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Pages 1-18
Anatomy: science of structure and
relationships among structures
Physiology: science of
how body structures
Six levels in human body:
 Cellular
 Tissue
 Organ
 System
 Organismal
Atoms: smallest unit of matter that participate in
chemical reactions
Molecules: two or more atoms joined together
Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, and a few
others are essential to life
DNA, hemoglobin, glucose, vitamins
Formed from combined molecules  cells
Basic structural and functional units of an organisms;
smallest living units in human body
Consists of groups of cells and surrounding
materials that work together to perform a
specific function
Epithelial tissue
 Connective tissue
 Muscle tissue
 Nervous tissue
Have recognizable shapes; composed of two or
more types of tissue, and have specific
Consists of related organs that have a common
Lymphatic and Immune
Highest level of organization; combination of
all systems
Systems work together to:
 Maintain health
 Protect against disease
 Allow reproduction
Metabolism: sum of all chemical processes
Responsiveness: ability to detect and respond to
changes in the internal and external environment
catabolic reactions: breakdown of large, complex molecules
anatabolic reactions: building of body’s structural and
functional components
Homeostatic mechanisms
Movement: whole body motion; organ, cell, and
organelle motion; muscular and skeletal motion
Growth: increase in body size
Also cell size increase
Differentiation: unspecialized cells become specialized
Reproduction: cellular and organismal
Maintaining stable internal environments
within certain limits in response to disruptions
from external or internal stimuli and from
psychological stresses
Mainly in interstitial fluids that surround all body
Regulatory systems
 Detects body changes and sends nerve impulse signals
 Secretes hormones
Receptors: monitor changes in a controlled
condition and send input to a control center
Control Center: sets the value at which a
controlled condition should be maintained;
evaluates input from receptors, and generates
output to effectors
Effectors: receive output from control center
and produce a response that alters controlled
condition to maintain homeostasis.
Disruptions to homeostasis can lead to
disorders and/or diseases
Disorder: any disturbance of structure and/or
Disease: illness characterized by recognizable set of
signs and symptoms
 Signs: objective changes in body functions apparent to
an observer
 Bleeding, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, rash,
 Symptoms: subjective changes in body functions not
apparent to an observer
 Headache, nausea
Aging creates observable changes in structure
and function; increase vulnerability to stress
and disease
Affects all body
Assume body standing erect and facing
observer, head is level, eyes face forward, feet
flat on floor and directed forward, arms are at
the sides, with palms turned forward when
using anatomical terms
Head (cephalic)
Neck (cervical)
Upper limbs
Lower limbs
Indicate the relationship of one
part of the body to another and
aid in establishing location
Superior (cephalic or cranial)
Inferior (caudal)
Anterior (ventral)
Posterior (dorsal)
Imaginary flat surfaces that divide the body or
organs into parts
Sagittal plane
 Midsagittal
 Parasagittal
Frontal plane (coronal)
 Transverse plane
 Oblique plane
Sections result from cuts through
body structures; named according
to the plane on which the cut is
made: tranverse, frontal, or
Imaginary flat surfaces that divide the body or
organs into parts
Sagittal plane
 Midsagittal
 Parasagittal
Frontal plane (coronal)
 Transverse plane
 Oblique plane
Sections result from cuts through
body structures; named according
to the plane on which the cut is
made: tranverse, frontal, or
Spaces in the body that contain, protect,
separate, and support internal organs
Located near back (dorsal) surface of the body
Cranial cavity
 Skull; contains brain
Vertebral cavity
 Backbone; contains spinal cord
Located near front (ventral) surface of the body; contains
organs collectively called viscera
Thoracic cavity; chest area
 Pericardial
 Pleural
 Mediastinum
Abdominopelvic cavity
 Abdomen
small intestine
most of large intestine
 Pelvis
 Urinary bladder
 Portions of large intestine
 Internal reproductive organs
1st Method: two horizontal and two vertical lines divide the
abdominopelvic cavity into nine regions
Right hypochondriac
Left hypochondriac
Right lumbar
Left lumbar
Right iliac
Left iliac
This method is more commonly used for anatomical studies
2nd Method: one horizontal and one vetical line
pass through the umbilicus (navel) dividing the
abdominopelvic cavity into quadrants
Right upper quadrant (RUQ)
 Left upper quadrant (LUQ)
 Right lower quadrant (RLQ)
 Left lower quadrant (LLQ)
This method is more commonly used by clinicians
to describe the site of abdominopelvic pain, mass,
or other abnormality