Download Interphase: Chromosomes are doubled

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Interphase: Chromosomes are doubled.
Prophase I:
 Nuclear membrane breaks down
 Spindle fibers appear
 Centrioles pulled to opposite ends of cell
 Crossing over
Metaphase I:
 Homologous pairs line up in middle of cell
Anaphase I:
 Homologous chromosomes pulled to opposite ends of cell
Telophase I:
 Nuclear membrane re-forms
 Two new nuclei are formed
 Two daughter cells are formed
Prophase II:
 Nuclear membrane breaks down
 Spindle fibers appear
 Centrioles pulled to opposite ends of cell
Metaphase II:
 Chromosomes line up in middle of cell
Anaphase II:
 Centromeres break down
 Sister chromatids pulled to opposite ends of cell
Telophase II:
 Nuclear membrane re-forms
 Two new nuclei are formed in each cell
 Four haploid daughter cells are formed.