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Chapter 3, Section 1 Mendel’s Work
Gregor Mendel was a monk. That means that
he spent his life living with a bunch of other
guys, and spent most of his time serving and
worshiping his god. (Which is why he is shown
wearing a “dress” – actually called a habit.)
 Heredity is the passing of traits from parents
to offspring.
II. Mendel’s Peas
 Peas are easy because they have many traits
that are either on or off (short or tall) and
never in the middle.
 Mendel cross-pollinated plants to control the
Mendel’s Experiments.
 Started with purebred plants – one that
always produced offspring with the same trait
as the parent. Took many generations.
 Then cross-bred purebred tall plants with
purebred short plants.
 Parents are the “P generation.”
 The offspring are the finial generations. The
first is designated “F1 generation.”
 All offspring in F1 were tall – the short trait
had disappeared.
 However, the F2 generation was a mixture of
tall and short. 3/4 tall and 1/4 short.
IV. Other Traits
 He studied 6 other traits – seed shape, seed
color, seed coat color, pod shape, pod color,
and flower position.
 Results were the same as with tall/short
plants – one trait vanished in F1 and
reappeared in F2.
V. Dominant and Recessive Alleles
 Female parent contributes one factor, male
contributes another. We call those factors
“genes.” The different forms of the genes are
called “alleles.”
 So, the gene for height, has one allele for tall
stems and one allele for short stems.
 A dominant allele always shows up.
 A recessive allele only shows up when there
are two of them present.
 In peas, tall is dominant over short, which is
why there were no short plants in F1.
VI. Understanding Mendel’s Crosses
 Purebred plants had two identical alleles.
 In F1, all plants had one tall allele (from the
tall parent) and one short allele (from the
short parent). Since tall is dominant, they
were all tall.
Using Symbols in Genetics
 Geneticists pick one letter to represent all
possible alleles for a trait (like T for height).
They use the capital letter to show the
dominant trait and a lowercase letter to show
the recessive version.
VIII. Mendel’s Contribution
 Work was lost until 1900. Now known as
Father of Genetics.
Chapter 3, Section 2, Probability and Genetics
Principles of Probability
 Probability is the likelihood that a certain
event will occur
 Is a likelihood, not a certainty
 Every event is independent – that is, even if
you get 10 heads in a row, the probability of a
heads on the next toss is still 50%.
II. Mendel & Probability
 Mendel was the first to recognize that laws of
probability applied to predicting genetic
Punnett Squares
 Reginald Punnett wrote the first textbook on
 His squares are charts that show all possible
combinations of alleles.
 Using Punnett Squares
 Used to determine the probability of a
particular outcome.
 The alleles from one parent are placed on
one side of the box, lined up with the
spaces. The alleles from the other parent
are placed on an adjacent side.
 Each box gets the allele from that row and
the allele from than column.
 Predicting Probabilities
 Count the number of squares, and that is
your bottom number.
 The number of crosses that you want is the
top number.
 So, in overhead 11, have 4 boxes & 3 of them
are tall = 3/4 or 75% probability of a tall
IV. Phenotypes and Genotypes
 Phenotype is physical appearance, the visible
 Genotype is the genetic makeup, the allele
 Plants could all be tall (have same phenotype),
but some could be TT and some Tt (different
 Homozygous means the alleles are the same
– TT or tt. (Same as purebred)
 Heterozygous means alleles are different –
Tt. (Same as hybrid)
V. Codominance
 When neither allele is masked – that is, they
both show up.
 Uses superscript to show that it is a different
pattern -- FB & FW.
 In cows, color is codominant, so the offspring
of white and red cows will have both white and
red hair – called roan.
Chapter 3, Section 3, The Cell and Inheritance
Chromosomes and inheritance
 Walter Sutton compared number of
chromosomes in sex cells with number in other
cells. Found that sex cells had exactly 1/2.
 When the sex cells come together, the
offspring have the same number of
chromosomes as the parents.
 Chromosome theory of inheritance – that
genes are carried from parent to offspring on
II. Meiosis
 Process by which number of chromosomes is
reduced by half to form sex cells.
 Beginning every chromosome is copied.
 Meiosis I chromosomes pair up, and move to
opposite ends of the cell. Cell splits forming 2
new cells.
 Meiosis II centromeres split and the strands
of the chromosome go to opposite ends of the
 End of Meiosis cell splits to form 2 sex cells,
each with one-half as many chromosomes.
Meiosis and Punnett Squares
 The squares are just a shorthand way to show
what happens during meiosis.
IV. Chromosomes
 Larger animals do not necessarily have more
 Are made up of many genes strung together.
Chapter 3, Section 4, The DNA Connection
The genetic code
 Genes make proteins; proteins control most
 DNA made of four nitrogen bases
 Adenine (A)
 Thymine (T)
 Guanine (G)
 Cytosine (C)
 Each gene has up to a million of these bases.
 The order of the bases is the code
 A group of three bases calls for a distinct
amino acid. The amino acids come together
to make up the protein.
II. Protein Synthesis
 The code on a gene in a chromosome makes a
specific protein.
 Chromosomes stay inside the nucleus of the
cell, but proteins are made out in the
cytoplasm. How is that possible?
 RNA does the work. Messenger RNA carries
the code & transfer RNA brings the amino
acids to the growing protein chain.
 DNA chain opens up, and one side serves as
the template for a strand of messenger
RNA. Bases pair up with that template, just
like when making more DNA (except thymine
is replaced by Uracil (U)).
 Messenger RNA goes out into the cytoplasm,
where it meets up with a ribosome. The
ribosome helps control the process.
 Transfer RNA is only 3 bases long. It
attaches to a specific amino acid and brings
it to the party. It drops its amino acid in
the correct spot on the messenger RNA.
 As the amino acids are put into place, they
bond together, making the growing protein.
 The protein is done (and the ribosome stops
working) when the ribosome reaches a “stop”
code in the messenger RNA.
 A mutation is a mistake in a gene. It does not
mean a third eye, or other change.
 Types of mutations
 Point mutation is where one base replaces
the correct base. This might have no
effect, or cause a reduced function, or not
work at all.
 Phase shift mutation is when a base is added
or deleted. This changes the whole protein
from that point on: “abc def ghi” becomes
“abZ cde fgh.”
 Mutations are passed on only if in a sex cell.
Mutations in body cells only affect that
 Some are harmful, but some are helpful.
Some mutations are neither helpful nor
harmful, they just don’t make any difference.
 Depends on environment. A mutation might
be harmful in one environment, if it makes it
harder to survive, but be neutral or helpful
in another environment.