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In this module you will investigate how the expression of genes is regulated in both the
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Gene regulation is crucial for organism development,
responses to environmental changes, and the allocation of metabolic resources. Organisms
must be able to turn protein synthesis on and off; this is accomplished through the regulation
of gene expression.
As we learned in last week’s module, prokaryotes lack a nucleus, and mRNA transcription of
DNA is immediately translated into a polypeptide (protein). As there is no additional processing
of the mRNA in prokaryotic organisms, transcription is the only process during which gene
regulation can occur. In prokaryotes, gene regulation is accomplished through the use of
positive and negative means. Negative gene regulation reduces the amount of gene expression
through the use of repressible and inducible operons. An operon is a portion of DNA that codes
for an entire molecular pathway, including the operator, the promoter, and the genes they
control (in prokaryotes, all genes related to specific pathway are found in one continuous strip
of DNA). A mechanism for positive gene regulation (an increase in gene expression) is the
activator protein, which relies on the aid of a regulatory protein to bind to DNA in order to
stimulate transcription.
In multicellular eukaryotes, gene expression is particularly important in the development of an
embryo and its associated specialized cells and tissues. Recall that each cell houses the entire
genome of an individual and, with it, the genetic code for every protein in the body. The
regulation of gene expression is responsible for the turning on and off of selected genes in
order to create the specialized cells that comprise tissues and organs. It also determines body
organization in developing embryos. In completely developed organisms, the regulation of
gene expression can allow an individual to maintain homeostasis and react to changes in the
environment. In addition, it is becoming apparent that being able to control the turning on and
off of genes may lead to breakthroughs in cancer research.
Eukaryotic protein synthesis involves multiple steps and provides multiple points during which
it can be regulated: Gene expression can be hindered before transcription begins (by keeping
DNA tightly packed in heterochromatin); it can be facilitated or inhibited during initial
transcription (by modifying enzymes); mRNA can be spliced into alternative molecules (after
transcription) that can be active or inactive; mRNA can be degraded by enzymes before it is
translated; translation initiation can be blocked by regulatory proteins; and, finally, once a
protein has been synthesized, it can be degraded or altered to render it inactive. This may
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seem like a lot of regulation, but it allows the organism to have fine control over the molecules
it makes. The combination of these controls allows a rapid response to environmental change.
The regulation of gene expression is not infallible: Genes normally regulate cell growth and
development. When mutations occur in somatic cells that alter any of these regulatory genes,
it can lead to cancer. Normal cells have safeguards in place, in the form of tumour-suppressor
genes that will stop cell division if a mutation has occurred. However, if a mutation occurs in
the safeguard gene itself, it can cause the cell to increase its cell division. Generally, more than
one mutation is needed to cause cancer. Over time, cancer can result from the accumulation of
mutations, which may explain why, as we age, we are increasingly likely to develop cancer.
At the end of this module you should be able to do the following:
1. Briefly describe strategies that cells use to control metabolism.
2. Explain the adaptive advantage of bacterial genes grouped into an operon.
3. Explain how repressible and inducible operons differ and how those differences reflect
differences in the pathways they control.
4. Distinguish between positive and negative controls, and give examples of each.
5. Discuss differential gene expression.
6. Explain how DNA methylation and histone acetylation affects chromatin structure and
the regulation of transcription.
7. Discuss epigenetic inheritance.
8. Define control elements and explain how they influence transcription.
9. Explain the role of promoters, enhancers, activators, and repressors in transcriptional
10. Describe the controls for gene expression from pre-transcription to post-translation.
11. Distinguish between determination and differentiation. Explain why determination
precedes differentiation.
12. Explain how maternal effect genes affect polarity and development, using an example.
13. Explain how mutations in tumour-suppressor and other genes can contribute to cancer.
 Read Chapter 18: Regulation of Gene Expression, of Campbell and Reece’s Biology, 9th
 As you are reading, address each of the learning objectives listed above.
 Make flash cards for the terminology list provided. This will be beneficial for studying
for the midterm and final exams later in the semester.
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 You may be able to review the PowerPoint Lecture and other resources for this unit.
Refer to your instructor’s notes for more details.
 Discussion Post: Respond to the following Scientific Inquiry (question 13, pg. 380) at the
end of Chapter 18 in your text. Outline a scientific experiment to test the theory in 250
words or less. Be sure to include a hypothesis and null hypothesis, and do not forget to
identify your test and control groups.
o Prostate cells usually require testosterone and other androgens to survive;
however, some prostate cancer cells thrive despite treatments that eliminate
androgens. One hypothesis is that estrogen, often considered a female
hormone, may be activating genes normally controlled by an androgen in this
type of cancer cell. Outline an experiment to test this hypothesis.
 For extra practice, try the Self Quiz or Practice Test on the Mastering Biology Website.
To log onto the website, use the access code provided in your textbook. You will also
find other resources, such as downloadable MP3 tutorials for each chapter, a glossary,
and an electronic copy of your text—you can catch up on your reading anywhere!
cell differentiation
cyclic AMP (cAMP)
differential gene
epigenetic inheritance
feedback inhibition
homeotic gene
micro-RNA (miRNA)
regulatory gene
RNA interference
small interfacing RNA
morph- = form; -gen = produce (morphogen: a substance that provides positional information
in the form of a concentration gradient along an embryonic axis)
proto- = first, original; onco- = tumour (proto-oncogene: a normal cellular gene corresponding
to an oncogene)
(Pearson Education, 2010)
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Campbell, N. A. (2008). Biology, Eighth Edition. San Francisco: Pearson, Benjamin Cummings.
Pearson Education. (2010). Retrieved 2010, from Mastering Biology :
University of Leicester. (2009, Feb 11). Gene Regulation and Expression. Retrieved May 2010, from Virtual Genetics
Education Centre:
NANSLO Biology Core Units and Laboratory Experiments
by the North American Network of Science Labs Online,
a collaboration between WICHE, CCCS, and BCcampus
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License;
based on a work at
Funded by a grant from EDUCAUSE through the Next Generation Learning Challenges.
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