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Chapters 4.1 and 4.2: DNA - Molecule of Life & Cell Growth Through Cell Division
Test Review KEY
1. Draw and label the three parts of a DNA nucleotide?
2. What parts of the DNA make up the backbone or sides of the ladder? Sugar-phosphate backbone
3. What parts of DNA make up the steps of the ladder? Nitrogen bases attached by hydrogen bonds
4. What is the structure of DNA? Double-helix
5. What do the letters “DNA” stand for? Deoxyribonucleic acid
6. Where is DNA found in eukaryotic cells? Nucleus
7. Where is DNA found in prokaryotic cells? Cytoplasm
8. Write the complementary strand of DNA for CCTGAGTAC? GGACTCATG
9. What enzyme uncoils/unwinds/unzips DNA when it is replicated? DNA Helicase
10. What types of bonds are found between the nitrogen bases? Hydrogen bonds
11. What enzyme attaches nucleotides during replication? DNA Polymerase
12. What is the base pairing rule for the nitrogen bases? A+T
13. Who won the Nobel Prize for determining the structure of DNA? Watson & Crick
14. What biomolecule is DNA made of? Nucleic Acids
15. What is the purpose of DNA replication? Make an exact copy of the DNA; Make new cells
16. When during the cell cycle is the DNA replicated? S phase (interphase)
17. Cancer is a disorder in which the cells have lost their ability to control what? Growth rate
18. What is the function of the spindle fibers during mitosis? Pull apart the chromatids
19. What happens during interphase? Cell growth; DNA replication
20. What happens during prophase? Chromosomes become visible; Nuclear membrane dissolves
21. What happens during metaphase? Chromosomes line up in the middle; Spindle fibers attach
22. What happens during anaphase? Spindle fibers pull chromatids to opposite ends of the cell
23. What happens during telophase? Cleavage furrow forms; Begins to divide into two identical cells
24. What happens during cytokinesis? Cytoplasm and organelles divide equally; Two daughter cells
25. After mitosis, each daughter cell will have how many chromosomes? 23 chromosomes
26. What is a stem cell? “Unspecialized cell”; Can turn into a variety of different cell types in the body
27. What is differentiation? Stem cells develop into an adult cell (ex: nerve cells, muscle cells, etc.)
28. What are carcinogens? Agents that cause cancer (ex: nicotine)
29. What happens during transcription? “Writing”; DNA  RNA (ex: ATC GGA  UAG CCU)
30. What happens during translation? “Translating”; RNA  Protein (ex: UAG CCU  Protein)