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BIO201 Crimando Vocab 5
BIO201 Muscular System Vocabulary Review
Basic vocabulary is the foundational step in learning a new subject. This brief list touches many of the terms
you will be learning in this section of the course. Use your notes from class, lecture powerpoints and text for
references in answering these.
Fill in the blanks as you take notes in class or read and study from the text.
Study of muscles: ____________________
Fibrous band connecting muscle to bone: ____________________
Broad flat band connecting muscle to bone: ____________________
Fibrous sheath surrounding entire muscle: ____________________
Bundle of muscle cells: ____________________
Connective tissue sheath around bundles of muscle cells: ____________________
Thin connective tissue surrounding individual muscle cells: ____________________
Bundle of contractile protein filaments in muscle cell: ____________________
Protein comprising the thick myofilament: ____________________
3 Proteins comprising the thin myofilament: _________________, _________________, _________________
Protein comprising the elastic filament: ____________________
Location where motor neuron communicates with muscle cell: ___________________ or ___________________
One motor neuron and all muscle cells it innervates: ____________________
Neurotransmitter chemical used to signal skeletal muscle cell: ____________________
Proteins on muscle cell surface that bind neurotransmitter: ____________________
Enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitter on muscle cell membrane: ____________________
Ion that enters neuron to trigger neurotransmitter release: ____________________
Ion that enters muscle cell to trigger electrical signal on muscle cell surface: ____________________
Plasma membrane of a muscle cell: ____________________
Cytoplasm of a muscle cell: ____________________
Embryonic muscle stem cells: ____________________
Two main contractile muscle proteins: ____________________, ____________________
Two main regulatory skeletal muscle proteins: ____________________, ____________________
Calcium-binding protein in thin filaments: ____________________
Long protein covering myosin-binding sites on actin: _______________________
Basic functional unit of contraction in muscle cell: ____________________
Storage reservoir for calcium ions in muscle cells: ____________________
Tubular passageways from surface through muscle cells: ____________________
High energy molecule split by myosin to provide energy for contraction: ____________________
Enzyme that transfers phosphate to ADP from creatine-phosphate: ____________________
Organelle in cell that produces most ATP via aerobic respiration: ____________________
Number of ATP per glucose produced via glycolysis: ____________________
Maximum number of ATP per glucose produced via aerobic respiration: _______________________
Waste product of glycolytic pathway in muscle tissue: _________________________
Glycolysis product that enters mitochondria for Kreb’s cycle: ___________________________
Storage form of glucose in muscle tissue (and in liver): _________________________
Storage molecule for oxygen in muscle tissue: ______________________________
Metabolic process producing most ATP during peak maximal contraction: ________________________
Metabolic process producing most ATP during extended exercise (>10minutes): ____________________
Organ that “recycles” lactic acid back into glucose: ___________________________
Increase demand for oxygen even after exercise: ____________________
Single brief contraction of a muscle cell: ____________________
Process of a muscle fiber creating tension or generating force ____________________
Increasing tension with repetitive stimulation: ____________________ or ____________________
Maximal prolonged contraction of a muscle cell: ____________________
Twitch speed and metabolism of red “Type I” fibers: ____________________
Twitch speed and metabolism of white “Type II” fibers: ____________________
Contraction with increasing tension but no change in muscle cell length: ____________________
Contraction with no change in tension but change in muscle length: ____________________
Contraction while muscle fiber shortening: ____________________
Contraction while muscle fiber lengthening: ____________________
Lever that magnifies force applied: _____________________________
Lever that increases range of motion: ______________________________
Most common type of lever in musculoskeletal system: ______________________
Calcium-binding protein in smooth muscle fibers: ____________________
Enzyme that transfers phosphate to myosin in smooth muscle fibers: ____________________
Autoimmune disease that targets acetylcholine receptors on muscle cells: ____________________
X-linked inherited disorder of progressive muscle degeneration: ____________________