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Transcript Proteins
Proteins are organic molecules. They are built from the connection of many amino acids
into a long chain. There are many examples of proteins. Catalase and amylase are enzymes,
proteins that cause chemical reactions to occur in a cell. Actin and myosin are the names of
muscle proteins that work together to cause a muscle to contract. There are proteins in cell
membranes that help identify a cell or serve as a receptor. Adrenalin and insulin are two
examples of hormones that are made of protein.
All proteins have a special shape that is the result of the interactions among the side
chains of the amino acids. Instead of being a long single-stranded molecule, a protein is more
like a wound up ball of yarn. It is the shape that a protein coils into that allows it to do its job.
But there are several things that will make the protein unwind. Acids and high temperatures
often cause a protein to uncoil, or denature. Without its coiled up shape, a protein is useless.
_____1. proteins
a. protein that acts as a hormone
_____ 2. amino acids
b. protein that acts as an enzyme
_____ 3. amylase
c. an uncoiled protein
_____ 4. enzyme
d. a chain of amino acids
_____ 5. insulin
e. a protein that speeds up chemical reactions
_____ 6. denatured
f. building block of a protein
True or False
_____ 1. Proteins are inorganic molecules.
_____ 2. Proteins are organic molecules.
_____ 3. Proteins can serve as enzymes.
_____ 4. Proteins are made of nucleic acids.
_____ 5. Proteins are made of amino acids.
_____ 6. An enzyme is a protein that gives energy to a cell.
_____ 7. An enzyme is a protein that causes chemical reactions to occur in a cell.
_____ 8. Some proteins cause movement of muscles.
_____ 9. Some proteins are hormones.
_____ 10. Proteins can serve many different functions.
_____ 11. Proteins only act as receptors in cell membranes.
_____ 12. Insulin is an example of a protein.
_____ 13. Glucose is an example of a protein.
_____ 14. A protein is like a wound up ball of yarn.
_____ 15. A protein will unwind if it is put in strong acids.
_____ 16. A protein will unwind if it is heated too much.
_____ 17. If a protein unwinds, it cannot do its job.
_____ 18. If a protein unwinds, it can still do its job.
_____ 19. If a protein unwinds, it can wind up again.
_____ 20. If a protein unwinds, it cannot wind up again.
Completing Sentences
amino acids
catalase and amylase
actin and myosin
adrenalin and insulin
wound up
high temperatures
1. ___________________ are the building block molecules of proteins.
2. __________________ serve may different functions.
3. The amino acids in a protein are _____________ to make a special shape.
4. The special shape can be __________________ by _____________ and
_____________________, making the protein useless.
5. When protein unwinds, the protein is called __________________.
6. Proteins, like ________________________________, may act as hormones.
7. Proteins are found as _________________ in cell membranes.
8. Muscle cells move because of the proteins __________________________.
9. Proteins, like ________________________________, may act as enzymes.
Answer the following.
1. What are the building blocks of proteins?
2. Name three examples of proteins.
3. What gives a protein its special shape?
4. What does it mean to say a protein is denatured?
5. What are enzymes?