Cell theory
Scientific Revolution
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
15 pts Part 2: Indicate whether the following statements are true of false by placing a T
(true) or F (false) in the space provided at the beginning of the statement.
2.1 _____ In photosynthesis, energy from the sun is used to move electrons to higher
energy levels; then energy is released for food production as the electrons move back to
their original shells.
2.2 _____ Atoms can interact to give up, accept, or share electrons to produce a filled
outer shell.
2.3 _____ There is no replication of DNA between meiosis I and meiosis II.
2.4 _____ Evolution is considered to be a unifying principle of biology since it explains
both the unity and diversity of life.
2.5 _____ Sexual and asexual reproduction require two different kinds of cell divisions.
2.6 _____ Generally, brain and nerve cells are not able to regenerate after injury because
they have left the cell cycle and are unable to return.
2.7 _____ A hypothesis is formulated from observations or experimental data to explain
the data and to serve as a guide for further research.
2.8 _____ A tRNA molecule folds back on itself to form hydrogen bonds between
different areas of the same molecule, exposing the anticodon at one end and the aminoacid binding site at the other.
2.9 _____ The haploid (n) number of chromosomes is found in nearly all cells of humans
and most other animals.
2.10_____ Cell division in eukaryotes involves two separate processes called mitosis and
2.11_____ DNA replication occurs in the stage of the cell cycle just before mitosis.
2.12 ____ Complementary base pairing always pairs a purine with a pyrimidine.
2.13_____ The barrier between the interior of a human cell and its external environment
is known as the cell wall.
2.14 ____ All molecules that contain carbon are considered organic molecules.
2.15 ____ Carbon contains six electrons in its outer shell.
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
25 pts Part 3 Answer each of the following multiple choice questions by placing and X
in the space to the left of the correct choice. There is only one correct answer for each
question and questions have either 4, 5 or 6 answers to choose from. Be sure your X
doesn’t cross over two answers – if it does the question will be scored as 0.
3.1 In multicellular organisms, mitosis is
________ a. the means of tissue growth and repair.
________ b. a way of generating new kinds of mutant or recombinant organisms.
________ c. the means of sexual reproduction.
________ d. not useful in stem cell lines that constantly replace skin, etc.
________ e. able to occur in only a few cells of specialized tissues.
3.2 If a species contains 23% A in its DNA, what is the percentage of guanine it would
________ a. 23%
________ b. 46%
________ c. 25%
________ d. 44%
________ e. 27%
3.3 Which of the classes of RNA molecules carries the genetic information as it is needed
for the construction of a protein?
________ a. ribosomal RNA
________ b. transfer RNA
________ c. messenger RNA
________ d. primary mRNA transcript
3.4 Which is NOT true about daughter cells of mitosis and meiosis?
________ a. In meiosis, daughter cells are haploid.
________ b. In meiosis, there are four daughter cells.
________ c. In mitosis, there are two daughter cells.
________ d. In mitosis, the daughter cells are genetically identical.
________ e. In meiosis, the daughter cells are genetically identical.
3.5 The nucleus is NOT important as the site of
________ a. DNA synthesis.
________ b. RNA synthesis.
________ c. synthesis of ribosomal subunits.
________ d. protein synthesis.
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
3.6 Organic molecules are those that contain at least
________ a. carbon.
________ b. carbon and oxygen.
________ c. carbon and hydrogen.
________ d. carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
3.7 The alpha helix and beta sheet are found at which level of protein organization?
________ a. primary structure
________ b. secondary structure
________ c. tertiary structure
________ d. quaternary structure
3.8 If one strand of DNA has the base sequence AAGCAA, the complementary strand
has which of the following sequences?
________ a. UUCGUU
________ b. TTCGTT
________ c. AAGCAA
________ d. UTCGTU
________ e. TTCGTG
3.9 Which statement is NOT true about mitosis?
________ a. Mitosis is a process that duplicates and divides the nuclear contents only.
________ b. Mitosis produces two daughter cells that contain the same number of
chromosomes as the parent cell.
________ c. Mitosis produces two daughter cells that contain the same kinds of
chromosomes as the parent cell.
________ d. Mitosis uses a 2n parent cell to form daughter cells containing n
________ e. Mitosis is involved in development of a fertilized egg into a multicellular
3.10 Which of the classes of RNA molecules is never found in the cytosol?
________ a. ribosomal RNA
________ b. transfer RNA
________ c. messenger RNA
________ d. primary mRNA transcript
3.11 Which of the following nucleotide bases is found only in RNA, not in DNA?
________ a. guanine
________ b. adenine
________ c. thymine
________ d. uracil
________ e. cytosine
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
3.12 The correct sequence of events in the production of a polypeptide is
________ a. initiation, termination, elongation.
________ b. elongation, termination, initiation.
________ c. termination, elongation, initiation.
________ d. elong
ation, initiation, termination.
