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Name _____________________________________________________________________
I. DNA – Provide the correct letter(s) for each term. Each letter may be used more than once and there may be more than one correct
answer for each term. Please note: The larger rectangles represent double-ringed molecules, while the smaller rectangles represent
single-ringed molecules.
______________ 1. Purine
______________ 2. Nitrogen base
______________ 3. Nucleotide
______________ 4. Hydrogen bond
______________ 5. Covalent bond
______________ 6. Pyrimidine
______________ 7. Thymine
______________ 8. Phosphate group
______________ 9. Adenine
______________ 10. Deoxyribose
______________ 11. Guanine
______________ 12. Cytosine
II. Matching – There may be more than 1 correct answer for each question; however each choice is only used 1 time!
________ 1. DNA wrapped in protein; humans have 46
________ 2. Disease-causing
________ 3. Scientist that took the x-ray of DNA that helped in the discovery of DNA’s structure
________ 4. Showed that bacteria were able to transform
________ 5. Biomolecule group to which DNA belongs
________ 6. Scientist that chemically proved base-pairing only occurred between certain nitrogen bases
________ 7. Five-carbon sugar found in DNA
________ 8. Identified “transforming substance” seen in bacteria as DNA
________ 9. Monomers of DNA
________ 10. Used viruses to prove DNA, not protein, contains the genetic code
________ 11. First identified structure of DNA
________ 12. Virus that infects bacteria
________ 13. Microtubules help separate chromosomes during mitosis
________ 14. The ability of bacteria to take up DNA from their environment
________ 15. Biomolecule group to which deoxyribose belongs
________ 16. Type of bond found between nitrogen bases
________ 18. Type of bond that holds components of nucleotides together
________ 19. Structure of DNA
________ 20. Undifferentiated cells; have the ability to develop into any cell
________ 21. Location of DNA in eukaryotic cell
________ 22. Location of DNA in prokaryotic cell
________ 24. Caused by uncontrolled cell division
________ 25. Phase of cell cycle where cells do most of their growing
________ 26. Enzyme used to break hydrogen; untwist & unzip DNA
A. Avery
B. bacteriophage
C. cancer
D. carbohydrate
E. Chargaff
F. Chase
G. chromosome
H. covalent
I. Crick
J. deoxyribose
K. double helix
L. Franklin
M. G1
N. G2
O. Griffith
P. Helicase
Q. Hershey
R. hydrogen
S. nucleoid
T. nucleus
U. nucleic acid
V. nucleotide
W. pathogenic
X. pluripotent
Y. spindle fibers
Z. transformation
AA. tumor
BB. Watson
III. Base-Pairing – Use base pairing rules to find the complementary strand of DNA
Strand of DNA nucleotides
Complementary Strand
IV. Replication – Label the diagram as directed then complete the paragraph below.
1. Label the ends of the DNA molecule as 5’ or 3’.
2. Identify the structures indicated.
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
d. ________________________________
e. ________________________________
DNA replication occurs in the _____________________ of eukaryotic cells during _________ phase of the cell cycle. During this time, the
DNA is in the form of ______________________. First, the __________________ bonds between the __________________________
are split with the enzyme, _____________________, opening the double helix at points called __________________________________.
The enzyme, _____________________________________ then moves in nucleotides according to ____________________ rules,
_____________ with ________________ and ___________________ with ____________________. Synthesis always occurs in a
_______ to _________ direction, so one new strand is synthesized continuously producing the ___________________ strand; however
the other strand is forming away from the _______________________________ fork. This strand is known as the ___________________
strand and it is synthesized in short pieces known as ______________________________________________. The fragments are then
joined together by the enzyme, ___________________________ to form a continuous strand of nucleotides. Another
___________________________________ follows and proofreads the newly synthesized strand of nucleotides. Each DNA molecule is
composed of one __________________ strand and one ___________ strand. The two identical DNAs are known as
_________________________. They are held together at the __________________ until __________________ of the cell cycle, at
which time they are separated so that two ______________________ cells can be produced, each with its own ________________ copy
of DNA.