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Unit C: Body Systems Terminology List
Structural Units
Abdominal Cavity
Contains the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, small
intestines, appendix, and part of the large intestine
Anatomical position The term used to describe the human body as it is standing erect,
with face forward, arms at the side and palms forward.
Studies the shape and structure of an organism’s body and the
relationship of one body part to another.
Anterior (ventral)
Means front or in front of
White semi-opaque nonvascular connective tissue.
Means tail end of the body
Coronal (fontal)
Is a vertical cut at right angles to the sagittal plane, dividing the
body into anterior and posterior portions
Means skull or head end.
Cranial cavity
The brain is housed in this cavity in the skull
Deep (internal)
Damage to inside the body
Away from the point of attachment farthest from the trunk
On the back of the human body
Dorsal cavity
Contains the brain and the spinal cavity
Epigastric Region
Located just below the sternum
Located below the ribs on both sides
Hypogastric Region May also be referred to as the pubic area
Iliac ( inguinal)
Located on each side of the lower abdomen
Means lower or below another
Means away or towards the side of the body.
A band of fibrous tissue connecting bones or supporting organs.
A region located on the front and back of a person near the
lumbar vertebrae
Means towards the midline or median plane of the body
Pelvic cavity
This cavity houses the urinary bladder, reproductive organs,
rectum, remainder of the large intestine and appendix.
Are imaginary anatomical dividing lines which are useful in
separating body structures.
Studies the function of each body part and how the functions of
the various body parts coordinate to form a complete living
Means back or in back of
Means towards the point of attachment to the body or toward the
trunk of the body.
Sagittal plane
Divides the body into right and left parts.
Is a cut made through the body in the direction of a certain plane.
Spinal cavity
This cavity houses the spinal column
Superficial (external) On or near the surface of the body.
Means upper or above another
Thoracic cavity
This cavity houses the heart, lungs, esophagus, thymus, and
Transverse plane
Or cross section is a horizontal cut that divides the body into
Umbilical Region
Connective tissue
Epithelial tissue
Mucous membrane
Muscle Tissue
Nervous tissue
Organ system
upper and lower parts.
Is located around the naval or umbilicus.
Means front or in front of.
Tissues and Membranes
This tissue stores fat or lipid cushions, supports and insulates the
Provides firm but flexible support for the embryonic Skelton and
part of the adult skeleton
Cells whose intercellular secretions support and connect the
organs and tissues of the body.
Cells form a continuous layer covering internal and external body
surfaces, provide protection, produce secretions, and regulate the
passage of materials across themselves.
Is formed by putting two thin layers of tissue together.
Line surfaces and spaces that lead to the outside of the body.
Contains cell material which has the ability to contract and move
the body.
Contains cells that react to stimuli and conduct an impulse
A group of organs that act together to perform a specific, related
A microscopic specialized structure within the cell having a
special function or capacity.
A form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that
maintain various vital processes
Is a structure of several types of tissues grouped together to
perform a single function.
The outer part of the membrane that lines the cavity
Lines the heart cavity and protects the heart.
Peritoneal membrane Lines the abdominal cavity and protects the abdominal organs
Pleural membrane
Lines the thoracic or chest cavity and protects the lungs.
Serous membrane
Is a double-walled membrane that produces a watery fluid and
lines closed body cavities.
A cord of fibrous connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a
bone or other structure.
Multicellular organisms are composed of many different types of
cells. Each of these cells performs a special function. These
millions of cells are grouped according to their similarity in
shape, size, structure, intercellular materials and function.
The part of a membrane that covers the organs.