________ e. initiation, elongation, termination.
3.13 The structure that contains the genetic information in a bacterial cell is called the
________ a. nucleus.
________ b. nucleoid.
________ c. nucleolus.
________ d. nucleosome.
________ e. nucleoprotein.
3.14 The events of meiosis II are most similar to
________ a. mitosis.
________ b. meiosis I.
________ c. interphase.
________ d. interkinesis.
3.15 Which is the best definition of active transport?
________ a. movement of molecules from an area of their higher concentration to an
area of their lower concentration
________ b. movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area of high
water concentration to an area of lower water concentration
________ c. movement of molecules from an area of their lower concentration to an area
of their higher concentration
________ d. movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area of low
water concentration to an area of higher water concentration
________ e. movement of a substance against its concentration through the release of
energy from ATP
3.16 Which stage is most associated with a cell that is unable to divide again, such as a
muscle or nerve cell?
________ a. M phase
________ b. G1 phase
________ c. G2 phase
________ d. S phase
________ e. G0 phase
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
3.17 Pinocytosis is an example of
________ a. facilitated transport.
________ b. active transport.
________ c. cotransport.
________ d. endocytosis.
________ e. exocytosis.
3.18 If a sperm cell contains 8 chromosomes, it comes from an animal that has ______
________ a. 4
________ b. 8
________ c. 12
________ d. 16
________ e. 24
3.19 The major functions of the plasma membrane do NOT include
________ a. separation of the fluid environments inside and outside the cell.
________ b. regulation of molecules and ions that pass into and out of the cell.
________ c. recognition and communication between different cells and tissues.
________ d. maintaining connections between adjacent cells.
________ e. production of proteins used in construction of the cell wall.
3.20 In a phospholipid bilayer, the
________ a. phosphate groups are hydrophobic.
________ b. fatty acid tails are ionized.
________ c. fatty acid tails are hydrophilic.
________ d. proteins are located only between the two layers.
________ e. phosphate heads are oriented toward the exterior of the cell or toward the
3.21 Whether a molecule can cross the plasma membrane depends upon
________ a. the size of the molecule.
________ b. the shape of the molecule.
________ c. the chemical properties of the molecule.
________ d. the charge of the molecule.
________ e. all of the above.
3.22 If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, which will occur?
________ a. Salts will move into the cell from the surrounding solution.
________ b. Water will move into the cell from the surrounding solution.
________ c. Salts will move out of the cell into the surrounding solution.
________ d. Water will move out of the cell into the surrounding solution.
________ e. None of the above will occur.
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
3.23 Cell products are secreted from the cell through
________ a. facilitated transport.
________ b. active transport.
________ c. cotransport.
________ d. endocytosis.
________ e. exocytosis.
3.24 Which pair are both structural carbohydrate biopolymers?
________ a. starch and glycogen
________ b. starch and cellulose
________ c. glycogen and cellulose
________ d. cellulose and chitin
________ e. glycogen and chitin
3.25 Which of the following terms best describes a concept in science that is strongly
supported, has not yet been found incorrect, and is based on the results of
many observations?
________ a. a scientific model
________ b. an experiment
________ c. descriptive research
________ d. a scientific theory or principle
________ e. experimental results
20 pts Part 4: Complete the following sentences using the appropriate terms
4.1 Amino acids connect with each other using this type of bond._______________
4.2 Biopolymer of glucose found in plant cell walls. _______________
These fragments have to be stitched together to complete DNA replication.
4.3 The genetic material of a retrovirus._________________
4.4 The number of times that a cell can divide is controlled by this type of
4.5 The part of the M phase of the cell cycle when the chromosome align
4.6 In a condensation reaction that builds biopolymers a molecule of this also results, it
gives the reaction its name.___________________
4.7 The disks that are stacked in a chloroplast.________________
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
4.8 Protein that is a common component of the cytoskeleton.______________
4.9 Cyclins work with these proteins to control the cell cycle
4.10 DNA synthesis occurs as a continuous string along this strand during replication.
4.11 Number of amino acids that are known to occur naturally. ______________
4.12 In addition to a cap at one end of the processed mRNA you'll find this kind of tail at
the other. ______________
4.13 Proteins that catalyse biochemical reactions are this. _____________
4.14 Ribosomes strung out along a single mRNA strand.________________
4.15 The directions of the two strands of the DNA double helix._______________
4.16 These coordinators of protein synthesis are found throughout the cytoplasm of a
bacterial cell. _______________
4.17 During the S phase of the cell cycle this is duplicated. ________________
4.18 This part of the viral cycle produces new virus particles._______________
4.19 This special nucleotide has extra phosphates and is the main energy intermediate in
living things. ________________
4.20 Viral cycle where the viral nuclear material is incorporated with the host's
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
15 pts Part 5: Answer 3 of the following 6 questions in the space provided, each is worth
5 points
5.1 Scientists and the general public use the terms hypothesis and theory differently.
5.2 There are different types of proteins found in a cell membrane. What are the different
types a briefly two of them.
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
5.3 There are five steps associated with the scientific method. What are they and briefly
describe each of them
5.4 Describe several major differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
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BIO 1109 Midterm Exam – October 7, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
5.5 List the stages of mitosis and briefly describe what happens in two of the stages.
5.6 What are the main points of the "central dogma of biology"?
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