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Name: _______________________________
Honors Biology Test Review
Evolution and Classification - 100 Points
Test Date: __________________
Key Terms:
Natural selection
Homologous Structure
Analogous Structure
Vestigial Structure
Selection Pressure
Cladogram/Phylogenetic Tree
Alelle Frequency
Directional Selection
Disruptive Selection
Stabilizing Selection
Gene pool
Gene Flow
Geographic Isolation
Temporal Isolation
Behavioral Isolation
Binomial Nomenclature
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
1. Describe why Darwin’s voyage on the HMS Beagle was so important to the field of evolutionary
2. Describe why the Galapagos Islands were so influential to Darwin’s discoveries.
3. Name the scientists who were Darwin’s major influences and describe how each one contributed
to Darwin’s idea of natural selection.
4. Define fitness and describe how it relates to the overall goal of passing on one’s genes to future
5. Define natural selection and relate it to your definition of fitness.
6. Be able to relate specific examples (i.e. an insect perfectly disguised as a leaf) to the idea of
natural selection (use natural selection to explain how an organism has evolved over time).
7. Describe how DNA mutations are related to natural selection.
8. Summarize Darwin’s idea of Descent with Modification.
9. Evidence for Evolution – study yellow table handout!
a. Define adaptation and describe how organisms “get” their adaptations.
b. Define and explain mimicry and camouflage as examples of evidence for evolution.
c. Describe how the fossil record accounts for the “time” part of the definition of evolution.
d. Define homologous structure, analogous structure, and vestigial structure and describe
how each is used as evidence for evolution.
e. Describe the two ways that geographic distribution of living species can be used as
evidence for evolution.
Describe how embryology (looking at developing embryos) can be used as evidence for
g. Describe how scientists can now use DNA as evidence for evolution and evolutionary
relatedness between species.
Name: _______________________________
10. Describe how a phylogenetic tree (cladogram) can be used to show evolutionary relationships
between organisms. Also, be able to use a cladogram to make conclusions about which
organisms are most closely related.
11. Describe in general how selection may change a species over time.
12. Describe the 3 types of selection (stabilizing, disruptive, and directional). Be able to give an
example of when each may occur, or be able to identify a described example as one of the three
types of selection.
13. Define species and speciation.
14. Describe how each type of isolation (geographic, temporal, and behavioral) causes speciation.
Also, be able to identify a described example as one of the three types of isolation.
15. Describe what a gene pool is and how variation may be introduced into a gene pool.
16. Describe how we can study a gene pool and changes in allele frequencies to make conclusions
about whether evolution is occurring and how it is occurring (what changes are taking place).
17. Describe the concept behind Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium as well as its five conditions. How are
these conditions and the equation used to determine whether evolution is occurring?
18. Describe how bottlenecking and the founder effect influence evolution in small populations.
19. Know the order of classification of living things, starting with domain and ending with species.
Describe how scientists classify organisms and how they use classification to make conclusions
about evolutionary relatedness between organisms.
20. Describe what binomial nomenclature is and how it relates to classification and evolution.